Oblongulated thoughts...

Tuesday, February 28, 2006

...noises through the water heating...

LOL I just got off the phone with Steph :D. Hehehehe I would have called Wally too but I don't know her number... *hint hint*.

Hum, so what's happening with me, you ask? Well, while Steph is hearing strange noises from upstairs, Wilson is in a dilemma about boys, and the majority of people I know are starting uni; I have begun my Certificate III and have learnt about OH&S and effective communication. Yay!

No the course actually looks quite good (other than this section).. but still. I feel the need to complain about the boringness of my current life. Just bear with me here.

Lol no it's ok, I'll stop complaining, I always complain.

I went back to deliver the books to school yesterday. I found Mr Briscoe in the middle of talking to a class of year 7s. I'll write the conversation like a script, cause I found it amusing.

Him: Come in
Me:Hi, I have some books Mr Hird recommended I give to you
Him: Oh really?
Me: Yes (handing him the books), they're not actually text books, just other things I found useful
Him: (looking at the titles) Why did you have them then?
Me: Cause of all the stu- (pause, change mind) wonderfully exciting assignments you set us
(Sounds of year 7s laughing)
Him: You don't want to keep them
Me: Can't say I read Aristotle in my spare time, no
(more year 7s laughing)
Him:Oh, OK, thanks
exit stage left

Hehehe those year 7s have the right attitude already. Good on them.

OK well I'm going to go read Bleak House. Tata

Monday, February 27, 2006

Somersby Dressage

Hehe I took Fox to Somersby dressage yesterday and he won one test and came fourth in the other one. I was so proud of him! Hehehe.

I'm still getting through Bleak House, I really like it, the only problem is that I start reading it at 10 or something but have to go to sleep or I don't wake up until 8 the next day! Evil! Lol I should start reading it in the middle of the day, I know, but I usually have things to do then.

Hm so this time next week I start work. I'm excited but I'm also realising that I'm not going to have any free time whatsoever. If I'm working six days a week, and usually competing on the 7th day of the week... It's going to be very busy. Ah well, hopefully they won't be very long days (and hopefully Gendy realises how flexible she's going have to be about the 6 days thing, because I compete a LOT on Saturdays.... Oh well, we'll see!!

I have to remember to buy my books for all my courses today. I've found a website to buy my Level Ones text books, now I need to find one to buy my Italian books, because I can't find them in any normal bookshop. I'm just hoping that they deliver quickly, because I can't go any further with the course until I have them! Gar!

OK well I'm going to have some breakfast then ride. Tata

Saturday, February 25, 2006

showjump school

I went to a clinic today at Pip and John's. It was John's monthly showjumping school and it was SOOOO good. I am just so excited, I can't sit still. I jumped Fox over the biggest toughest course we've ever done, and it was just amazing. I just can't even explain how excited I am. John is a wonderful coach and I just love his lessons soo much. Hehe Foxy and I won the 'most improved' medal, because he didn't have to yell at me about my position today! Hahahaha, I spent just about every day I was there getting yelled at about my position, so this is a big thing.

Ahhh anyway! I have a dressage competition tomorrow (also on Fox, poor boy, he's going to be tired), so I'm looking forward to that as well, but at the moment I think I'm too excited about jumping to be completely focused about my tests. Hopefully it will wear off and I'll be more focused tomorrow. Hehehe having said that I don't really want it to wear off cause I'm just so happy about today! Hehehehe. When I get sent the photo that Deidre took I will post it on here, if I can be bothered!

Hehehe ok that's all I really wanted to say. Tata!!!

Friday, February 24, 2006

Happy post today! No more whinging.

I visited school today, for no particular reason. Actually I made up some excuse about asking mr Peters about getting Steph some more information, but that didn't take as long as I would have liked, so I went looking for mr hird (always garunteed to take a nice long time) and had a chat to him, with some excuse about returning some books to him. It was good. It was like being back at school without actually having to do any work. Lol. My perfect school.

I couldn't believe that I couldn't even find my way around! Seriously, after going to the school for 13 years, it only takes the summer holidays plus a few weeks and they change it so much that I'm lost.

My excuse ended up being more useful than I had thought, because it gave me a reason to go back on monday.

I'm writing a letter to Steph at the moment, and soon I'll get to writing one to Wilson.. It's very strange writing a letter. Oh well, it's fun, I'm being creative! Lol don't get too scared Steph!

I'm in the process of reading Bleak House, I will write how that goes when/if I finish it. It's shaping up to be a bit less waffley than most of Dickens' books, so that's encouraging. I really do want to actually read all these books I went and bought. There is a whole shelf of them. It could take a while!

OK well I can't really be bothered writing any more, so tata.

>By the way, I dyed my hair purple. It's funny.

Thursday, February 23, 2006


"If it makes you happy
then why the hell are you
so sad?"

Good question, Watson, good question.

Once again I'm up after my mother has gone to bed. I wasn't actually planning to this time. In fact I was just coming in to sign out of MSN when Steph popped up, so now I'm talking to her.

I've been thinking. Maybe it's not so great knowing exactly what you want to do with your life. I keep hearing people complaining about not knowing, but they have a choice, they have time to make that choice. I know it sounds contradictory, knowing what you want to do leaves you with no choice, but it's sort of true. I've been thinking lately, if I didn't have horses I would love to go to uni, maybe in Adelaide or Melbourne and live there. I would love to travel somewhere. I would love to do a course in psychology, or english, or a course in teaching, not because I actually want to teach in a school, but because it interests me. I want to do a masters in something.

"maybe [I'm] just like my mother
she's never satisfied"

Yup, that's me, I'm never satisfied. I won't be satisfied with my riding until I compete for Australia in the Olympics or the WEG (world equestrian games), I won't be happy with my knowledge until I've learnt everything there is to learn. I won't be happy with myself until... ever?

OK so because I'm feeling so open and honest at the moment, I'll admit something. I'm afraid of mediocrity. I'm afraid of never reaching my goals, but I'm also afraid of aiming too low and not reaching what I'm capable of. I'm afraid of dying without people knowing what I lived for. I'm afraid of not living for anything worthwhile. I'm afraid of not leaving any more behind me than some disintegrating remains which will eventually smell and be eaten by worms and maggots.

I'm afraid of just being forgotten, and I'm afraid of having nobody to blame for that but myself.

I'm afraid that this fear will just keep growing and growing, and that soon I will be spending every night sitting in this stupid office crying to myself cause I'm just so damn scared.

This is so much more serious than I ever planned for this blog to become. I promised myself I would only write happy things on this blog, not whinge and whine.

I should be happy; both my horses went really well when I rode them today, mum and I didn't argue today (oh well i sort of snapped at her once, but that's nothing). Somehow every time I stay up late on my own everything just gets to me. I should stop doing it. I will try tomorrow night.

Anyway, I'm going to bed


Wednesday, February 22, 2006

Past my bedtime..

No it's not really, but mum just went to bed, and I usually go at the same time as her. I don't know why. I don't mind being down here on my own or anything. It's just a habit really.

I'm missing all the people who have buggered off and left me here. Not in the "oh my god I can't live without them" sort of way.. It's more that I miss their humour, and spending a whole day at Wilson's house watching stupid shows like Buffy, or going to the movies to watch stupid movies with Hilary Duff in them.. I don't know, and this isn't really making sense.

I guess I just didn't think about how much time I'm used to spending with people. At the moment the person I see the most is my mum, and we've never gotten along all that well. Not really. I never realised how much I needed other people to give me a break from her, a break from being at home and just being in a bad mood constantly. The part that sort of scares me is that I don't think even working will change that. I got a 'taste' of independence in my two months away and I loved it. I loved not having to deal with my mum's constant complaining about things that don't really concern me, or her accusing me of things I didn't do. I can survive on my own, without her, and for some reason I thought that she would have changed as much as I did in those two months. I guess I'm just disappointed that she didn't.

I feel bad for complaining about my mum. I feel like a spoiled child. A line from a book I once read keeps going around in my head. One of the characters was having a dummy spit because they didn't want to have lessons from a man who was staying alive just to teach him. The character was going on about how he didn't choose to have lessons from the man and the other character who he's speaking with goes "no, but you're willing to take what he's offering". That's exactly what I'm doing. I'm not willing to put up with my mum and her complaining, but I'm willing to let her help me reach where I want to go. Every time I get angry at her it just keeps going around "you're willing to take what she's offering... you're willing to take what she's offering.." etc, but it doesn't help, I still get angry at her.

I think before I became friends with Wilson and Steph I used to take myself so seriously, and take everything that happened to me so seriously. The last two years have been so good. I'm not saying I miss school, I just miss having them around, and them teaching me to laugh about things. I get so angry at the moment, and about the most stupid things. I know that I always used to, but my friends gave me a break from it, and it took me longer to get angry. Now it's just constant. I tell myself to stop, and I tell myself to not take it seriously but I can't control it.

I don't even know why I'm writing this on here. By tomorrow I'll regret it, so I think I'll stop now, but before I do:

Thankyou so much you guys and I miss you, and one day I will actually remember to send those things I was meant to mail over a week ago.


Tuesday, February 21, 2006


The school sent me a survey today to ask where I plan to go from here. Here meaning "just finished school". I suspect it has very little to do with actual curiosity and more to do with the school's bragging rights if the whole 'Class of 2005' goes straight on to uni because they all just did so well, which must be because they went to the best school. I know it's mean, and don't get me wrong, I did like some aspects of the school, but it's a snobby school at the best of times. Incredibly snobby.

Apparently my mum is going to a job interview tomorrow about working in real estate (something she apparently wants to do) so that's good, if she gets it maybe it will keep her in a good mood for at least a week.

I did my riding assessment for my level ones today. It was OK, I think I did reasonably well.

I have a whole heap of books on this shelf that I can see from my desk, I want to read them but I also don't. They are nineteenth century books, and while I don't exactly enjoy 19th century novels, I also paid money for these books, and maybe (just maybe) they will be as good as A Tale of Two Cities and I will actually end up liking them. I was thinking that maybe if I put all my other books in boxes until we move, that will force me to read them and then maybe I will. If I'm forced to read them at least I will keep going, and then probably end up actually enjoying them. Something to consider anyhow.

I also need to clean up this office, so I think I will do that. Right now. Tata

Monday, February 20, 2006


I went to Tuggerah with Leah today. I bought a total of two things, I am a very stingy person! Hahaha, especially when you consider that I didn't actually buy them, I used my Borders gift vouchers. Hehehehe. I bought Serenity on DVD, then while Leah was looking at books about journalism I found a book called Finding Serenity, so naturally I bought that too!I don't have an obsession! I swear I don't!

No actually, I bought three things, but the last one makes me sound REALLY stingy.. I bought one of those CD cases.. It holds 40 CDs. I bought it at a $2 shop! Lol. Why would I pay $40 or more for something I can buy for $2, and it's not exactly like it has to be good quality or anything like that! Oh well.

I'm going out to Judy's again tomorrow for another day of Level One training. Fun fun. No actually it's not that bad, I just want to get my qualification without actually having to attend. Typical laziness really.

I'm very excited about moving (if we ever do). I already have a layout planned of how I would like the property to be set up, and I keep thinking about my new room and how I want that to look. I don't like walk in wardrobes (is that even how you spell it? it looks so strange) any more, so I would like a cupboard type one. I would also like the bookcase which we have downstairs at the moment. Mum said I can have it because she doesn't particularly like it, and my books no longer fit in the 3 small bookcases in my room. So that is good. Are you interested? Probably not. Oh well, you chose to read this.

Anyway I'm going to go. Tata


Hehehehe I think I had the most successful weekend (as far as placings and scores) that I've ever had. In the open prelim (which includes professionals) Darcy came 4th with a dressage score of 63.6%. In the junior prenovice, Fox came 2nd with a dressage score of 67.3%! Cool, no? Fox won $175 prize money which will go towards my saddle!! hehehehe!

Ooh Leah's here to go shopping, tata!

Friday, February 17, 2006


So, I'm competing at SIEC (Horsely Park for the uneducated) tomorrow. It should be fun, I'm taking both my horses. Yay!

My starting time for work has changed again! Haha I know, incredible. I am now starting on the 6th of March. It's supposed to be 6 days a week, but I'm hoping that's flexible because I'm competing nearly every weekend and a lot of those go over Saturday and Sunday, with two that begin on the Wednesday. I'm excited anyway. The 6th is the final date though, I doubt it will change again because up until now I hadn't actually been given a specific day.

I'm also getting paid $20 to ride a horse once a week for the lady down the road. It's not much, but then it's only half an hour of work, so that's not much either! Apparently by this time next year she is willing to GIVE him to me as a schoolie. She's so nice, and he would be a really good school horse to teach beginners on. He's very cute.

My EFA pack finally arrived today. Apparently it was sent on Monday, can you believe that it takes 5 days for a package to travel from somewhere in the city to my place (about an hour's drive from the city in good traffic)? What is the postal system coming to? Actually was it ever any better, or did we lose our way when the 'Pony Express' was superceded? Is superceded the right word there? I'm not too sure. I need Steph to tell me if it is, but she's buggered off to Canberra and left me here all lonely and without my walking dictionary.

OK I think that's all I have to say. Tata

Thursday, February 16, 2006

Boring ol' me

*sigh* uni sounds like so much fun. Particularly the part where you live there. I know Willy's saying it isn't, but I don't believe her, it sounds fun! I'm starting to wish I could do that Diploma in Victoria. That would involve taking my horses down and living there, which would be good too, if it wasn't so damn expensive! Anyway, I start working in the middle of march, so hopefully that will remove some of the boredom. It is a very sad thing to realise that most of my good friends now live too far away for me to visit/spend time with regularly. I need to make some more so that I can actually do something with myself until other rude people come back to NSW/Sydney/from the city.

I've decided to join a gym. I want to get fitter (duh) which will help my riding. The one on Pellet Lane (in Dural) is $15 to go for a day. I looked at the website for Galston pool and it said $3.50 casual admission, but I don't know if that includes the gym or is just the pool. If it's the gym as well I'm going there! I will have to do some more investigation. Of course, I only have four weeks until I start working, but I'm sort of hoping that I can go in the afternoons after work (depending on times etc). I really need some more details about this working thing, but Gendy is due next Friday and is therefore more vague than she usually is. If the gym at Galston turns out to be expensive, maybe I will just swim some laps every day or something. Strange to think I'm actually considering swimming again, (i LOATHED it when I was little and did squads etc) but I'm hoping that my spite theory will mean that I'll actually enjoy it this time.

I can't wait until we move. Of course I am hoping that we'll move into this place in Richmond. It would mean 30+ acres and for the first time I would live within walking distance of shops. Can you believe it? No, me either. I just hope it all works out.

I have to go to the TAFE at some point to get my 'TAFE card' so that I can borrow books from the library etc. Hehehe I love libraries. I just want to go to the library, not to borrow books for my course or anything like that, just cause I love libraries. Did you get the part about me loving libraries?

I also have to buy my Italian text book, I looked in Dymocks today, but they didn't have it so I will have a look in Borders and Dymocks at Tuggerah when Leah and I go there on Monday. Hehehe I love driving up to the central coast. The actual drive isn't all that fun, but I love the central coast, so that makes it worth it.

Hum. I want to get back into writing. It's typical that during the holidays last summer (when I probably should have been doing school work) I couldn't stop, now I have no inspiration whatsoever. Maybe if I buy an exercise book, like the one I wrote in last time that will help me gain inspiration. Maybe not, but at least then I'll have an exercise book. For what purpose I know not. Hahaha I love that sentence. I don't know why.

These paragraphs all seem to be really short. Oh well, they'll probably be longer in my actual blog. OK well I'm off. Tata

Tuesday, February 14, 2006


Can you believe it, my Italian course pack has arrived?! Amazing. Sadly now I have to get some money for petrol so that I can drive to a shopping centre and look for the text book that I was meant to buy. According to the online study planner thing, if I put in 7 hours of study per week I should be able to finish the first Module by May.. Meaning I should finish the whole course by the end of the year, and then I will do Italian II next year. After that I will start another language. I love languages, I've always wanted to be able to speak at least three, but prefferably five. Of course Latin sadly doesn't count for this, but if I do Italian, Spanish, French, and maybe German or something slightly more interesting then I will have reached my goals (and hopefully I won't forget them all!!) I think it sounds like fun. Sooo if I do I and II of each then it should take me.... the next 8 years. Lol.

I STILL have to send my enrollment forms for the Certificate III of Horse Industry Practice (Performance Horse) so that I can start that, which should also take me til the beginning of the year, then I can start my Diploma, yay! I love learning stuff.

I got Steph's address yesterday, so I'm going to send her and Wilson something today or tomorrow (depending on if there is a mail box in Glenorie so that I don't run out of petrol).

Apparently I'm not going to be working until half way through March now, which is rather annoying. Oh well, I'll just have to try and get as much of my Level Ones done as possible in that time so that I don't have to do much by then. I have to call the EFA, cause they still haven't sent me my stuff, and I'm not very happy about it.

I opened my own bank account a few days ago, which is nice. Apparently if I keep the balance over $500, make at least one deposit and don't make any withdrawals in a month the interest rate will be 3.1%. So I will have to make sure that I do that!! Hehehe. The withdrawals shouldn't be hard, I only took money out of my old bank account twice in the 10 or something years that I had it. They then went and gave me a key card, which makes it a little harder to resist taking money out, but not much.

OK I'm off. Tata

Monday, February 13, 2006

Proper post

Heheheh I will try and write a little more coherently now. Actually, no, I will post the MSN conversation I'm having with Sarah at the moment. If you don't understand that's ok, the other half of it is on the phone, and part of it just doesn't make sense no matter which way you look at it. Be alert but not alarmed.

YAY! I found that haiku book!! hehehehe!!! says:

¯¨´*·~-.¸¸,.-~*´¨$å®ãµ¯¨´*·~-.¸¸,.-~*´¨¯ says:

YAY! I found that haiku book!! hehehehe!!! says:
my ear hurts

¯¨´*·~-.¸¸,.-~*´¨$å®ãµ¯¨´*·~-.¸¸,.-~*´¨¯ says:
lick it

YAY! I found that haiku book!! hehehehe!!! says:

¯¨´*·~-.¸¸,.-~*´¨$å®ãµ¯¨´*·~-.¸¸,.-~*´¨¯ says:
dont fall over

YAY! I found that haiku book!! hehehehe!!! says:
ill try not to... seeing as im sitting down and all

¯¨´*·~-.¸¸,.-~*´¨$å®ãµ¯¨´*·~-.¸¸,.-~*´¨¯ says:
u can fall further

YAY! I found that haiku book!! hehehehe!!! says:
further where?

¯¨´*·~-.¸¸,.-~*´¨$å®ãµ¯¨´*·~-.¸¸,.-~*´¨¯ says:

YAY! I found that haiku book!! hehehehe!!! says:
no up

¯¨´*·~-.¸¸,.-~*´¨$å®ãµ¯¨´*·~-.¸¸,.-~*´¨¯ says:
fall up..the stairs?>

YAY! I found that haiku book!! hehehehe!!! says:
no, up the chair

¯¨´*·~-.¸¸,.-~*´¨$å®ãµ¯¨´*·~-.¸¸,.-~*´¨¯ says:

YAY! I found that haiku book!! hehehehe!!! says:

¯¨´*·~-.¸¸,.-~*´¨$å®ãµ¯¨´*·~-.¸¸,.-~*´¨¯ says:
behind the tree

YAY! I found that haiku book!! hehehehe!!! says:
there are hundreds of trees

¯¨´*·~-.¸¸,.-~*´¨$å®ãµ¯¨´*·~-.¸¸,.-~*´¨¯ says:
why would u confuse the situation

YAY! I found that haiku book!! hehehehe!!! says:
i didn't the trees did, which means the earth did, which means the universe did, which means that scientists should be blamed

¯¨´*·~-.¸¸,.-~*´¨$å®ãµ¯¨´*·~-.¸¸,.-~*´¨¯ says:
recycle their hair

YAY! I found that haiku book!! hehehehe!!! says:
to make paper?

YAY! I found that haiku book!! hehehehe!!! says:

YAY! I found that haiku book!! hehehehe!!! says:

¯¨´*·~-.¸¸,.-~*´¨$å®ãµ¯¨´*·~-.¸¸,.-~*´¨¯ says:
i thought i said pills

¯¨´*·~-.¸¸,.-~*´¨$å®ãµ¯¨´*·~-.¸¸,.-~*´¨¯ says:
i mean i

¯¨´*·~-.¸¸,.-~*´¨$å®ãµ¯¨´*·~-.¸¸,.-~*´¨¯ says:
i mean u

YAY! I found that haiku book!! hehehehe!!! says:

¯¨´*·~-.¸¸,.-~*´¨$å®ãµ¯¨´*·~-.¸¸,.-~*´¨¯ says:
grape juice

YAY! I found that haiku book!! hehehehe!!! says:
made out of cicadas

¯¨´*·~-.¸¸,.-~*´¨$å®ãµ¯¨´*·~-.¸¸,.-~*´¨¯ says:
and their abdomens

YAY! I found that haiku book!! hehehehe!!! says:

YAY! I found that haiku book!! hehehehe!!! says:
cicada abdomens smell

¯¨´*·~-.¸¸,.-~*´¨$å®ãµ¯¨´*·~-.¸¸,.-~*´¨¯ says:
like chicken?

YAY! I found that haiku book!! hehehehe!!! says:
no like wet paper

¯¨´*·~-.¸¸,.-~*´¨$å®ãµ¯¨´*·~-.¸¸,.-~*´¨¯ says:
recycled from drain hair

YAY! I found that haiku book!! hehehehe!!! says:
may not reply because his or her status is set to Busy.

¯¨´*·~-.¸¸,.-~*´¨$å®ãµ¯¨´*·~-.¸¸,.-~*´¨¯ says:
may choose to rake your head for own amusement.

YAY! I found that haiku book!! hehehehe!!! says:
like a japanese pebble garden?

¯¨´*·~-.¸¸,.-~*´¨$å®ãµ¯¨´*·~-.¸¸,.-~*´¨¯ says:
yes but they are fish tank pebbles

YAY! I found that haiku book!! hehehehe!!! says:
i just realised how similar combs are to rakes, so maybe people rake their heads to remove excess hair and make wet paper

¯¨´*·~-.¸¸,.-~*´¨$å®ãµ¯¨´*·~-.¸¸,.-~*´¨¯ says:
perhaps they do

YAY! I found that haiku book!! hehehehe!!! says:
or perhaps they don't

YAY! I found that haiku book!! hehehehe!!! says:
monorails are like caterpillars tied to a string

YAY! I found that haiku book!! hehehehe!!! says:
pamela anderson's desperate

¯¨´*·~-.¸¸,.-~*´¨$å®ãµ¯¨´*·~-.¸¸,.-~*´¨¯ says:
perhaps u shouldnt prevent them from making their own decisions..unless its a bad one, then u can accidently jab their eye whilst raking their head

YAY! I found that haiku book!! hehehehe!!! says:
you would need a flexible rake

¯¨´*·~-.¸¸,.-~*´¨$å®ãµ¯¨´*·~-.¸¸,.-~*´¨¯ says:
desperate to breathe coz her breasts are crushing her lungs?

YAY! I found that haiku book!! hehehehe!!! says:
possibly, or you've missed her eye and have jabbed her nose and mouth which has blocked her airways and now you will have to perform EAR... but if she loses a pulse CPR will be very difficult, so when she loses it you will pretend she hasn't so you don't have to try

Interesting, no?


How great was Grug? I loved him so much when I was little. I loved that he could build a letterbox on his own, and that he had a cellar.

I can hear funny voices

Steph has blue curtains that she won't paint orange

Sarah likes to eat weetbix with vegemite, jam and cheese on them

You can fall further from a chair than from your feet


I think therefore I am

Spacebars make the most noise

I need to buy a notebook

What goes up doesn't always go down

Blogs don't get updated often enough

I know how to get to Canberra

The italian alphabet doesn't have a j, k, w, x or y in it

Haiku poems have three lines

Speakers make sound (nice pun)

I once licked a leaf

This isn't making sense

Welcome to my mind

I have a TAFE diary


Saturday, February 11, 2006


It never ceases to amaze me how one tiny thing can completely change a template or website or whatever. For instance, me trying to put in that fading thing before on this blog made the background white, when i moved it today the background went back to being blue. Incredible, no?

Hahaha well I thin this is my shortest post ever, people are here for dinner. Tata

Friday, February 10, 2006

In for the long haul...

Personally I think that's a pretty crappy saying, but at the moment I'm using it as a warning to my reader/s that this post will probably end up being incredibly long. For one thing; I have a few things I want to write, and for the first time this week I also have a lot of time to write it. Good luck.

The most recent thing I wanted to say was that I finally found that haiku book!!! It's soo good! Heheheheheehehe I think I'm going to take it in and show the english staff at school when I finally return their copy of 'To Kill A Mockingbird'. Basically, the book is called 'One Hundred Great Books In Haiku' and is by David Bader. I discovered it in Borders when I was shopping with Leah. I think I'll post a few that people will find funny/relevant:

De Revolutionibus Orbium Caelestium - Nicolaus Copernicus
Guessus whatibus?
Earthus orbits the Sunnum!
Ptolemy doofus.

Pride And Prejudice- Jane Austen (like you didn't know)
Single white lass seeks
landed gent for marriage, whist.
No parsons, thank you.

(for Steph) Bleak House- Charles Dickens
Fog, gloom, men in wigs -
the Chancery Court blights all.
See where law school leads?

Robinson Crusoe- Daniel Defoe (haven't actually read this yet, but think it's hilarious)
Alone for twelve years,
then a footprint in the sand.
Thank God! A servant!

The Histories- Herodotus (funny for anyone who did the Persian Wars in ancient, i.e. Wilson)
Go tell the Spartans -
the Persian hordes are fierce and
wear funny slippers.

Little Women- Louisa May Alcott
Snowdrops hang like tears.
Shy, sweet, saintly Beth has died.
One down, three to go.

Waiting For Godot- Samuel Beckett
Act I. 'It's hopeless.
My boots don't fit. Where is God?'
Act II. The same thing

Metaphysics- Aristotle
Substance has essence.
Form adds whatness to thatness.
Whatsits have thinghood.

Wuthering Heights- Emily Bronte (although I've never read it myself.. thank god)
Wild. Strange. A bit damp.
Heathcliff waits for Cathy's ghost.
Women. Always late.

good old Frankenstein- Mary Shelley
A mad scientist
creates a ghastly monster
who just wants a hug.

*shudder* Jane Eyre- The Devil
O woe! his mad wife -
in the attic! Had they but
lived together first.

The Importance of Being Earnest- Oscar Wilde
Earnestly posing
as Ernest, Jack learns he's named
Ermest in earnest.

Paradise Lost- John Milton
O'er and o'er God warned,
'Eate not th'Apple!' Man dids't and
God ballistick went.

(heheehe i think that's my favourite)

Yeah, that's just a few. It was only published last year (I found it in the New Releases at Borders so obviously quite late last year)...

So, Wilson left for uni today (or at least I'm guessing she did!). Good luck to her! Lol that sounds like she's going to die there or something. Sorry Willy! I don't think you're going to die! Unless it's from the boredom which comes from living in a hole... Sorry.. I'll try to stop being mean to Canberra...No I won't, I'll just try to keep it to myself more.. No, that's a lie too.. Arg I give up.

OK so, yes, the last two days I spent doing my Senior First Aid Course, and I passed, so within two weeks I will have my Senior First Aid Certificate (hehe I love having to capitalise things, it makes them seem so much more important than they would otherwise). Today we did things like slings, fractures, embedded objects, amputations, bleeding, guts falling out, eyes popping out, burns etc. Personally I will be glad if I never have to use my new skills (although it would make the $110 to do the course seem REALLY pointless).

There were some really interesting people doing the course. One 'older' lady is a swim instructor who has a very accident-prone son. One guy is a surf-lifesaver, and reckons it's the best job because he gets paid $20 an hour to stand around with his hand on his hip and tell little kids to stop running near the beach pool. There was also a lebanese guy who is a forklift driver and did it because it would mean he would get paid $5/hour more. He was hilarious, he said the most stupid things. At lunch the older woman was talking about going to the gym and he was saying that there's no point unless you take some steroids first, and that he did that and now he's heaps more muscly. He then went on to tell us that it's a myth that your genitals shrink (just what we all wanted to know). Despite him, they were a really nice group of people. Well, he was nice too, just a bit strange, and not too bright.

Still no update on the OTEN course (or any votes, VOTE DAMNIT!!!) although their website is now working, which is nice.

OK so tomorrow I have a lesson with Pip at 11, then people are coming over at 7. Sunday I'm taking both horses to jump club at Macarthur (near Camden). Monday I think I'm doing something but I can't remember what exactly. Tuesday I was going to ask Leah if she wanted to go up to Tuggerah, cause I want to go back to the Borders there. Wednesday and Thursday I'm going to watch/help at SIEC.. Friday I'll get the horses ready for SIEC, saturday and sunday I'm competing. Maybe start working for Gendy in that next week. Hahaha, busy, no? Also that next Tuesday I have my next day doing my instructors course.

I should really ring Gendy. I'm just lazy basically. It also tends to take a lot of effort to contact her because it's very rare that she actually answers the phone or SMSs. I'll try tomorrow night. Remind me. No, wait, I won't. I'll try tomorrow afternoon, before the people come over. That sounds better.

Hahaha this is basically just me talking to myself. I've discovered that I do that a lot when I get nervous while I'm driving, e.g. yesterday.

OK here's a question: Do you think it is a form of emotional child-abuse to breast feed a child beyond the time when they need it, for instance, when they are able to eat solid food?

It came up on the radio yesterday morning. Clearly it is not the choice of the child, at the age when babies are usually weaned they are too young to know what they want or decide things (or really even care). Therefore it must be the choice of the parent, and as it really has little to do with the father (except public embarrassment) it is the choice of the mother. One caller defended this, saying that they do the same in Africa. I don't believe you can compare these situations; in Africa children are breast-fed until they are five, probably because that is the most nourishing food they can be given. In our country, however, I don't believe that mere nourishment is a problem (perhaps there are a few exceptions to this, but for the majority I believe this is true).

To my way of thinking this is simply a case of a 'needy' parent, who uses their child's dependance on them for food as a means of feeling loved and needed by their child. The child has little choice in the matter, and while the parent may say that the child enjoys this, or believes it is right, I don't believe the child is old enough to have decided what is "good" or "right" yet, and simply base these "opinions" (if they can be called that) upon those of their parents. I would like to know what happens to this child at school, or even pre-school. Certainly this is not the way the majority of children are brought up in Australia, and the child's peers would certainly find it strange. Whether the child's peers make a big deal out of it and choose to bully them depends on the peers. I would be more worried about the child's future emotional dependance on their mother. Being weaned off breast-feeding is part of gaining their own identity, and sense of independance, even at that young age, and so, in effect the mother is removing that child's earliest form of independance. I feel that this is a case of emotional abuse. It is not deliberate in that it is meant to be abusive, however it must certainly be detrimental to that child as they grow up, and it is certainly a choice made by the parent, rather than a mistake or a forced decision.

To state both sides of the argument, one caller did ring and say that it made their daughter (who was breast-fed until she was six) more "confident in herself" and gave her a greater belief in the unconditional love of her parents. He also suggested that perhaps this is a Western taboo, which is simply a 'social norm' rather than a proven theory.

He and the person talking about the children in Africa were the only two who rang to defend this. All other callers were of the opinion that it is wrong and immoral to the child.

Please feel free to comment.

OK I'm off to bed! In case you are interested, I brought this up after reading a heap of other blogs which all seem to be more substantial than mine. I'm also tired of writing what I've done recently, what I'm doing at the time, what I am about to do. It gets rather monotonous. OK tata!

Thursday, February 09, 2006

Hehehehe I'm evil. Goodnight

I got an Evil Rating of 55 and got the job!

Are you evil enough to get a job too?

Stuff and Nonsense

That's a song that Missy Higgins sung on the Tim and Neil Finn album thing. I don't actually like the song, but it seems to pretty much sum up most of my posts, and probably all of this one.

I did the first day of my 'Senior First-Aid' course today. In other words, I practiced EAR, CPR and ECC on a plastic and rubber manikin which had a screw loose somewhere in its head (quite literally-it wasn't insane).. Then we moved on to the signs, symptoms and how to apply first aid in things like hypothermia, hypo thermia, deep airway blockages, anaphylactic shock, choking, asthma attacks, hyper and hypoglycaemia, epileptic fits, heart attacks, strokes, poisoning, and various bites and stings. It was actually really interesting, although the resuscitation is getting really old and boring. So, if you ever have any of these things in my prescence, be reassured that at this point in my life I do/did know how to treat you.. although if it's further into the future than the next week I probably won't remember any of it.

Driving there certainly wasn't boring. I spent an hour and a half getting lost, so I was an hour late to the damn thing. I won't go into all the details, but it involved a lot of talking to myself, swearing, apologising to other drivers who probably didn't hear me (unless they can focus their hearing like Clarke Kent), making illegal U turns, lane changes, three-point turns, etc. It wasn't my fault, I was scared. It was in Homebush.. past the Olympic area thing.. if you've ever driven through that thing in an attempt to actually get somewhere you will know what I mean... It also didn't help that since my (rather old) street directory was published a fair few roads have been built/demolished/moved/renamed.. GRR and now I have to try and do it all again tomorrow. Geez!

Have to go to dinner with the grandmother, will possibly write more later. Tata!

By the way- you have to vote (read the post below)!!!!!!!!

Wednesday, February 08, 2006

Wilson and TAFE

I'm about to go to bed (have to find my way to homebush tomorrow.. ahhhhh! lol) anyway, I just wanted to say good luck to Wilson and Steph moving to Canberra (even though I hate you both for it)... I'm also beginning to wonder whether I can keep up this run of seeing Wilson every day! lol it's gone on since Saturday now.. soooo 5 days.. Amazing... Saw Steph 4 days in a row, which is also quite remarkable. *yawn* sorry, gotta be quick!

I also wanted to comment on TAFE, or specifically OTEN (the correspondence thing).. I sent my enrolment forms in at the very beginning of December, at the end of December I got a letter saying I'd added it up wrong and still owed $10. So two days later I sent the correct amount to them. Today was the next time I heard from them. I got three envelopes, and assumed that this would be my stuff so that I can actually start the course. The first envelope had a confirmation of enrolment, the second envelope had a course outline (the one I already had), the third one had a student diary and FAQs. I then went and looked at their website, which doesn't work. Now, I'm going to run a little competition here. The applications for the mid-year exams close at the end of April. I want people to guess when I will get my stuff, and thus whether I will actually be able to do these exams. My guess is that I won't get my stuff until May, which is when Semester One ends. If this is the case there is NO way I am paying for Semester Two.. I will pay for the diary, that's all. Please post your guesses in the comments.

Good night.


OK so I just changed it then, it's crappy I know, but at least now I have an archive again, and comments, and it doesn't sing, which is always a bonus.
Have to ride, tata!

It's been a while...

I was planning on posting again once I had fixed my template, but sadly that doesn't seem to be coming along all that fast, so I will just have to keep posting until then.

I've been home for a week and a half now. I didn't organise anything, I'm too lazy. I am really happy to be home, but I miss it too. I think it's the first time I've completely thrown myself out of my comfort zone. Even when I thought it was bad it was good, because (unlike school) I actually chose to be there, which is something I've wanted to do for ages i.e. choose what I do with my time. Pip and I spent the last day making my horse look pretty, we dyed his tail black (he is meant to be black but he goes yellow from the sun) and washed his rug, and washed him. They gave me a card which was so sweet, I spent half the time driving back crying. I gave them a whole heap of biscuits and stuff -Pip had told me she liked them as Christmas presents, and John had told me he liked them as long as they weren't with salmon dip (needless to say, that was a strange conversation).. Hence my msn name "I wouldn't have gotten cranky with you if I'd known you would buy me biscuits"-John.. If you had met him you would know how funny this was. So yes, I do miss them, they were so nice to me (most of the time lol) and taught me sooo much. I have a 144 page notebook almost full of notes that I took!

Anyway, since I've been back I have... seen Memoirs of a Geisha twice, which I loved and am now reading the book, bought a book which summarises 'the classics' into haiku, by 'the classics' I mean things like Jane Eyre, Little Women, War and Peace, Bleak House, The Importance of Being Earnest etc, even Waiting For Godot is in there. Sadly Leah switched our bags (but put her book in my bag) so I don't actually have it to read through them all. I must get that back from her. Maybe on Monday? OK anyway, then on Friday I went to watch Tempo Summer Classic (it's a showjumping competition) in the hope of watching John, because I had heard he would be there, but he'd already left by the time I got there.. Steph also got her Ps on Friday, although that had nothing to do with me (except that I keep hearing about it :P) On Saturday I went to Pony Club registration day and talked to Esther for about 3 hours, that night I went to Wilson's and got a whole four hours of sleep. On Sunday I went and visited people at Pony Club, then went to see Missy Higgins in her concerty thing "on the green" which was at a winery in Bowral (and was great)... On Monday I enrolled myself in TAFE for the Certificate III in somethingorother which I have to do before I do my Diploma of Horse Industry Management, because they are updating the course as of next year, and I want to do the new one! I also made about a million other phone calls.. On Monday night I went back to Wilson's for my last chance to say "don't go" to her and Steph (even though I was going to Steph's the next night... work that one out for me)... so I left her place at 11.. and got 6 hours sleep before waking up to go to my first day of things I have to do to become a riding instructor.. So far I've done my Introductory Horse Management Theory Paper.. We also organised for me and one of the other people to do a Senior First Aid course on Thursday and Friday.. Then I went home, rode quickly and went to Steph's house (with a lot of getting lost and making illegal U turns and running over roundabouts and parking illegally in between).. so that was fun, the night I mean, not getting lost. Today I have to ride, go to the bank and close my account and open a new one somewhere else (because if I stay with my current bank I will end up with negative money in about a month).. yes, then the first aid, then Saturday I am having a lesson with Pip then having people over for dinner, Sunday is jump club... arg... then I think the week after next I start working for Gendy full time.. Busy, no?

That was a very long paragraph, with a lot of ...'s but not many full stops! Anyway, that is an update on me. Not as interesting as the people going to uni I am sure, but oh well. At least I'm not a sheep :P and TAFE costs $590 for the year, not a million dollars :P and I don't have to live in a hole like some people :P When Steph and Wilson know their address they have to tell me so I can send them annoying junk mail! :P :P :P hehehehe.

OK well I'm off.. Tata, more later (and hopefully a new template too!)