Oblongulated thoughts...

Friday, February 17, 2006


So, I'm competing at SIEC (Horsely Park for the uneducated) tomorrow. It should be fun, I'm taking both my horses. Yay!

My starting time for work has changed again! Haha I know, incredible. I am now starting on the 6th of March. It's supposed to be 6 days a week, but I'm hoping that's flexible because I'm competing nearly every weekend and a lot of those go over Saturday and Sunday, with two that begin on the Wednesday. I'm excited anyway. The 6th is the final date though, I doubt it will change again because up until now I hadn't actually been given a specific day.

I'm also getting paid $20 to ride a horse once a week for the lady down the road. It's not much, but then it's only half an hour of work, so that's not much either! Apparently by this time next year she is willing to GIVE him to me as a schoolie. She's so nice, and he would be a really good school horse to teach beginners on. He's very cute.

My EFA pack finally arrived today. Apparently it was sent on Monday, can you believe that it takes 5 days for a package to travel from somewhere in the city to my place (about an hour's drive from the city in good traffic)? What is the postal system coming to? Actually was it ever any better, or did we lose our way when the 'Pony Express' was superceded? Is superceded the right word there? I'm not too sure. I need Steph to tell me if it is, but she's buggered off to Canberra and left me here all lonely and without my walking dictionary.

OK I think that's all I have to say. Tata


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