Oblongulated thoughts...

Thursday, February 09, 2006

Stuff and Nonsense

That's a song that Missy Higgins sung on the Tim and Neil Finn album thing. I don't actually like the song, but it seems to pretty much sum up most of my posts, and probably all of this one.

I did the first day of my 'Senior First-Aid' course today. In other words, I practiced EAR, CPR and ECC on a plastic and rubber manikin which had a screw loose somewhere in its head (quite literally-it wasn't insane).. Then we moved on to the signs, symptoms and how to apply first aid in things like hypothermia, hypo thermia, deep airway blockages, anaphylactic shock, choking, asthma attacks, hyper and hypoglycaemia, epileptic fits, heart attacks, strokes, poisoning, and various bites and stings. It was actually really interesting, although the resuscitation is getting really old and boring. So, if you ever have any of these things in my prescence, be reassured that at this point in my life I do/did know how to treat you.. although if it's further into the future than the next week I probably won't remember any of it.

Driving there certainly wasn't boring. I spent an hour and a half getting lost, so I was an hour late to the damn thing. I won't go into all the details, but it involved a lot of talking to myself, swearing, apologising to other drivers who probably didn't hear me (unless they can focus their hearing like Clarke Kent), making illegal U turns, lane changes, three-point turns, etc. It wasn't my fault, I was scared. It was in Homebush.. past the Olympic area thing.. if you've ever driven through that thing in an attempt to actually get somewhere you will know what I mean... It also didn't help that since my (rather old) street directory was published a fair few roads have been built/demolished/moved/renamed.. GRR and now I have to try and do it all again tomorrow. Geez!

Have to go to dinner with the grandmother, will possibly write more later. Tata!

By the way- you have to vote (read the post below)!!!!!!!!


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