Oblongulated thoughts...

Wednesday, February 08, 2006

It's been a while...

I was planning on posting again once I had fixed my template, but sadly that doesn't seem to be coming along all that fast, so I will just have to keep posting until then.

I've been home for a week and a half now. I didn't organise anything, I'm too lazy. I am really happy to be home, but I miss it too. I think it's the first time I've completely thrown myself out of my comfort zone. Even when I thought it was bad it was good, because (unlike school) I actually chose to be there, which is something I've wanted to do for ages i.e. choose what I do with my time. Pip and I spent the last day making my horse look pretty, we dyed his tail black (he is meant to be black but he goes yellow from the sun) and washed his rug, and washed him. They gave me a card which was so sweet, I spent half the time driving back crying. I gave them a whole heap of biscuits and stuff -Pip had told me she liked them as Christmas presents, and John had told me he liked them as long as they weren't with salmon dip (needless to say, that was a strange conversation).. Hence my msn name "I wouldn't have gotten cranky with you if I'd known you would buy me biscuits"-John.. If you had met him you would know how funny this was. So yes, I do miss them, they were so nice to me (most of the time lol) and taught me sooo much. I have a 144 page notebook almost full of notes that I took!

Anyway, since I've been back I have... seen Memoirs of a Geisha twice, which I loved and am now reading the book, bought a book which summarises 'the classics' into haiku, by 'the classics' I mean things like Jane Eyre, Little Women, War and Peace, Bleak House, The Importance of Being Earnest etc, even Waiting For Godot is in there. Sadly Leah switched our bags (but put her book in my bag) so I don't actually have it to read through them all. I must get that back from her. Maybe on Monday? OK anyway, then on Friday I went to watch Tempo Summer Classic (it's a showjumping competition) in the hope of watching John, because I had heard he would be there, but he'd already left by the time I got there.. Steph also got her Ps on Friday, although that had nothing to do with me (except that I keep hearing about it :P) On Saturday I went to Pony Club registration day and talked to Esther for about 3 hours, that night I went to Wilson's and got a whole four hours of sleep. On Sunday I went and visited people at Pony Club, then went to see Missy Higgins in her concerty thing "on the green" which was at a winery in Bowral (and was great)... On Monday I enrolled myself in TAFE for the Certificate III in somethingorother which I have to do before I do my Diploma of Horse Industry Management, because they are updating the course as of next year, and I want to do the new one! I also made about a million other phone calls.. On Monday night I went back to Wilson's for my last chance to say "don't go" to her and Steph (even though I was going to Steph's the next night... work that one out for me)... so I left her place at 11.. and got 6 hours sleep before waking up to go to my first day of things I have to do to become a riding instructor.. So far I've done my Introductory Horse Management Theory Paper.. We also organised for me and one of the other people to do a Senior First Aid course on Thursday and Friday.. Then I went home, rode quickly and went to Steph's house (with a lot of getting lost and making illegal U turns and running over roundabouts and parking illegally in between).. so that was fun, the night I mean, not getting lost. Today I have to ride, go to the bank and close my account and open a new one somewhere else (because if I stay with my current bank I will end up with negative money in about a month).. yes, then the first aid, then Saturday I am having a lesson with Pip then having people over for dinner, Sunday is jump club... arg... then I think the week after next I start working for Gendy full time.. Busy, no?

That was a very long paragraph, with a lot of ...'s but not many full stops! Anyway, that is an update on me. Not as interesting as the people going to uni I am sure, but oh well. At least I'm not a sheep :P and TAFE costs $590 for the year, not a million dollars :P and I don't have to live in a hole like some people :P When Steph and Wilson know their address they have to tell me so I can send them annoying junk mail! :P :P :P hehehehe.

OK well I'm off.. Tata, more later (and hopefully a new template too!)


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