Oblongulated thoughts...

Friday, November 11, 2005

End of HSC

I figured that yesterday I should have written something profound, seeing as it was my last HSC exam. I didn't. I didn't even stay until the end to find out how everyone else did. To tell the truth I didn't feel any different than I'd been feeling all week. As far as I was concerned the HSC finished with ancient as far as effort goes (for some reason mr Hird found this concept hilarious?)... Needless to say I did about half an hour of study for hospitality that morning, then waited around for a few hours before my exam.

Actually, I didn't exactly "wait around"... I e-mailed these people who are quite well known in the eventing world, and breed some really impressive event horses. They are looking for someone to work for them over the summer, starting as soon as possible and finishing probably at the end of january or a little bit later. I gave them my name etc and they sound interested.. It would be SO great if I got to do it....

Until then I'm happy, on Sunday (I think it's sunday) I am moving both my horses to Gendy's place. She is going to use one of them for lessons, and I get to work for her, and ride her horse (seeing as she can't ride now cause she's pregnant).. so that will be fun too.

Wilson's party is tomorrow, I was freaking out today 'cause I hadn't bought her anything, then realised I'd already given her the present the day before (i think) her actual birthday. Hehehe maybe I'll just get a card.

I went into school today to get some more people to sign me out.. I managed to find the head of maths before he disappeared into the staff morning tea - interesting note: they forgot the food... for a morning tea... and they're supposed to be teachers, i.e. smart lol- anyway I also saw ms Alderson's baby when she and mrs McFadden walked past.. Lol i think she and mr hird thought I was weird, I was at school for an hour and a half! Lol I also gave 8 books to the bookshop, donated 3 of my old latin books back to mrs wiese, gave two books to mr Gates (seeing as he was the only one in the english staffroom), got mr painter's signature for both himself and ms raphael who wasnt there today, walked up to the library to thank mr peters and found out he wasnt there, got signed off by the librarians, said goodbye to mrs isberg (long story behind that one) and then attempted to find mr fielden.. who i didn't find.. so I bought some cakes and gave them to steph and sue when they came out of their exam... then I found mr fielden, but when I went to buy the cakes I left the form in the car so that was entirely pointless... umm I also paid Jasha $50 our ot the $57.. so i still owe him $7, and my mother owes me $50... yes... oh and I also had a chat to peter who was signing out.. so that was my hour and a half spent at school.. Sadly it was the most worthwhile thing I did today.. and somehow it actually made me sad.. and happy.. lol i have no idea any more..

SO I have to go back on monday! (again) to thank mr peters, get signed off by mr fielden and whoever else has to sign that damn form..

I haven't burnt my hospitality notes yet.. but getting rid of all those books today was good, cause now I actually have a space on the floor in the office.. I'm going to clean up the desk soon.. I still have 2 piles of books on the floor.. one is of books I can't sell cause I've written in them (or wilson has written in them) and the other one is books I want to give to someone if they decide to do hospitality or ancient history.. because basically I haven't opened my hospitality books.. and I have a heap of extra ancient history books, so someone can save themselves..... $45 on extra books, and I don't know how much the text books cost... somehow I also have two copies of antiquities 2.. perhaps I should donate one to the history department? That might be nice of me.... yes, will do.

anyway I'm off to clean up this desk.. tata!


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