Oblongulated thoughts...

Monday, November 07, 2005

"I'm sorry, I just can't take you seriously while you are waving that lollipop around"

I've had an inspiring day. Funnily enough I did virtually nothing, but it was inspiring all the same. I filled out the forms to enrol to learn Italian by correspondence, which I am extremely excited about. I also started working on a series of short stories I've been thinking about writing lately, which was exciting.. then I started talking about going and watching the Adelaide Internationals next year (only 4**** 3 day event in the southern hemisphere) and riding there the year after (hopefully).. ahhhh I'm so excited!!! I also talked to Simone about taking her place as a groom for a lady in Richmond when Sim moves to Canberra (I think I mentioned this in the last post)... heheh and now apparently Katie wants to be riding at Adelaide next year! Woot! How cool!!

Can I also say sucked in to all those people doing their School Certificates today and tomorrow... and also can I tell those people who are stressed or actually bothered studying for them that they have to get their priorities straight cause they have wasted their time worrying about such pointless exams. Thankyou. On to more pressing matters!

I have nearly finished crossing out all the days in the 'Examination Timetable 2005', it's a very good feeling every time I get out my permenant marker and squiggle over things.

Steph let me read a page and a half of her grandmother's book, damn it's good!! If she gets it published I am going to buy it!!

My dog is barking, in a second mum will get angry then feed her... and she wonders why she barks! lol

My desk is in a state of chaos. Mum has thrown stuff on it (and she accuses me of being untidy)... all my folders, books, paper, etc for the subjects I've finished with are on the floor beside the desk.. in other words I have three books and a folder left on it for school.. hehehehe... hospitality is such a load of crap.. My friend yesterday was telling me that she left her hospitality exam halfway through and got a band 5.. with no study... hahahahahahhaha... how amusing! To think some people take that subject seriously!!!

Hum. I don't think I have anything else to say really. Tata


Anonymous Anonymous said...

nice colours

9:22 pm  

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