Oblongulated thoughts...

Monday, September 26, 2005

91st post

Hmm apparently I have posted on this blog 90 times.. How interesting.

I got my report back today.. I think when you're in year 12 they should leave the second semester one until after the HSC.. It's just depressing to see it now when I'm supposed to be trying to motivate myself to work.. Surprise surprise, I'm no longer motivated.. I finished studying A Doll's House today, and wrote an essay for english, and I was going to finish studying maths but then I got my report and decided I would rather curl up under a rock and watch the cockroaches go about their business.

Just a quick question that I'm hoping someone might know the answer.. If it's all based on rank, and you get the mark that lines up with your rank.. Does it actually tell you anywhere what your real mark was? I hope so, because my ranks (and most of my marks) are absolute shit (see, I'm even swearing now) but I want to actually know if I do well in the real thing... I only got two comments where they didn't say that I did no work.. and that was from the same teacher.. I'm so offended, my maths teacher said i was rude to him.. and I think that's a bit mean, considering I don't think I have ever answered back to a teacher, even when they are getting angry at me for something I didn't do or whatever.. the worst i ever did to him was ignore him when was talking, and he can't know that cause i even looked in his direction with an expression of mild interest.. Pfft.

Hahah I'm a genius :
(extract from convo about the formal)

Tyrium: Class of 2005! (From Monday I will only be online 9 to 10 pm) says:
it woudl be so funny if the whole limo was partners

"$90 is a lot of money" hehehehe says:
no no it wouldnt

"$90 is a lot of money" hehehehe says:
not cool

"$90 is a lot of money" hehehehe says:
lol peter should save up some money and go with wilson!!

"$90 is a lot of money" hehehehe says:
LOL i crack myself up

Tyrium: Class of 2005! (From Monday I will only be online 9 to 10 pm) says:

Pretty good if I do say so myself! Heheheheehehe...

Sorry Willy (but you never know, it could make you rich!)

Umm anyways what else? Nothing really. Mum bought some VHS tapes, but forgot the actual camera ones, so will have to buy them tomorrow.. I'll record all the graduation/val/party stuff onto one of the tapes tonight (without editing).. fun fun!

Anyways.. Countdown till the hundredth post (maybe I'll throw my blog a party? lol no that should be after a year).. Speaking of birthdays.. I have a slight suspicion that it's my mum's birthday tomorrow.. I have a present (for once) but if I get it wrong I'm going to look really stupid.. Wish me luck! lol!

Anyways I should go, tata!


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