Oblongulated thoughts...

Sunday, September 25, 2005

"$90 is a lot of money"

Haha party last night.. Quite amusing.. I think a few people would have been in pain this morning... Interestingly if they truly can't remember last night then Wilson could have run off with the money and they would forget she took it.. Hahaha.. What fun!

I need to buy some more tapes. I need ones that go in the camera, and ones to record the stuff onto.. When I have a new computer I'll edit all the stuff I have from the last two days and make it all pretty lol.. Or at least cut and paste bits.. Maybe add some music? I think that would be good. I could also add in some of the many photos I now have.. BUT first i need the computer.. Blah! Hmm I have $100 so far, only about $500 more to go! lol

In other news (hahaha how many times have you heard a newsreader person say that!?) I MIGHT be getting a car on friday.. I'm trying not to be too excited cause it seems to me that the more excited I am about something the less likely it is to actually happen.. particularly when it concerns my dad.. I think I've already written about the car thing.. Damn... Oh well, you can hear it again if you have already heard it, otherwise I am now dreaming about writing on my blog.. which is just a scary thought so I think I will just have to hope that I have written it already..

I just realised that whole paragraph was entirely irrelevant.

I had my first experience of a petrol station today. It wasn't good. It was really busy, and I waited in line for ages, then when I got to the bowser (note the use of jargon, I'm so proud..lol) I found out that unleaded was out of order.. which meant I had to do a sort of 3 point turn thing to get back to where I could get in line for a different one, but the people wouldn't let me move... which was slightly ironic because they were only blocking me from getting out of their way so that they could actually get some petrol.... but people are stupid and don't realise these things (we won't mention how stupid i was not to notice that the unleaded was out of order earlier)... anyway it took me half an hour to get to the stupid filling up part.. Then I lost the money I had been given to pay for it.. It was somewhere in the car but I had no clue where.. So I only got $30 worth instead of $50 (if you know about my car's petrol intake you will realise that this barely gets the little needle above the empty line)... then after I had done all the stuff I needed to do elsewhere I found the $50, so I got $20 more of petrol at another petrol station.. cause I was too scared to go back to the first one... so now our car has petrol, my mum has no idea how badly I screwed up.. and my hand smells like petrol cause i spilt some on it.. Apparently it usually burns your skin, but as this was from about 10am this morning, I've come to the conclusion that I am immune to petrol-burn...

Did you like my story? I did, it wasn't fun at the time, but at least now it is over, and next time I go I will remember to check whether it's working and also keep my money in my wallet, not on the seat of the car.. So there you go, my story even has a lesson.. Does that make it an allegory? If it does do you think I can use it for my imaginative journeys creative writing thing? It's a journey of sorts...it led to my own enlightenment.. Hahaha i know anyone who reads this is now hating me.. Sorry, I actually did some work today, and I'm still sort of thinking about that!

Someone put a note on my tagboard thing!!! Heheheheheh!

Oh and heylo sarah if you are reading this!!!

I should go (yes, do some work, I'm proud) tata!!!


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