Oblongulated thoughts...

Tuesday, September 06, 2005


Apparently this blog is a year old at some point in October. How fun for it, maybe I should throw it a party... Maybe not. Speaking of parties, I am thinking about when to have mine. Wilson has basically made sure it is in between Christmas and new year.. Sooooo.... The 27th? 28th? What will we do? I was thinking of having one of those murder mystery ones.. They are always fun... Maybe we could go to one of the places where it takes the weekend? Then again, they probably aren't running between Christmas and New Year.. Not much is really.. I'll see though. I'll look it up in the phone book today.

I looked through the TAFE courses I want to do next year. There are 14 of them. I printed out all the information, my trouble now is deciding which one to do first. I think the small business management (6 months) and the Ag (also 6 months) first.. Cause I can do the business one at night, and that will keep my mum happy, and the Ag one during the day, which will keep me happy.

I'm also thinking about a short film thing I want to make. I've decided on some things, but I can't decide whether to make it a documentary or a story, or a bit of both. I've filmed some stuff, which helps. I also have a general plan of how it is going to work if I have a story, or a general plan of how it is going to work if it is a documentary.. Maybe I could do both?

I need some money for a new computer, for one thing so i can edit videos, also so I can burn CDs.. cause my MP3 player seems to have died and i can't be bothered resurrecting it (or sending it away to be resurrected by somebody else)... I suppose if I could burn CDs I could also just burn the videos I do to DVD.. instead of trying to work out some other method... which I don't think exists at the moment.. Hmm, useful. I'm doing some research about how much I can buy one for on the imacu website... problem is that I still don't have any money.. I need a job.. but I would feel a bit bad looking for a job just before my HSC.. Maybe there will be some christmas work or something available?? That would be good.

I like this stuff. It puts me in a good mood. Thinking about next year is good. When I will have my license (and hopefully a car) and be able to get a job, and start TAFE, and do all the things that have been put off until "after the HSC".

I've been thinking about teachers I should really thank at the end of this whole thing. I think I might thank the teachers in the primary school before the end of this term.. then the others the morning of my last HSC exam... so it's done before I leave for Adelaide.. Hmmm.. I'm also going to invade Steph's latin class tomorrow. She doesn't know why yet, but I'm going to!! hehehehe. Maybe I should tell mr Peters why but not Steph so that he's not too surprised!! What fun what fun...

Anyway, I'm very sorry about the bad mood in the last post. I'm happy at the moment so that's good. I passed my practice test with my driving instructor this morning, which hopefully means I will pass on the actual day.



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