Oblongulated thoughts...

Monday, August 01, 2005

A simple thanks will suffice

I am angry.. Change that, I was angry. I was angry yesterday, but it's carrying on into today.. which I believe is going to have a direct affect on my english mark. Ironically i think i did the best hospitality exam I've ever done. Interesting.

Anyway, my anger grew out of a lack of grateful behaviour. You see we had our pony club zone ode on sunday.. and I was appalled when at the end of the presentation, nobody got up to thank Donna, who had organized the whole thing. I personally would have except that the stupid club insists on taking photos of people in every grade, and i was in A Grade, which was being taken as everyone else was dismissed. So NOBODY thanked her.. She works her ass off for everyone and NOBODY even bothered to thank her publicly for her efforts.. Anyway, I sent a very angry e-mail.. I'll post it on here (im quite proud of it now actually)

I know half of you weren't there today, and I'm sorry for this, but I believe (according to my mum) that you are the committee, and so I think you are all the people I should be addressing this to.I have ONE complaint from today. I think it was really well organized, I think it was a fantastic event (our best ever?) but I can't just pretend I'm not really angry about this (as I'm sure you'll find out, I'm sorry if it is blunt, especially if you weren't there). I'm not blaming people because I should have done this myself when I realized it wasn't going to happen, but I didn't and for that I am sorry.

There was one person today who didn't get thanked. This was the person who (for me) would have been on the top of the list to thank. I don't know how long all of you have been at Dural (i know Brenda certainly has been there longer than me) but if you all think back to past ODEs I think you will remember a lot of dodgy things, things that didn't run well, things that weren't set up before the day, jumps that were just plain dangerous. I don't know how many of you remember all this stuff, or how many of you think of all this stuff.. But I am quite sure you all know who is responsible for it being changed, for the course being the best and safest it has ever been. I am sure you all know who was probably at the grounds maintenance first yesterday, and left last (and only had a break in between to show her horse to a buyer, then missed the next one to measure a course, for us RIDERS) I'm sure anyone can guess who was probably there last tonight, and possibly first this morning . I'm in no way saying that other people didn't work, I think everyone did a superb job... but they all got thanked for it! Even the RIDERS who made the courses, what did that take us? a few hours? one day yesterday? we didn't even have to do both ODEs and we got thanked!!! thanked, despite the fact that we get the benefit of it, despite the fact that we could only make the courses as good as they are because of the wonderful course we now have, despite the fact that we never used to have 'older riders' do the courses before the last two years. DESPITE THIS, the ONLY person who deserved thanks and didn't get it this afternoon after presentation, and the person who has run these things for the last THREE years was Donna!!!! I'm sorry, I can't just sit back and not say anything, again, I'm not blaming anyone (trust me, I'm directing this all at myself here too) and i do realize that half of you weren't there.. But i don't think I have ever been so angry about anything at pony club before... So having now had my rant and rave...

To Donna, on behalf of the riders at pony club (even though they don't know I'm writing this.. I'm sure they'd back me up on it though) THANKYOU for all the effort you have put in these last three years, THANKYOU for doing this work despite the fact that YOU could have been competing, that you could have taken Music to Camden this weekend, that you could have gone to jump club instead of all those rally days, you could have ridden your own horse yesterday, and today.. THANKYOU for all the time you have taken to make these ODEs the best Dural has ever had (as far as I'm concerned) and THANKYOU for deciding we should make the course better and safer then actually DOING SOMETHING about it. I'm sure everyone who is getting this wonderfully angry e-mail knows how much you give up to do this, and to be completely honest I hope that if not at the presentation that everyone thanked you personally (as I am doing now, if a bit late). Also, I'm sorry I didn't say anything at presentation.. I was waiting to see if someone would, and then people were dismissed while the A Graders were having their picture taken, so I am really really sorry for that. All in all, thankyou, and I can't write that as many times as I would like because i think this e-mail is already long enough, and I should be studying.

I think I've said enough, once again, I am most angry at myself, which is why I address this as a rider, because I'm sure everyone else on the committee who was there today thanked her personally, and if they didn't I am sure they will in the future.

Lol i got a leeetle bit angry.. But I was actually considering writing a speech (dont worry, I'll never say it unless i suddenly have a personality transplant) but I've always wanted to write a speech about something I feel passionately about, and this is it. I HATE it when people don't give thanks.. It just annoys me no end.. I'll post it on here when I've written it and people can tell me waht they think... I think I'll call it 'A simple thanks will suffice'.. snappy title eh? (lol if you get a chance to read the Hammy House of Horror, read it.. it's funny.. sorry just thought of it cause of the snappy title thing)

Anyways I should go. Byez


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