Oblongulated thoughts...

Sunday, July 10, 2005


Well I'm proud to say that I have accomplished something these holidays, and they're not over yet! I finished work experience today and although it was the biggest waste of time i think I have ever encountered outside legal studies..... i finished, and never complained about it while i was there! Having said that she still said that I was crap (well pretty much) on the report thing so it became even more pointless! Oh well! It's over..
I also did ALL my maths study tonight.. it didn't take that long amazingly enough.. Not quite so amazing is that I discovered my teacher has simply been copying things out of the text book the whole time.. Also not so amazing is that I learnt more tonight from the text book than I have all term from the teacher, and now I think I understand how to do some of the stuff we are meant to know.. So there is an accomplishment..

I have also finished studying King Lear, and once I find another related text I will have finished studying imaginative journeys... I should have In the Wild done by wednesday, then I'll spend thursday on my ancient assignment.. friday on my extension 2 and the report for that, saturday on hospitality study and assignment and somewhere in there I will do extension one and then I will be finished!! WOOO!! go me!!! I am the greatest!!! WHHHOOOO!!!

Lol I know it seems stupid that I'm doing so much work for school.. But I spose I have to "pay" for competing during the HSC somehow, and as far as I can see, this is it.. After this I will only have a tiny bit of study, one assignment, then do the HSC and school is OVER!!!! YAY!!! PARTYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYY TIMMMMMMMMMMMMEEEEE!!!!!

HAHAHAHHAHAHA IM SO HAPPY!!! hahahahahahahhahahahahaha.. lol it sounds like im drunk or something.. haha im high on the end of school! yippee!!!! lol anyways better go! Tata!!!


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