Oblongulated thoughts...

Friday, June 03, 2005

weird movie thing from wilsons blog.

X off any of the films that you have seen. If you check more than 70 it makes you a movie whore.

( )Napoleon Dynamite
( )White Noise
( )White Oleander
( )Anger Management
()50 First Dates
( )Jason X
(X)Scream 2
(X)Scream 3
()Scary Movie
()Scary Movie 2
( )Scary Movie 3
()American Pie
()American Pie 2
()American Wedding
(X)Harry Potter
()Harry Potter 2
()Harry Potter 3
(X)Resident Evil I- Did I see one or two?? not sure!
()Resident Evil 2
(X)The Wedding Singer
( )Little Black Book
()The Village
( )Donnie Darko
(X)Lilo & Stitch
(X)Finding Nemo
(X)Finding Neverland
( )13 Ghosts
(X)The Grinch
( )Texas Chainsaw Massacre
( )White Chicks
( )Butterfly Effect
( )13 going on 30
()Dodge ball
( )Universal Soldier
( )A Series Of Unfortunate Events
( )Along Came A Spider
()Deep impact
( )KingPin
(X)Never Been Kissed
(X)Meet The Parents
(X)Meet The Fockers
( )Eight Crazy Nights
()A Cinderella Story
( )The Terminal
()The Lizzie McGuire Movie
( )Passport to Paris
( )Dumb & Dumber
( )Dumb & Dumberer
()Final Destination
()Final Destination 2
( )The Ring
( )The Ring 2
()Harold & Kumar (white castle)
()Practical Magic
( )Ghost Ship
( )From Hell
( )Hellboy
(X)Secret Window
( )I Am Sam
()The Whole Nine Yards
( )The Whole Ten Yards
(X)The Day After Tomorrow
( )Child's Play
( )Bride of Chucky
(X)Ten Things I Hate About You
(X)Just Married
( )Gothika
( )A Nightmare on Elm Street
( )Sixteen Candles
( )Bad Boys
( )Bad Boys 2
( )Joy Ride
( )Seven (SE7EN)
()Oceans Eleven
(X)Oceans Twelve
( )Lone Star
( )Predator
( )Predator II
()Independence Day
( )Cujo
( )A Bronx Tale
( )Darkness Falls
( )Christine
( )Children of the Corn
( )My Boss' daughter
(X)Maid in Manhattan
( )Frailty
( )Best bet
(X)How to Lose a Guy in 10 Days
()She's All That
()Calendar Girls
( )Sideways
()Mars Attack
( )Event Horizon
(X)Ever after
(X)Forrest Gump
( )Big Trouble in Little China
(X)X-men 1- i think!
()X-men 2
( )Jeepers Creepers
( )Jeepers Creepers 2
(X)Catch Me If You Can
( )The Others
()Freaky Friday
(X )Reign of Fire
()Cruel Intentions
()Cruel Intentions 2
( )Cruel Intentions 3
(X)The Hot Chick
( )Miracle
( )Old School
( )Ray
( )The Notebook
( )K-Pax
(X)Lord of the Rings: The Fellowship of the Ring
(X)Lord of the Rings: The Two Towers
(X)Lord of the Rings: The Return of the King
()A Walk to Remember
( )Boogeyman
( )Hitch
( )Back Door Sluts 9
()The Fifth Element
()Star Wars Episode I
()Star wars episode II
()Star Wars Episode IV
()Star wars episode V
()Star wars episode VI
( )Troop Beverly Hills
( )Swimming with Sharks
( )Trainspotting
( )People under the stairs
( )Blue Velvet
(X)Sound of music
(X)Parent Trap
( )The Burbs
( )SLC Punk
( )Meet Joe Black
( )Wild girls
(x)A Clockwork Orange-a little x cause ive seen half of it!
( )The Order
( )Amelie
(X)Mean Girls
(X)Shrek 2
(X)The Incredibles
( )Collateral
( )The Fast & The Furious
( )2 Fast 2 Furious
( )Sky Captain & The World of Tomorrow
()The Sixth Sense
( )Artificial intelligence
(X)Love actually
( )Shutter
( )Ella Enchanted
(X)Princess Diaries 1
( )Princess Diaries 2
( )The Graduate
( )Constantine
( )Million Dollar Baby
( )Boston Beatdown

wow 41 (and a half) im impressed, i didnt think id get more than ten!!! anyway computer is screwing up so ill put the rest of what i have to say on another post so my poor little computer doesnt go into overload and blow up!!!!
()School of Rock


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