Oblongulated thoughts...

Monday, May 02, 2005

Damn Ridley Scott

I've decided I don't like Ridley Scott. It's like a text that you over analyse, it just becomes a pain and after spending about 4 hours looking for information on what kind of context Ridley Scott could possibly have I don't like the man. How come it is so easy to find information on some guy who was a terrible writer (or so the "literary criticisms" say) and believed in drugs, yet trying to find some reasonable information about a guy who (I'm pretty sure) is still alive is so impossible!? If I had wanted a report on how every one of his movies went at the box office I would have typed "ridley scott+"box office reports" into the search engine!! So damn you Ridley Scott! Please go and make your own site which actually has some usefull information for people who have to talk about your context, cause as far as I can tell from every page about you, you don't have one!!!!

Anyway now that I'm over that. I'm back to being angry at the school. I think I'm going to ask mr gates and mrs mcfadden what more I can do to convince them that I will definately finish my extension two.. Surely I've proved it already?! Actually I find it interesting that the school is making me keep legal studies in case I don't finish my extension two and therefore miss out on my HSC, when my HSC doesn't matter to me at all, and doing legal studies only makes me more certain that I want to leave school now, HSC or no. Interesting that I'm even at school. I am such a wimp and such a push-over. I mean who does school just to make their parents happy? Even if it annoys the hell outa me, but I still don't complain to my mum.. no I complain to people who don't give a damn, who all say "well why don't you just leave then?" ahh but they don't see inside my head where for some reason I must always act in a way which will make my mum happy.. where for some reason I can think up a great argument but never voice it to her... Sometimes I just wish that something will make me angry enough to voice it... I think I need to be really angry, cause at the moment I seem to be able to control my anger too well, and I hate it. I want to be all italian and say exactly what i think about the whole thing, but sadly im a wimp. I don't say anything.

Haha this really is just an "im annoyed so now you're all going to listen to me complain" post isn't it? Sorry, I guess I am just in the mood to complain. Actually I really need to do some work, so tata!


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