Oblongulated thoughts...

Monday, February 14, 2005


Tehe I'm addicted to that show.... OK anyway I know I haven't written on here for AGES buuuutttt I haven't really wanted to. You see I missed out on Fox, so I was pretty devastated, then I tried another horse, Nugget, who is a lot like Fox, except younger and we're not too sure how talented he is. Anyway so I have him on trial for two weeks (ending this saturday)... Thing is that on saturday I was told that Fox may be available again, cause the lady who bought him has turned into a fruitloop and gone crazy. Lol anyway so I might end up with him anyway. This leaves me in a slight dilemma. I like Nugget, but I'd rather have Fox... so we've made an offer on Fox, but we need to know if this fruitloop has accepted before saturday cause that's when we have to decide about Nugget!!! GRRR so this woman had better ring back this week!!!!!!!!!! I'm so pissed off about it all right now.. But I do hope that I end up with Fox.. Nugets a pretty close second but as I said, we're just not sure how talented he's going to be!
So anyway that's why I haven't been on here. And also I'm a little pissed off at the school right now, so I'm just generally not in the best mood and don't have anything interesting to write about except that I have to go. Tata!


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