Oblongulated thoughts...

Tuesday, January 11, 2005


I think it is the month of bruises in my family. My dad recently crashed my cousins dirt bike and has two nice large bruises on his shoulder and on his leg.. then this morning my horse decides to kick me in the leg.. the side of my thigh is just red and slowly moving on to purple. Grrr I hate bruises! I shouldn't complain though, a) it wasn't the same leg that molly kicked (i still have the scar) and b) it wasn't in the stomach like the other time with molly, so I wasn't winded, and although I was initially knocked over, I could actually breathe and get up to smack him.

So needless to say I'm not in the greatest mood, because we leave for Mirrabooka Summer School tomorrow (its a riding thing) and I'm in the top group and now I can hardly walk, let alone ride!! GRRRR stupid animals have the worst timing!!

I'm also pissed off because my phone still isn't working. I rang them yesterday and they said it would be done in the next 48 hours again (which is what they said last time) so I'm kind of wondering how many 48 hours it is going to take because it actually works. I don't really want to have to take both phones to Mirrabooka, I would rather only have to worry about one!

Now I think I'll do some school work. Maybe summarize my hospitality text book and finish highlighting stuff in BNW. Then go back to writing my story thing. I'm up to page 72. Tehehe I'm going to run out of book soon! I'm still feeling really guilty though, cause I know I should be writing my extension 2 but I just cant get myself out of that "mindspace" so I haven't done any more than I had in the first week of the holidays.

Tehe tonight I'm seeing the spongebob movie. lol I'm happy about it! It's meant to be a birthday thing with my dad, but peh I just want to see the movie!

So I'm going to go now, and begin my highlighting. Wish me luck! tata!


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