Oblongulated thoughts...

Monday, December 20, 2004


Yes, I am amazing myself and actually doing some! Hahaha I have finished studying maths, every single thing we have done last term is now in my handy dandy little book (and if i lose this one I am going to SCREAM)

Mum and I also went out yesterday, looking for something for me to do/make/work on for a while cause I am really bored... and digging a hole in the ground is only good if you are really angry or something, cause at the moment I have hit a layer of rock and it takes forever to crack it all up! But anyway we found a book for me to read, its by tamora pierce and follows on from the song of the lioness quartet, which is one of the only things I've ever liked that she wrote, so I am reading those books. There's four, so we bought two and I finished one of them last night, so I'm trying to stop myself starting the second one or ill finish it today then be really annoyed cause I don't have the last two to read.

Did you know that it's five days till Christmas? Somehow it really doesn't feel like it and I'm wondering if it can be moved until I'm in more of the mood for it? Probably not but oh well, it was worth a try.

Well I have written 14 pages of my story (its size ten font, so it's nearly 8000 words) its funny to think that I can write 8000 words of that without any thought etc, but when it comes to my extension two it's really hard. I really want to do well with it but I don't know if I can. I want to do well in everything, I just don't want to work. I know I said this yesterday but it's true.

In primary school I did well, and didn't work. The things we did were too easy for me and I was happy. I never did my homework, but I'd always be in the top class anyway. Then we moved to highschool and i still did no work, and my marks werent bad. Then last year I started doing work and suddenly my marks are crap. I don't understand it at all!!! That stupid conversation we did between Keats and Baz I got a really good mark, and I hated it. I blabbed on about nothing and I had no idea what I was saying and I got a good mark. I think I just don't understand what I need to do to get a good mark any more. But the stuff we are doing is getting too hard for me to do ok without any effort, and that sucks.

So there was a nice little anecdote, but I'm trying to stop myself going off on the same path as I did yesterday. So I will talk about how I am having a lesson today (as far as i know) I hope it goes well cause I'm still not happy with my horse and yes. But I think that Mel said she would get on him today, which would be really nice because I just cant ride at the moment. I can't ride for shit and I hate it so much (not riding, the way I'm riding). AHHH I'm doing it again! Sorry!

Anyway I will tell you about the books I am reading, cause I love them. The last series I read was about a girl who wanted to be a knight, so she swapped with her brother who wanted to be a sorcerer. Anyway she had to hide it and pretend to be a boy for 8 years until she was discovered after she was knighted. She went off to live in the desert etc and it was very interesting. This one so far has been a little less interesting, cause this girl is still trying to win her shield, but I don't like her character as much as I liked the other one.

Anyway I guess I just like it cause I wish I could do something like that... Not be a knight, I don't really want to kill people etc.. But something where you need patience, and strength, and you have to work at it, but you know that as long as you put in the work you will get the result. I don't mind the whole "taking punishments even if you dont deserve them" thing, I do that all the time. I can take people yelling at me, and getting angry at me. Honestly sometimes I wouldn't mind someone punching me just so I could hit them back. But I can't, we don't have things like that any more. Sure you can do martial arts classes etc but that's not what I mean. I like doing things that people say I can't do, like I'm not strong enough or brave enough or something. Maybe I just like to spite people.

I just want to do something I'll get remembered for. Not even remembered, I don't care if people know about me or not. I just want something I can be proud of. I like horseriding, and I might be ok at it, and I want to get to the olympics... but I want something else. Sure horseriding takes strenght and courage and patience and stuff... But I dunno, I just want to be stronger and braver and more patient than I am.. and I want people to see it. My parents don't think I'll get to the Olympics, they don't think I have enough of any of those things... but I want to prove that I do.. that I have them all. I don't care if I'm smart or not.. where is that going to get me? I want to do something I enjoy, and I do it because I want to...

and oh god I'm off on a ramble about nothing again... basically i like running, and i like sports, and I like doing things, but thats not enough.. its like that song (cant remember it properly) but something like "there's gotta be more to life than somethingorother i cant remember the words" oo I just found it.. It's called More to Life and its by... Stacie Orrico.. and another one by Cartel de Santa.. so there you go, that one.

There, that's all I'm going to say on that topic.. I want to see so many movies, I usually don't see many, but I want to see: the phantom of the opera, meet the fockers, lol spongebob! umm, finding neverland (the preview looks ok, whereas the ads etc look crap, odd eh?), the incredibles, umm I think that's it.. but damn that's a lot!!! i hardly ever bother seeing movies!!!

I think that's all for the moment, I cant resist the second book any longer!!! cyaz


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