Oblongulated thoughts...

Wednesday, December 01, 2004


"So this is Christmas
what have we done?
Another year over
and a new one's just begun.
A very merry christmas
I hope you have fun.
The near and the dear ones
The old and the young."

Hum well the words could be wrong in that but it's just stuck in my head at the moment, actually (and nobody is allowed to laugh at this, it's one of my weird memories i pull up from god knows where and just say them) I remember Delta singing that at the AMA hotel when the choir was performing for some reason. I remember it cause she had a cold and a really sore throat and couldn't sing in the rehearsals because she could hardly speak.. Haha I can't believe I remember stuff like that!

So only the ancient history test left as far as assesments go, and really I should be studying for it so I can do reasonably but I'm just sick of it. I'm sick of school generally. I'm sick of people there. Actually that's not true.. I think I'm sick of socializing, it takes more energy than I really have at the moment.. then I feel like a hypocrit cause I'm not talking to people as much as I'd like to. Haha call me weird but oh well. I suppose I'll just get back into being a social creature by the end of the holidays. See that's why I like MSN, conversations take no effort. Actually nobody is on MSN at the moment which just sucks but oh well, more time to write on here (and I'm sure you all want to read what I have to say)..

Oh I know!! I'll continue on The Quest For The Holy Glory
Tehe look important? Anyways!!! I think I know where I'm up to!

Glory is who Somebody wanted to meet. So it went on a journey, to find Luck. Somebody already had Ambition following it, stalking it even, but Somebody wanted more, it wanted the love of Luck too, which would in turn attract the ultimate Grace; Glory.

Unfortunately for Somebody he was unLucky, so while seraching for the Luck and Glory it was pitted agains Fate. Fate was a spiteful creature, and didn't like Somebody's attempt to be in posession of all three Graces. Fate believed that this state should only be reached in the conventional way. That is, to have Luck first, which would help the person to acquire Ambition, and finally Glory.

Somebody had (as you know) Ambition with it, and turned Ambition's powerful gaze towards finding Luck. The next question of course was where did Luck live exactly? Somebody set off on the path it believed would lead to Luck. This was a treachurous path, filled with womabt holes and mulberry bushes. Somebody was oblivious to the fact that it had in fact made that path more difficult for itself. It had forgotten (as it was quite prone to do) Ambition's appearance.

Fate had seen this of course, and put into Somebody's future a twist of Truth. Fate laughed wickedly as it placed a three-pronged fork into the path. It put with this a signpos, on this Fate wrote:

"Choose your path but beware
when large as a lian, even a hare
may do some damage to your Gate
or the pathway to your Fate."

With this, Fate added a large boulder to each path entrance. In the middle entrance it placed a gate before placing the boulder on top (crushing the small gate). For good measure it added the bones of a large hare near this particular entrance. It cackled again and flew into the air to watch Somebody's deliberations. The left path led to Death, the right to Pain, while the middle led to Luck. It anticipated that Somebody would be deterred from the middle path by the gate and bones, believing it led to Fate.

Meanwhile, Somebody was staggering through the swamp-like desert it had found itself in. Ambition still warming it with it's gaze. Suddenly the desert ended and Somebody nearly fell into the signpost. Reading carefully it thought... It quickly realized that this test had been put here by Fate, and concluded that it could trust nothing the sign said. Too easy. It chose the middle path and having climbed the boulder (no easy task, but we will skip it so that this story doesn't end up with an M rating for course language and cruelty to boulders) proceeded.

Of course Fate was astounded, it had not planned this and felt as though to favric of it's purpose was unravelling around it. This contemplation did not last long, as Fate reached out to test the fabric and found it was indeed intact, just a little ruffled.

Somebody was pleased at it's own brilliance, though the path did not appear to get any easier. It was at this point when Somebody's brilliance struck again. It looked around and saw that only the sections of the path which Ambition gazed at were difficult and teacherous. This was a huge decision, if Somebody had their Ambition facing somewhere else, they might lose faith... Then again Ambition was making the path almost impossible now. It decided to leave Ambition facing the way it was, and deal with the trials this created.

It was while Somebody was considering this, that it reached the cave of Luck. The cave was on top of a dorman volcano, and surrounded by dead trees which had fallen around it. Somebody was worried, but soon realied that the magic of Luck protected anyone within some distance of the cave. It found some natural stone steps leading to the cave. Finally he reached the mouth of the cave.

Fate at this point was beside itself (which is leterally possible as it doesn't have a physical form). It was so upset that the people being created at that time were all destined to die in the mose painful ways possible. However it suddenly realised that there was a chance Luck might refuse to help Someobdy. In fact - wait a moment. Chance? CHANCE? There was no Chance...

But Fate had not made a decision, and had in fact brought itself to it's own destruction. Chance now reigned. Chance, unlike Fate, looked favourably upon Somebody, and Luck joined the clan, with Glory soon following along.

So the moral you ask? Let's go back to our earlier analogy. One won a race, it had the Ambition to find it's own Luck, when Luck could not find it. When it won it gained Glory. Two had lost Luck, through a lack of effort on it's part. Everyone now had the Chance to rule their own lives.


Tehe, do you like it? I do. There's still nobody online so I'll write my other one on here... By the way it's a bit confusing cause I was practising writing in second person, and I'm not very good at it. It's also a little depressing (or I think it is anyway) Have fun reading!!!

The Quest For Truth

You search for Truth, but who is Truth? Some would say what is Truth, but that would be an insult to one of the mightiest forces in our World (Yes mightier than the pen even). You have asked others who Truth is, though none could give you a clear answer, indeed some were biased by religion, others by upbringing generally. Surely Truth could not be known to any of these people, you needed to find someone above that. Who could be completely unbiased by any person whom they belive is more knoweledgable and has more Wisdom in them?

You had travelled through many lands, searched rainforessts and deserts. You had found many people who believed that they were the aquaintance of Truth. Really these sad people had been visited by Lies in disguise
(no rhyming intended)
and had incased their mind in his powerful Net.

Even the hermit you had found in a cave on an island. The island was inhabited only by the hermit and the animals who kept him company. This man did not have an answer for you, although he was a good friend of Wisdom and understood that Truth could be found only in the most desolate and isolated place outside Earth. You had been puzzled by this, surely nobody could travel outside Earth?

The hermit had informed you that the ability of your own imaginaion far exceeded any machine that could be made by humans. He had believed that the place where you woud find Truth would be more real than the Earth you were inhabiting at that moment. Unfortunately, as he had said this, Death had cut his thread of Life, and he could tell you no more. The wildlife had simply given you an odd look.

You still ponder the words of the hermit. He had told you to use your imagination, but how could such a place be imagined without Inspiration? You now go to great writers, who have imagined other Worlds. THey will give you some insight surely?

The first writer you ask says that she simply dreams, and these places appear, or she sees a picture of a place and imagines how it could be more than it is. You ask if she has a picture of desolation. She gives you a small painting wrapped in butcher's paper. You thank her and leave. The painting depicts a blackened field, with charred grass and a thin layer of ash. Although desolate, it doesn't seem awful enough to you. You attempt to imagine it worse, but nothing happens.

You go on like this for months, asking all the people you have heard of. None know Truth, none know desolation. Finally you fall into the clutches of Despair. The darkeness is suffocating, no light or colour reflects from the ice covering the stone floor. No breeze or sound can penetrate the solid walls of Darkness. Your senses become useless. You see Despair in your mind, and you feel him laugh within you.

Finally, in this prison with no walls, you dream. You are flying through shattered colours, and every dimension that exists. You arrive in a palce, similar to Despair's den. This place has no floor. You fall. Though no sound, sight or breeze tells you this. Just the feeling in your stomach. Surely this is the most desolate place outside Earth? You call out for Truth. There is no answer. Not even an echo. You call and cry in vain. You find the floor. It hits you. Shatters you.

You wake. You see trees and the sky. You wake. You smell the city air. You wake. You feel the softness of your bed. You wake. You hear a pounding in your head.

You die.

The purpose of life is to find Truth. When you find the Truth though, is when you realize that there is no Truth. Truth is dead.

Well I hope everyone had fun reading those! It has begun to storm so I might publish this before we have a blackout. Ciao


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