Oblongulated thoughts...

Monday, November 22, 2004


OK maybe I can't read tv guides, but wasn't the final Aussie Idol meant to finish at 9:30? not 10:30????? I only started watching at 9:25 thinking I'd just quickly find out who won for the sake of it, then it went on for bloody ten thousand years!!!!!!! SHISHE! Na good job Casey, that's so weird, she's around my age and she's already reached her goal (if it was her goal)... far out! I wish I could do that! haha no I don't, what would you spend the rest of your life doing? Is there any way up from there? and if there is what if you reach that by the time you are 20? Hmm I think if you did by the time you are 30 you would have to find a new goal, and try to reach that!

Speaking of reaching goals, my goal last night was to get to the top of the stairs without feeling like my foot was being cut with a million chef's knives, sadly it didn't happen, I had to crawl up the rest of the way, and same this morning, which is why I'm not at school, the stupid thing is still bleeding from me crawling down the stairs!!! damn it!!! its so annoying, I cant have a shower without a plastic bag over my foot, so I try it and fall over backwards and come close to cracking my head open on the wall.. geeezzz, why couldnt it have been my hand? sure I couldn't write, and typing would be hard, but it would be good practise writing with my right hand, and id at least be able to go to school! As it is we have to hire some crutches, then somehow try to get the stupid thing in a shoe without me passing out!

Sooo I have another day at home with my assignments and studying to keep me company! Tehe I just changed the colour of my font! Hmm what am I going to do about Christmas? I have to get that secret santa thing, and something for gendy plus something for her little bubbies... plus family, plus other friends, plus birthdays... GEEEZZZZZZ

Cool, I just read on the main bloggery page that someone got their book published off their blog,... I'd love to get a book published.. I always have these ideas for novels, which (i think) are really good ideas but I write the first chapter and get bored of writing and forget about them! I can only write short stories that last. Ooo actually I started writing a bit of a short story I came up with once, want to read the first bit? I know you do! It's sort of a kids story, but based on a play..

Mikey and Ben were the bravest kids in the school. They had defended their friends against many enemies, and even now were returning from their defeat of The Boy. The Boy was big and brave, but he had turned on his friends.
As Mikey and Ben were walking home, they saw a strange woman outside the cake shop, her hair was grey and wavy, her skin was pale. She was pale as the frost which sometimes covered the ground. Most of all, she was different.
"We know all the people in our town, but I've never seen her before" whispered Mikey.
"Why are you whispering Mikey?" Ben said, whispering more softly than Mikey.
"I'm not sure, let's get closer and hear what she is saying."
The pale woman was old, and she was talking to the owner of the cake shop. His name was Daniel, he was a kind and generous man, whom all the children adored. Finally Mikey and Ben could hear what the old woman was saying.
"Ah the new cake is beautiful, to be sure. Oh hello children, you look sweet! Are you walking home? I'm sure your mummies will have plenty of cookies for each of you at home!"When she saw Mikey glancing at the beautiful cake in the window she whispered
"and I'm sure one day you will have this beautiful cake too dear! Now run along home!"
Mikey looked at Ben, and they had a little chuckle together. However as they were walking away Mikey heard Daniel whisper to the woman "No, he won't have this cake, it is for my son, Mitch." Mikey was angry, he wanted the cake, he could almost taste it's sweet icing.
Mitch won't have the cake, I will steal it from him if I have to... But how? I will ask my sister when I get home, she will think of a plan.Ben was happily talking about other things, and when they parted at the top of Ben's street, Mikey still hadn't told him about his plans. They waved a cheerful goodbye.

Ok so that's the beginning, unfortunately now that I've read it again it sounds crappy! Oh well I'll just keep going, and post bits on here when I have nothing else to say!

My extension 2 is coming along nicely, I looked up all this stuff about infidelity on Saturday, it's really interesting! Only I don't think I'm meant to talk about it on here somehow! Mind you talking about infidelity can't hurt now can it? There was a website written by someone who's fiance cheated on them, the URL is
http://cheatinghusband.net, very interesting, and very good for my purposes.

I should REALLY finish my english speach, then I'm going to see how long it is, and spend the next two days fixing it until I think it's right! Yes true all my plans are for after I've finished it, but unfortunately that isn't happening as quickly as I'd like, there aren't that many parallels between my related text and Coleridge's poems, which just sucks!!! I'm off to do that now, I'll wml! Oh and remind me I have to write sarah an e-mail! OK bbs!

OK well I haven't done anything pretty much on my english assignment, which is just annoying me! I just can't get motivated.. The funny part was that I was reading my horoscope and it said that health would be an issue this week and that I wouldn't be at all motivated! I found that quite funny, cause I usually don't even bother reading it, but today I did and one of the ones I found was actually pretty right!

Anyways for my english assignment I got to reread the Hobbit, which is always fun anyway! Also I just watched Rugrats on TV to try and inspire me, it's interesting to note that they use an imaginative journey in just about every episode... other interesting thing to note is that I just said that I was trying to get it to inspire me.. I wonder if it also caused me to speculate and discover? Hahaha I make myself laugh! no just kidding it really wasn't funny at all! Anyone else confused about what in the world I am going on about yet? I have no clue, so unless you have some seriously high powered brain which specializes in wackoness I doubt that you understand me! Actually if you have that sort of brain I would love to meet you some time, it sounds intriguing.. maybe I can put it in my extension 2!!

Ooo half an hour and I have to start working on my english speech again! It's now 12:30... so it looks kind of grey outside doesn't it? yes it does! Ooops I sstill haven't written an e-mail to Sarah, so I will go write that now.. Because otherwise I "don't deserve to talk to her because I dont talk to her enough now" so ho diddle hum I should probably do that! Hahaha that is such a stupid thing to say, oh well some people are stupid... I meann.. they're great..:D

I don't think anyone actually reads this, I think wilson might, she mentioned it a while ago.. Oh well, I've also started making a website, for no real reason except to add some amusement into my life! Haha so don't visit it! lol Oh wait I forgot you can't, I haven't put the address on here! Mwahaha! tehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehe wow that was a long and drawn out tehe! This is very odd, I just write whatever pops into my head so it doesn't make much sense (again)! Ok I'm really going to go write that e-mail now tata! I'll write more in another post if I write again! CIAO


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