Oblongulated thoughts...

Saturday, November 20, 2004


It's amazing how much you really move your toes. OK so the story goes:
I was washing my horse, and i had thongs on instead of my usual boots(very very stupid I know) so my horse goes and jumps on my foot... next thing I know there is blood pouring out of it (no exaggeration, we had the puddle to prove it) and i was screaming for mum who naturally couldn't hear me from the house... so i washed it with the hose i was washing my horse with and realized i had grazing on the top of my ankle and toes and a big hole in the bottom of my big toe and a nice deep hole connected to the other hole (which is where the blood was coming from)... so after much pain and agony (and a whole heap of bandages from my first aid kit in the stables) i got up to the house.. bla bla bla.. went to the doctors... now have two stitches in my toe and just came back from an xray (nothing is broken).. so happy happy joy joy, Im not riding this weekend now and my mum is still making me go to school on monday even though i cant walk and my foot looks like a balloon on the end of my leg.. YAY!

So that's my story... I'm incredibly bored... i told mum to buy me a magazine to read so now i have WHO! YAY just what i wanted lol.. I should be doing assignments but hey I'm a lazy ass and procrastinate a lot and this is (very) slightly more entertaining than assignments...

Oh I can put the lyrics to the song that I had stuck in my head yesterday.. except i can't be bothered so I'll just write the chorus... It's old and I'm not too sure who it's by:

Go on and close your eyes, imagine me there

shes got similar features with longer hair
and if that's what it takes, to get you through
go on and close your eyes it shouldn't bother you..

Do you know it? tehe! I like it!

Oooo I can hear some lunch noises, usually I'd go check...oh wait no need, it's here.. mmmmm food! Well on the way back from the xray, i saw brittany on the side of the road heading to the towers .. oh wait correction, she saw me, my mum saw her then pointed her out to me!

OK I'm actually going to try and do my english speech, only problem is my related text seems to have gone missing which is quite inconveniant! Maybe I'll do some maths study.. Yes maybe.. Ciao!


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