Oblongulated thoughts...

Wednesday, October 20, 2004

[*][c][h][e][a][p] [w][i][n][e][*]

Ello ello!

Well that song has been going round and round in my head lately... I had a friend who was crucified on a needle! lol no not really, but I don't know how you could do that.. Would that be what I did to my finger yesterday? Haha let me explain, yesterday I had to give my horse his injection, and as I was attempting to get the lid off the needle I somehow ended up getting the lid off and my finger on it (DONT START ANALYSING THIS LIKE SNOW WHITE OK?!?!?!!?!?!?!?!?) anyways it was that sharp i didn't even feel it, or realise until I discovered my finger was bleeding on me! So could I now say that I was crucified on a needle??

Actually having reread that I can tell everyone IS going to jump to the same conclusion as with Snow White! Too bad it's your own fault! :P neerrrrr

Hmm well my mum apparently had a huge fight with my dad and sam today.. It's about bloody time is all I can say! But because she usually complains to me about dad, now she has actually told him what a dickhead he is, she now has to complain to me about having the argument... it's quite annoying, because I can sympathise with her, but it's like the thing of watching the planes go into the world trade centre, after a while the sympathy wears off and you just get sick of it.

Umm I should really get a new template, but I'm far to lazy to make one, and can't be bothered finding one either... so really that whole bit was just pointless!!! I should also be doing homework, so ciao!


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