Oblongulated thoughts...

Tuesday, October 05, 2004

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Tehe well now that I know how to work this thing (even if it's a very round-about way) I can now blog as long as I want without worrying that it will all disappear when my computer implodes! Ooo apparently I'm not the only person writing in their blog at the moment... OK well I kind of guessed that seeing as millions of people have blogs, but apparently Jasha is also writing. Haha only difference is sommmmee ppeople actually concentrate when they write, whereas I write on this and have 3 other conversations at the same time, makes it more interesting.

Hmm AHAHHHHH how do you change stuff on your MSN profile???? I have a slight suspicion that when SOMEONE was on my msn they changed the picture in my profile... actually I'm sure cause I don't remember putting a picture on there! Damn this!!!! PPLLEEASSSEE!!!! Eek I'm really scared now...

Well I am listening to Evanescence at the moment... it's funny with them, they can either make me happy or put me in a shishey mood (see told you I'm good and don't write/ say the same as what I think! so ner :P)... I like Everybody's Fool... I think I probably like that one the most.. I think with music it's either:
a)you can relate to what the lyrics say
b)you like the tune/voice
c)you have odd fantasies about the person singing (no mentioning names there)
d)you are completely tone deaf and only listen to music cause it makes you seem cool *cough cough*

If you have any other possible suggestions feel free to comment at the bottom of this post, they will be taken into consideration.

See there was a time a while ago when I didn't really like any of the music that was coming out, and I was always worried that people would judge me because I didn't like that must and therefore was odd... Of course after a bit of therapy (just kidding) I realized that the people around me most likely didn't hate me just because I didn't like any of the music... and if they did I should probably just cut off their limbs and throw them in the sea.. Actually that's probably a bit harsh, maybe just tie up their hands and feet then throw them in the sea.

Hey how weird is it when someone you haven't talked to in years and yonks and wooberwackers (my word! tehe) suddenly starts talking to you again... is it just me or do other people immediately suspect they want something? Especially when they've done it a couple of times and it's just cause they have nobody better to talk to..

Hmm I wanna see if people can guess who I like.. I won't tell you if you're right I just wanna know! lol just kidding, if anyone gets it right I'll tell them they are right... No bugging me though! Yeah and sorry to Steph and Kat and Sue but... I couldn't tell you guys (no it's not one of you, don't worry! :D)... well if you guess it you'll know why ok! [if my mother ever happens to read this I only know them from afar or because they are in one of my classes and I was forced to talk to them]

Haha this layout thing I have is very confusing.. Oh well it's nice and bright so everyone can just deal with it! Yeah I don't care if you like it or not! :P nnnneeerrrr

You know how some people don't look other people in the eye... do you all reckon it just means they are lying or do you think there could be other reasons for it? Let's have a vote.. haha I know a vote is a bit stupid but too bad VOTEEEEEEEEE you've bothered reading this so bother voting and be good little sumeritans (or however you spell it!!)

It's funny with these things, I say stuff I wouldn't say usually.. Maybe cause there is no reply it feels like nobody is going to read it so I can be open with stuff.. Seriously sometimes I have to stop myself writing stuff I know I will regret later, actually there's the chance I've already done that... but I'm trying to be more daring with what I say instead of just immediately thinking of every little consequence.. Now I only think of a few! haha maybe not.. I've only started this whole theory today so it's still on trial, and probably will die out in the next week or so!!

Haha nice little scary story I just thought people might like to know... If you don't like little kids and the crap that comes out of their mouth just skip this bit... it made me want to run away so I'm sure it can make other people too! This little girl was on a camp I was working on and she came up and sat on me (she's damn heavy too!! no surprise, she at 3 times as much as me, and i eat a lot!!) then goes "you're my mummy" and I said "umm no I'm not. just don't go there" so she decides to be a wonderful little child and say "yes you are, and I need breastfeeding"... At which point my choices were sit there and laugh and try not to scream or run away... Run away was looking good, only i still had the lump sitting on my legs, so i laughed, pushed her off then moved away fast!

Hey hey guys there might be some news tomorrow! I sure hope so! But then maybe I wont be one of the only people who knows something other people don't.. Actually I know 3 things other people dont (and no Steph I don't mean about cheating in monopoly!!!!which I never did ;) it was Wilson!)...

Anyways I had best be off, I'm meant to have had dinner and be sleeping (due to a lack of sleep last night).. but I think these drugs (Codral, guys don't get any untrue beliefs) keep you awake... The daytime ones that is! But anyway I was saying about having to go, so I'll leave Steph to her impure thoughts about things mentioned in Love Actually!

Tata, farewell, ciao, au revoir, adios (dunno how to spell it), byyyeeezzzzzzz


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