Oblongulated thoughts...

Wednesday, October 13, 2004

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Hm I thought staying at home was meant to be fun, but it's really not, it's actually very boring. I always seem to make the writing on here very small, I hope I'm not blinding anyone who tries to read this... Actually the even more confusing thing is when people keep coming online when they are meant to be at school!

Well there's 3 totally unrelated sentences!!! I'm reading, Little Women, but Louisa May Alcott at the moment, it is quite annoying. You see as far as I can tell, the whole point of the book is that the girls do something bad, they learn from their mistakes and become happy Christian wives... There's only one interesting main character in it, and I have a slight feeling that she is going to end up being like the rest of them cause "that's how it should be". I think that's what I hate most about all this "19th Century Literature", it's really predictable and basically the authors just preach about how people should be, and how they should act. There is nothing really original in it at all... Maybe I haven't read enough of that style and there is something more to it, but from what I've read that is all I can see, and it's really annoying!

Well I have the guinea piglettes up at the house today, because mum kindly decided to flood the stables, and now Bubble is really annoying me, cause he keeps chewing on the cage thing I have him in and it's very irritating... I am really wishing I could just put them outside! But anyways never mind that, cause I just did :D

Geez it's hot today, how nice would it be to have airconditioning?! Actually, change that, how nice is it to have aircon? Cause I don't have any but I'm sure most civilized people do! Actually we do, but only in my parents room, maybe I'll go up there and continue reading soon, once I've finished writing in this.

Hum hum hum..... I think something interesting should hppen, cause I'm getting sick of writing on tis and practising just usung oine han to type, which ius why the spelling etc is so bad.

Hmmwell apparently Steve isn't at school either, cause he has the hsc next week, I wish I was that close to finishing school, how great would that be?! It would be great, I think people should stop trying to convince me that it will be really scary, I really really doubt that!

Hmm well I should go read some more crap, then maybe I can write some crap, and if I'm really energetic after that I can cook some crap! Tata!!! (crap!!)


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