Oblongulated thoughts...

Wednesday, October 06, 2004

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You should just ask him out for drinks and casually slip into the conversation that you'd like to get married and have lots of sex and kids. Haha or that's what Wilson seems to believe we should all do!!!

Anyways Rishi's party was coolies, haha what funy little sharks! Tehe anywayyyyysssssssssssssss...

I took my dog for a walk today, he's such a pathetic fraud... A car comes along so he growls at it and pretends he's all big and brave, but as it goes past he cowers into the nearest bush/bin/high grass/fence he can find. Absolutely pathetic. But my original point was, I don't usually take him for walks, or really walk anywhere except when I'm feeling particularly energetic (like today) and I've discovered I really do enjoy it... I actually really like seeing peoples paddocks and houses and just wishing I could have them, only problem is it's quite depressing knowing that I never will.. On the other hand for those moments I can convince myself maybe in the future I could it is quite good!

Well for those interested (which is probably nobody but this is my blog so deal with it!) I got these photos back from my competition on the first weekend of holidays, they are SO good! Darcy is sooo gorgeous in them!!! Haha anyway nobody cares, so I'll just admire the photos on my own!

Well I can now remember how to ask "how old are you?" in the polite way (not informal) and how to say "I am 16 years old" in italian, I'm quite proud of myself. My next aim is to learn... "what is this called?" = come si chiama questo? and... "do you speak english?" = parli ingleze?

OK well I think I just scared Steph by trying to talk to her in Italian.. she kept replying in latin though, which got very confusing for my brain! For those of you who understand latin: inquit "tu es stultior quam asinus" ... mendax est! Tehe anyways I'll stop with the languages, cause I seem to be rather bad at them, although french is always fun, if I could spell it!

Ummm what to write? Well I was going to write something important, but that was last night and now I'm not in the mood... So instead I will tell everyone the tale of the tic (is it spelt that way??) that I found on my head... You see I was taking my puppy down to the stables (cause he sleeps there) and while putting on my shoe I decided to scratch my head, and found a tic, so I pulled it out and now I have a lumpy thingo where it was, and it hurts and it's annoying me! Grrr!!! So that is the tale of the tic..

I had best be off, but for anyone who cares I am definately doing my first One Star event at oberon... 31st October!! YAY!!!! :D:D:D Okidokie BYEZ!


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