Oblongulated thoughts...

Monday, October 11, 2004


Ello people who actually read this thing!!

Well got home from Scone about 7ish yesterday (7p.m)... It was good, gave me a bit of a wake up call, I think I've been getting a little too confident.. So I suppose in that sense it was good!

I realize that I'm meant to be at school today, but you see that's what I thought, then mum goes "no it's Tuesday cause of the public holiday last weekend" so I believed her, and now it's wrong! Geez! And today she wakes me up and starts yelling at her saying I knew it was on Monday and that she never told me it wasn't and bla bla bla! Silly silly people!!! Anyway I'm hoping that nothing important is happening, I sent Steph a message to ask (seeing as she's probably the only person who will tell me, anyone else would just say "oh school is boring" or not answer the message at all!).. I should go upstairs and check if she's answered. Wait there little blog window! Well she answered saying yes, so I'm not too sure if that's a "yes there is something important happening" or "yes you are meant to be at school"...

I hate it when you are talking to someone and it feels like they don't want to talk to you, and you know they aren't talking cause there is something wrong, but at that moment you are actually really happy and don't want to be all doctorish. It's really mean but I just wish they'd get over it, cause I know what's wrong, and I know that nothing I say is going to help in the least bit except making them feel better for about an hour or something... Grrrrrrrrr it annoys me! Please people, if I'm in a good mood, unless you are considering suicide, just talk to someone else, if talking to me isn't going to do you any good in the long term, tell someone else!! It's not that I don't care about people, it's just that I'm kind of sick of hearing about everyone elses ongoing problems... Especially people who do nothing but complain, I mean if they don't usually complain about stuff I don't mind as much.

Well I just reread that, it's pretty mean... Arg too bad... I'll write on here when you can feel free to complain to me, probably in December would be a good time... Until then just give me a break. Right now I'm a little too focussed on other things and I think I'd probably just end up saying "shut up and get over it!".

Anyway, I can't wait to go one*, had a pretty crap weekend this time, but never mind. I learnt a lot and that's all that matters, plus I have a lesson every week until Oberon, so that should be fine... But hey the people who read this don't give a damn about my horses and stuff so I'll just shut up now before you all go to sleep..

Actually thinking about that, it's really weird being two different people.. It's like I have my school "me" and my other "me"... both of them are variable depending on what mood I'm in, but they are sooo different.. All my school "me" wants is to get out of school, but then part of it also wants to do well at school, for some reason... Then all my other "me" wants is... well a lot of things really... which I'm not writing here cause I'm sick of peoples judgement of it. Let's just say my dream of what I want to do in my life is, or seems to be, pretty laughable to most people... But anyway, that's not the point of writing this, it's just that I realized this weekend that my school "me" was starting to invade my other "me" and the other way round. My school "me" is soo different, I'm sort of wondering whether people would recognise me if I started being my other "me"... cause I got told to stop being weird on the weekend and then realized I was being my school "me".. Hmm interesting thoughts...But this is probably just getting confusing with all the "me"'s...

Does anyone actually read this by the way? Just interested to know!

Hmm another Italian lesson for today....Actually I don't know... I've run out of every day sort of ones! Cause this phrase book is all about asking about taxis and accomodation and buying condoms.... which is why I'm a little uncertain about practicing them with my mum. She taught me the words for bread (pane), butter (burro), lettuce (salata) and plate (ummm... piatro I think)... So I'm sure they'll come in really handy!

Well I had best be off, I'm trying to finish at least one of the books Mrs McFadden gave to me... ITs about a woman living in India, it's not very interesting but it's pretty short so I should manage to finish it by this afternoon. Tata ciao!


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