Oblongulated thoughts...

Saturday, October 16, 2004


Ello ello friendly blog readers!
Well it has come to my attention that someone one the little chatty thing on the left is pretending to be me, which is really quite annoying of them!! GRRR!!! Ohhh wait a second... Sorry got distracted there.

Anywayyyy I don't really have much to write on here, all I did today was sleep, finish Little Women, read some of a book about some guy who has this portrait of himself, which ages instead of him aging.. It's really weird! It's also quite annoying when a man talks for pages and pages about nothing. He's some weird philosophical man, it's very strange!

Hm my mum is talking to that annoying woman who is running the dressage day at pony club. Actually I think my mum probably seems to be the annoying one, cause we didn't get the entries in on time, then she shoved me in at the end, and now I can't do it anyway! Grrrrr damn this! I believe in the highs coming with the lows, just I hate having so many lows, when other people seem to have all highs.. it just annoys me! But anyway school people who are reading this think I'm going on about nothing now so I'll just shut up!

It's so weird when usually you spend all your time doing one thing, then suddenly you can't. It's like you have no idea what you are meant to do with your time any more, so you do a whole lot of useless little things until someone tells you to stop and just sleep or something like that. Take today for instance, I didn't know what else I was meant to do, so I organized all the books I own into alphabetical order by the authors, then started on my mum's until she told me I was a hopeless case!

Has anyone read the book, While I Live?? It's umm... different! I only read a bit cause then I had to read these other annoying books.. but it's lovely the way people just basically get butchered! It's really nice and friendly!

Hmm what else? Well that Little Women book had the word "philoprogenitiveness" in it, what's that, 7 syllables? Geez! How pathetic is the person who came up with that word?!

Ok I think that is all I can possibly ramble on about, everyone on MSN has deserted me, so ciao all!


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