Oblongulated thoughts...

Friday, October 15, 2004


Yep that's me at the moment, no voice whatsoever!
Some people seem to find this quite amusing which is very mean of them :P (yes I'm talking to you!), but anyway on to other matters which need discussion...

Sorry, I was lying, I don't have any matters which need discussing... but I do have a matter I'e decided to bore people with.. So off we go on our merry adventure!

See I was talking about that book I'm reading, Little Women... and apart from my amazement at how many people have read this book, I am also amazed that I could actually sympathise with the characters, well one.. at one point in the book.. Not in the sort of 'bawling my eyes out it made me that sad', more like a sigh and realising I knew how they felt! Haha for those reading this, who have read that crazy thing, NO IT IS NOT WHEN BETH DIES OK!!!!

Well as people may or may not know/have noticed I went home early today, no I was not dying and have to call an ambulance to take me to the hospital, funnily enough the vet had to come for my horse.. so that's why I went home.. but my voice was very convenient, the lady at the office didn't even ask why I had to sign out, she just gave me a 'knowing look'. I thought that was hilarious considering, although it was a fair assumption, I wasn't going home for that reason. Meanwhile all you school people, you are just finishing class, or getting your bags while I'm writing this, so I hope nobody dies on the way home and that I see you all next week!

That ScoobyDoo song is stuck in my head, it is quite amusing really! Oh by the way, for the record I DID NOT START THAT RUMOUR HOW DARE YOU ACCUSE ME OF SUCH A THING!!!!! I SWEAR ON MY SHOE I DIDN'T DO IT!!!!! I also swear I don't know who did, but not on my shoe... maybe on my big toe, just to be different!

Haha well we had the vet out, Gendy recommended him... His name is Dougie and according to her he's really hot... I have discovered I don't quite agree with her idea of "hot" but he does have a cool accent.. Irish if I remember right. Then again I didn't really believe her judgement on it before Dougie....

Has anyone else seen an ad for those Video Now things? They say that you can watch any movie any time, then in the fast-talking bit they say that you can only watch the videos that they have made into a special disc thing for this crazy gadget...

I have dents in my ass... lol I'm sure everyone REALLY wanted to know that, and that you are all running away cause you can hear the phone ringing, not cause of what I just said!! Lol na but I do, you know those bum dimple things? Yeah them! LOL I just remembered the time when my friend in.. Kindergarten I think, showed me her birthmark on her ass.. it's seriously MASSIVE!!!!! lol strange strange memories! Ooo look you're all running again... except some weird person who thinks that's a huge turn on! Hahaahahahahaha

Hmm what to do.... I rang Gendy before to tell her the bad news, but I got the answering machine, and have a slight feeling that she won't be able to understand it anyway! Ahhz well...

Well my mum told me to sleep... so because I'm allergic to doing what that vampire tells me to, I WONT listen to my mum and I WONT go to sleep, even though I'll regret it tomorrow when these lovely dark lines under my eyes get worse because this STUPID BLOODY COLD WONT LET ME SLEEEEEEEEPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPP... *sigh*

Wow asterix's (is that how you spell it) look really cool in this font, I know it's pretty much just an average font but they do ok, stop arguing with me! I know you're arguing, I can smell it! ************************************************ tehe they're like those paper people!!! *burp* haha no I didn't burp, I just felt one was needed, lol like Gem and I used to..

Ooo actually, if you ever happen to read this Gem, I am making a fool of myself for your amusement!!! So here we goooooooooooo....
Whheeeeeeeeeehheeeeeeeeeee!!!!!!! Moooooooooooooooooooooooo!!!!!!!
and last, but you'll love it the most!
Lol remember that? and the catnip??????????????? and jumping from Oscar to Jaf????

Haha ok sanity back now, well as much as I had before anyway! For those of you who had no idea what that was, don't judge me by it!!!! :D:D

OK I'm going to go watch Spongbob!!! YAY!!! lol Ciao all! (WHEEHEEE to Gem!)


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