Oblongulated thoughts...

Saturday, October 23, 2004


hmm, wow that's a great way to start a post, hmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm! Anyways on to business! Do you think first impressions are right? I don't think they are, any time I judge a person before I know them I regret it later because I found out they are the opposite. My other question for pondering today is whether we actually know anyone? I mean sure I know people's names, and I know how they act, but is it just an act? I don't think that anyone just acts like them, just because they want to. I think everyone acts a certain way because of other people... If other people didn't expect us to wear clothes would we? Or if people didn't expect us to wash our hair, would we? I Always wonder how different people would be if one day you could only act or be the way you are actually meant to, with no influence from other people... Would I even recognise the people I see every day at school? I don't know if I would, and if we did have that, what would I be like? I don't even know what I would be like!

Well that is all my pondering out of the way now, I can yabber on about much more important stuff, like food. See at the moment I am eating dry special k with peaches and apricots, its yummy, I don't see how they can make the peaches and apricots all powdery when they are dry then suddenly all peachlike and apricotlike when they get wet.. Are they real fruit or just powdery stuff pretending to be fruit? Does this sound insane? (That's a rhetorical question) but yeah it probably does..

I have finally decided what to do for extension two.. Satirical fairytales. You see it works perfectly because (1) they are short and by the time I get bored of one I can move onto another one and (2) satire seems to come very naturally for me! So that is my aim, now all I have to do is write them!

It seems that a lot of people have started studying already, I sort of have, but I don't have a whole weekend's worth to do, where do you people get all this work from?! I always wonder that when steph says how much homework she has and I have none... I swear she makes some up for fun! Actually speaking of steph, they ARE going to work it out, and for Wilson, I have a texta that's a really nice blue! :D

OK I think I've written enough, tata


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