Oblongulated thoughts...

Wednesday, November 24, 2004


Hmm now I can guess the reaction of the title "oh know she is going to complain about her parents for 2000 years until i am dying of boredom and want to hit her over the head with a brick (or whichever comes first)" Funnily enough, although I feel I have a right to complain, it is too teenagerish and annoying and I hate when people do that and lie about stuff and exaggerate their lying to the point where you are ready for the parents to pull a zip on the top of their heads and step out as aliens, because hey that is more likely than what is going on in this exaggeration of a lie... NO I am actually going to say how PROUD i am of my mum (and because I don't want to get into annoyances I won't mention the other half of this argument)..

This is the reason for me not being at school yesterday.. The truth, the whole truth and nothing but the truth.. No exaggerations included (they come extra for just $29.95 and a freight cost of $7.50 to customers outside Australia.. just kidding!!!).. Anyways I'll stop the creative genius and get on with my story, it is a nice juicy one, so I'm sure people will want to read it.
Anyway I woke up at 7am yesterday morning (which is funny, cause my alarm was meant to go off at 6:30).. My alarm hadn't gone off and it took me a moment to realize WHY i had woken up, nothing except my alarm has ever managed that difficult feat before... then i realized there was a banging on the stairs.. I immediately assumed my dad because he is incapable of walking quietly.. Then I heard some yelling "As if I didn't know! You are a male whore!" etc etc etc and realized that was my mum (not the TV as I originally assumed.. sorry back on track) and they had a nice big argument until my dad decided to leave for work.. ANYWAYS meanwhile i really needed to pee, but the bathroom is outside my room (i.e not an ensuite) so i just waited until mum went outside to feed my horse (because I still couldn't walk too well) then went to the bathroom and went back to bed and pretended I had slept through it all ... which wasn't too hard.. Anyway my mum came in and "woke me up" at 8:30 and i started to get ready for school, because I really didn't want to be there while she was in that sort of mood, it's not fun trust me.. but nnoooo i had to stay home which just sucked...

So that is my story of why I didn't come to school.. Anyway the reason I was proud of her is because for the first time in her life she actually stood up for herself instead of complaining to me! SO all I can say is GO MUM GO WHOOOOOOOOO!!! To tell the truth I have no idea why I just wrote that, I don't want some sort of sympathy, honestly I am happy for her, I don't really care that they are arguing (though it appears that I am meant to according to my research for extension 2.. oh god here comes the ice queen again! lol or not).. in fact I don't care at all as long as my mum doesnt leave or something and not take me with her.. in which case I will NOT be proud of her any more but instead quite angry..

Why did I write all of that? Maybe I should start again? No. I want to tell the truth, I'm sick of telling people that I just slept in and mum couldn't be bothered taking me, she could be bothered, she didn't want to.

Anyways I went to school today, which was good :D Actually school wasn't good, and being there wasn't good.. I'm not too sure what was good about it.. Just getting out of the house I suppose...

I just read Wilson's blog so I've been thinking about what she was saying (and I'm not going into the parent thing here because I've just said how proud i am of my mum and i don't want to complain about her right now)... so I was thinking about friends... and someone once gave me this thing saying how everyone at school was just a constant aquaintance, it's so true... I mean as much as I like the people I hang around, I don't know that... well what defines a friend? Cause I reckon I'll make the effort to keep in touch, but honestly am I going to have time? Am I going to even know them, not remember, but KNOW them? Do I know them now? Will it be one of those things where you always have to revert back to talking about the past because you have nothing in common any more, and sharing things that have happened bores you? I think so. Cause I have friends that I've said I'd stay in touch with, people who left in primary school, people who moved overseas, and as much as I try it's no use, they are different, I'm different...

I guess a good example is Olivia (in our grade for those of you who go to my school).. we used to be good friends, yeah i'd even say best friends (even though i HATE that term) but in year 7 i kind of switched groups and whatever.. so anyway I talked to her a couple of months ago, I wouldn't have a CLUE who she is.. I mean sure she's still Olivia, she still looks pretty much the same.. But I don't know her at all, I just have a feeling that everyone that I'm friends with now will be like that.. Another example is someone who moved overseas, again we were really good friends, and i still talk to her on msn, if you can call it talking, it gets to the how are you stage and we both have nothing to say, and we can try as hard as we want but there will never be a conversation there except about the past, and I don't like talking about the past! GRRR..

So really I think friends only exist for a certain amount of time, and after that you are constant aquaintances, but most people you meet are just constant aquaintances and will never be anything more... So there! Contradict me if you want, I don't care.

Anyways now I've had a bit of a rant and rave about some stuff.. I should finalize my english speech.. I'm quite proud of how long this is, considering I've only talked about two things! tehe I really am having an inspirational moment.. I can't seem to stop writing (if only i could turn that inspiration to the topic of imaginative journeys!)



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