Oblongulated thoughts...

Friday, November 26, 2004


Well news eh? I don't really have any.. I got my maths mark back, 46/60... hmm it's alright, the problem is my expectations are a fair bit higher than they were before (now that I actually understand maths) so yeahh.. but apparently not many people did too well.. Arggg and I thought I did pretty well in it too....

Anyways today was pretty sucky.. Yesterday I had my english speech (which no doubt was crap too) and then worked, which was alright.. Actually no, it was good, I'm just in a bit of a sucky mood again.. I wrote another story thing, cause I had already written The Quest For the Holy Glory (Cause the grail had been found) so this time I wrote The Quest For Truth, it was interesting, because I wrote it all in second person, which I found out is very difficult to do, it's so unnatural. It's a bit depressing though, then we started reading Brave New World, which is also fairly depressing.... Then thinking about our maths teacher abandoning us (very depressing) and yes I'm just in an overall sucky mood, to make matters worse I feel sick and just had the stupid stitches outa my toe... So BOOHOOO HHOOOO woe is me! Lol

Hmm sooo what else? Oh yes, Millie's farewell party is tonight, which should be good (yes I'm going Steph, breathe).. Umm I dunnoooo wait a while and I might think of something, only I don't really have a while and I want to type up these stories.

Barp well I had best be off tata


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