Oblongulated thoughts...

Saturday, December 18, 2004

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Tehehe well I'm a bit bored, so I am going to tell you all a story (if there are really people who read this) I'm not sure what it's about right now but oh well, and I have exactly 31 minutes to write it so it's going to be pretty short!!!

Once upon a time there was a person called Mandrake. He was very embarrassed about his funny name so he decided that he wanted to change it. He told everyone to call him Bob instead, but that didn't solve the problem of his birth certificate and passport etc.

He asked his mum how he could change his name. "You cn only change your name when you are 18, and anyway you have a lovely name, I chose it myself. Why do you want another one?" He just shook his head sadly and wished that the next 6 years of his life would pass quickly so that he could change it.

After a year of waiting to turn 18 he decided to take matters into his own hands, everybody was calling him Bob, he had a fake ID which said he was called Bob and some of his friends had managed to forget that he'd ever had a name other than Bob. The school however still had him enrolled as Mandrake. So he went to the principal.

"Mr Principal, sir, how can I change my name in the school records?" he tried to smile as sweetly as he could, which is quite difficult when you are a shrub, but the principal was proud of him for making the effort at least.

"Well, Mandrake" the shrub shuddered at the name "if both of your parents write me a signed letter saying that you wish to be called something else here it will go on the records and your files will be changed from now onwards."

The shrub smiled and ran out of the office in glee. Forging his mother's signature couldn't be that hard, and his dad was dead so there was no need to have his signature. Bob decided that he would write the letter that very night. However he needed a copy of his mother's signature to copy.

That afternoon he asked his mum to sign a piece of paper for him.

"Why would you want me to do that Manny?" she gave him the most puzzled look a bush can manage. Finally after he had spent a good while staring at her she gave in and signed the piece of paper.

So he ran off and typed the letter and traced her signature at the bottom. the next day he gave it to the principal who smiled at him and handed it to the secretary.

"Wow, erm, Bob. So are you going to change your passport and birth certificate as well? Otherwise when you get your license, or if you get married your name will be Mandrake again on those documents!"

Bob was worried now, his passport and birth certificate would probably need much more than a signed note to be changed! He asked his principal how they could be changed, his principal simply shrugged.

Bob spent another two years wishing that he was 18 so he didn't need anything from his mother to change his birth certificate and passport. He had decided that if nothing could be done he simply wouldn't get his license and wouldn't get married until he was 18. The final one was pretty unlikely, seeing as he was allergic to female shrubs, and no other creatures were interested in him. So it was only the license he would have to go without.
This was OK until all his friends got their license, they all questioned him about why he didn't have one. They teased him about being scared, or physically incapable of driving. By this time he was pretty upset, and wanted nothing more than to just get a license which said that his name was Bob. He was even starting to wonder if his old name was that bad. He wondered this until he realized that his friends had completely forgotten he ever had another name and would probably laugh themselves stupid if they were reminded of it.
He decided he would just have to forge his passport and birth certificate and use the forgeries to get his license. Only his mother had to be there with him. First things first though, he spent months perfecting the forgeries until finally he could see no difference with the originals (other than his name of course). Now for his mother. His mother always had a bad memory, unfortunately this had never spread to the topic of his original name but he was sure that with a bit of help it could.
He caught her at a particularly weak moment in regards to her memory, and when she called Mandrake, he corrected her. She accepted this and called him Bob for the rest of the 'spell'. When she was back to normal however she was calling him Mandrake again. This went on for another six months until finally he decided he had to take action. His uncle was a vantriliquist, and could imitate other voices pretty well. He also called the boy Bob. So Bob asked him if there was any chance of him taking him to do his license test instead of his mother who was going through one of her 'spells'.

"Sure I will Bob, don't you worry young chap. Does this mean I have to imitate your mother?"

Bob nodded. He had already booked to go there, so all they had to do was turn up the next day, pretend his uncle was his mother and everything would be ok!

The next morning was bright and sunny (of course, it has to be doesn't it?) when they drove to the nearest RTA. They waited in the line for a few hours, happily chatting to eachother about how quickly Bob would learn to drive. They finally reached the counter by about midday.

"May I see your passport and birth certificate please?" the nice lady behind the desk smiled in a somewhat bored tone.

Bob rummaged around in his leaves looking for the brilliant forgeries. He rummaged so long that she had to ask him to move aside and let someone else through while he searched. His uncle helped him search, but there was no point, they were gone. Bob cried and cried until all his leaves were dripping and he thought his branches would grow fungus. Finally some men in suits came and took him off to a hospital so that he could be restrained. He was locked up there for the rest of his life, and called Mandrake because he hadn't changed his Medicare.

The End

Tehehe a bit of a quick ending I know but I have four minutes left!! Tehehe like the story? It's actually a bit longer than I anticipated, sorry about all the typos, I was trying to type as fast as I could so yes, I made a few mistakes I do believe!

Anyway, must dash, have to go ride my horse before I go out to dinner and see Oceans 12 with my mum and her friend. Oh dear, my cousins have just rocked up, what fun riding will be I'm sure, with them around it always is fun... No sarcasm there at all!



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