Oblongulated thoughts...

Tuesday, December 07, 2004

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Who would have thought there is a beatboxing website? I certainly didn't realize.. Actually having said that there is probably heaps of them! Hahaha I'm a bit sloowwwww...

Speaking of sllooowww, Gendy still hasn't answered my message, which is just rude! I really want to know their names and birsthdays and whatever and I don't have a clue cause she hasn't answered me!!!! gaarrrr!!! Anyway hopefully she will get around to it soon!!

Apparently tonight I am watching To Kill a Mockingbird with mum. Haha yes note the correct underlining there? Teheheeh I have lots of practice with all my assignments etc. Actually did you know that I managed to get 33/40 (82.5%) for my extension two proposal? I am extremely proud of myself... How great would it be if I could get into the Young Writers Showcase 2005??? (more good underlining).. I reckon that would be great. It would never happen but I don't care, I can dream.. Actually I probably can't dream cause you have to get 50/50 and because I just got 82.5% for my last one I don't think I can get full marks any more, plus that viva voce (or whatever its called) is going to be a little difficult for me, I can hardly make a speech well, forget answering questions!!!!

Anyway we had that party for ms irvine today.. Aww I so wish she wasn't going! I actually understand maths, and I'm actually doing well and if she leaves I'm going to fail everything again and then mr parrington will tell me that I should have kept legal instead of dropping to ten units and I don't think I could handle admitting that mr parrington was right.. Wow that was a bloody long sentence! But yes I'm not happy about this at all... Also most of the exchange students seem to have finished their "stint" over here and are now leaving.. Which I'm kinda sad about too. I suppose most about Anna cause I actually talked to her, but Sophia was telling me that she is going to miss it and how she doesn't want to leave! I would love to go on exchange somewhere.. Only I don't do a language which could make it a bit difficult, and I don't know that I could do an exchange program thing after I've left school (basically it's not going to happen) but it would be great. I don't think I know enough of any other language (mind you Anna assures me she hardly knew any english before she came here)... Some day I will go to europe and that and try and stay for a while in italy and learn the language, then I want to go to germany (for my riding) and I've said that if i do I will come visit anna too and she will teach me some german :D

Anywayssss I have dinner, so wait a sec! (well for you it's a sec!)

I want to go on a holiday. I just need to get out of Sydney I think.. But I don't want to leave everyone.. just this area and my family and yeah. I want to do something different for a while... I'll probably try to convince wilson and steph to come with me (actually I am about to ask steph)... I spose if they wont/cant I'll just go anyway... I really need a break of some sort.. I'm just not sure where yet.


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