Oblongulated thoughts...

Monday, December 06, 2004

[*][u][n][w][a][n][t][e][d] [k][n][o][w][l][e][d][g][e][*]

Damnit I hate finding out things I really didn't want to know.. I'm not reffering to the "ew that's so gross" sense, just hearing stuff about someone that isn't nice, and you don't know if it's true or not and you don't particularly want to ask them... I think at the moment I'm a bit scared that it will be true, and if it is what am I meant to do about it?!

Anyway it just kind of wrecked my mood for the day, because otherwise I would have probably been in a really good mood, what with the games of table tennis and lesson and finding out that GENDY HAS HAD HER KIDS!!! OMG IM SO EXCITED!!!!!!!!!!!!! lol!!!!! and i still haven't sent her xmas prezzie thing.. which I should probably do. In fact I will wrap it now and send it tomorrow!!! Brb! (not that it makes a difference to anyone reading this!!)

Tehe ok well I wrapped hers but we don't have any baby paper for the other stuff (which mum assures me is absolutely essential! So we will get that tomorrow and send it on wednesday or thursday... :D

Hum what else can I do, I was going to look up on that victorian era thingo and I should probably do some photocopying of articles tomorrow up at the library, or ask steph to lend me hers so I can photocopy it at home.. hmm that would be good, if she would let me.. na I'll just pay to photocopy them there... Anywayas I'm off to do school work (joy) and I'll write some more of the story! tehehe byez


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