Oblongulated thoughts...

Thursday, January 06, 2005


OK well I'm back from Lennox. I probably shouldn't write too much, but unfortunately I do have a lot to write, and I'm not too sure where to start. I think I will start with the holiday.

We got picked up by Michelle at 6:30 am on New Years Eve. She already had Rowan and Lindsay (Rowan's dad) in the car, so fitting me and my mum, plus our luggage was a bit of a squish. Finally we got it in and took off. We had about 4 stops the whole day (its approx a ten hour trip, driving). We also soon discovered that the middle seat in the back was REALLY uncomfortable.

Anyway I'll skip all the driving, cause although some parts were amusing it was mostly extreme boredom time.. Although I did discover I have the unique (I think it's unique) ability to be able to completely switch off my brain without falling asleep. I had my eyes open (I don't think I blinked much either, cause they were really dry) and sat there for 3 hours without thinking anything. I wasn't asleep, I heard mum and Michelle talking, and could have told you what they said without actually hearing it. It was really weird. Anyway that passed some of the time!

We also had a bit of an evil truck driver, who ran a poor P plate driver off the road among other things, but we saw a police car on the side of the road and reported him. So that was mildly interesting.

When we got there it was OK. The house is really unusual. It would basically be a sqare from the top, but the corners have all been cut out, like there if the corner would have looked like L that usually it was kinda pushed in. I can't explain it. Everything was timber, and none of the walls reached the roof. There was a bottom level where Michelle's dad lives (he's a funny man, but I'll talk about him some other time) and her brother also stays down there when he is working in Ballina. Then the middle level has everything, then there is a small room upstairs from that. It is SO hot there, I really don't take heat well and I just couldn't handle it after a while. It was also really annoying that none of the walls met the ceiling in regards to all the toilet sound effects.. ewwwww...

What else? They have really big killer mozzies... We walked to the beach every day except today (we flew out of the gold coast at 4.. but basically sat around the whole day)... and I bought a pair of swimmers, which I am quite happy about.

I am also using Lennox as my setting for extension two, so I took some pictures and bought a map etc. I also did some highlighting of BNW while I was there, and bought a Charles Dickens book to read for extension one, so I was quite proud of myself as far as school work goes.

OK I'm bored of talking about that for the moment, I'll write more about it tomorrow probably. Anyway I finished reading the last two books in the second series on the way up there, then started writing my own one. I think I talked about doing that on here, but I finally started. It's hand written, in a spare exercise book I took up there. So far I've written 42 pages, which I am extremely proud of. It's going well and I'm so inspired with it. Only problem is I know I should be doing schoolwork or something productive, but if I try and write my extension two I just can't stop thinking about that. I can't read my Dickens book because I can't stop thinking about it. Damnit I'm more obsessed than wilson and steph are about buffy.. And even if I do finish writing it, what will I achieve? Sure I'll be proud, but it's not going to get me a good mark in school.. I could never publish it cause a) it isn't good enough and b) I'm using most of the characters and settings that were made up by Tamora Pierce. Gar! Oh well.

While I was up there, Michelle kept lecturing Rowan about school, and uni etc. I don't blame her really, he does nothing.. but I hate people talking about uni cause it makes me want to go there, only I know I can't afford it, and I know what I really want to do with my life. It would just be nice to do something else too.. I would LOVE to write a movie, or a book.. I would just love to be a writer if I didn't have to have any money to keep horses etc.

While we were in Lennox we went to see the Incredibles, I liked it, but it's not the one I want to talk about. We also saw the Motorcycle Diaries... It sounded crappy to me, and I really didn't want to see it but it was AMAZING. I absolutely loved it. It's a completely true story about two guys who went off on an adventure... they were going to become doctors etc and went to the amazon, where there is a hospital for people with leprosy.. it was one of the most incredible movies I have ever seen... Honestly, the title sounded like shite (dont mind me saying so) but the guys, and their journey was amazing... I would love to be a person who wasn't afraid to stand up for myself, and other people. This man fought with everything he had for justice, and was murdered by the CIA... it was so sad, but so inspiring... Anyway, I recommend it totally.. And now I want to read the book.

I also watched Oprah today (don't laugh, I was nearly crying) she had a "real life heroes" special, because of the movie Ladder 49.. It was incredible, she was talking about this little boy she knew, who was 14 and had a disease that ended up killing him.. but it was just sooo sad... my mum was crying and I was getting close...

So now I have a whole lot of new books I want to read... The first is the Motorcycle Diaries... then Lucky Man (it's about Michael J Fox, and his disease (i cant spell it and I'm not going to try) and Michelle says it's incredible) then I HAVE to read some 19th century stuff before I go back to school. Plus I want to write more of this story.. but I don't want to be as obsessed with it as I am now.

I am thinking about writing something similar, but something I actually make up, so that maybe if I ever get it good enough I can see if I can publish it. Not likely but I don't care, I love writing, and that's what I want to do, as well as my riding.

I think I'll go upstairs now and keep writing, I'm so glad to be home... and tomorrow I'm 17.. although I can't see a real difference... I'm not excited at all.. I mean the only moderately interesting thing that happens is that the contract for my mobile runs out, and I have a slight supsicion this means I won't be able to send or recieve any messages until I get a new one. Oh well, I doubt I'll be missing out on much..

BYEZ! Tehe and sort of hello at the same time..


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