Oblongulated thoughts...

Monday, December 20, 2004


OK well I'm back on here to vent some more of my anger... I know that seems to be all I've been doing for a while but oh well! You get that I suppose. I had a big argument with my mum, it was stupid cause she was finally saying something which I had been telling her for ages and she didn't believe me about... then she said something else which i thought was totally stupid, of course i was good and didn't say that.. The conversation was something along the lines of this:
Me: Um I don't think youre right about the last part, but the first bit sounds good.
Her: Of course you don't think you're right, you didn't think of it. You're so single minded and you can't take anyone elses opinions.
Me: what? *confused look at sudden outburst of anger.. trying to be as blank as a stone (new habit of mine)*
Her: You're just like your father, that's why you will never get anywhere and will end up just like him! (thats about the biggest insult you can give me, considering what i think of my father)
Me *thinking of how blank stones can be* was I meant to agree with you then, even if I dont?
Her: Of course not, you are just meant to see my point of view
Me: I listened to your point of view then told you I didn't agree. You started yelling, so surely you're the one not listening to points of views here?
Her: How dare you! Look at you! You're nearly 17 and I'm 50, I think I know a bit more about the world than you!
Me: Am I supposed to agree with you then, because you are older than me? Does that make you right? *rock starting to crack*
Her: No! I just hate the way you are such a know-it-all! You're opinion isn't always right you know.
Me: Of course, I can see I'm the know it all here. Imagine how much of one I will be when I get to 50 then. *rock definately giving way*
Her: *horrified* get out. Do something else and stop annoying me.

So, needless to say my hole in my back paddock is much bigger and deeper now, and my hands are hurting cause i didn't put gloves on and I have blisters. Three on each hand, I thought that would be nice, to add to the three on each foot from wearing my new shoes yesterday!

I finished reading my book, and now I'm annoyed cause I want to read the next ones. I think I might actually go back and read the other series just to refresh my memory, cause there is stuff i can't remember and i think i would understand this one better if i could..

Oo apparently we're going up to the pony club grounds with Megan and Donna tomorrow, I'm happy tehehehe. Anyways I think I'd best be off now to do some reading. tata


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