Oblongulated thoughts...

Thursday, December 30, 2004

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"If the odds are against you, just change the odds!" I love that line, its out of the last book of that series I was reading... OK I'm going to try and explain all these books. Each series has four books. I had already read the first series. I had the last two books of the second series, but it didnt make sense so i never read them. Then I got the first two books of the third series. I've now finished the third series, then went back and read the first three books of the first series, now I've bought the first two books of the second series and I'm trying to find the third one so I can read that. I actually don't mind the second series, which is funny cause I didn't like it at all initially.. Problem is I'm absolutely obsessed with these books! Other than christmas and boxing day I haven't stopped reading them since I got the first two books of the third series!

I still like the idea of doing something with my time, like the knight idea, I'm just a bit stuck at the moment for ideas, so I'm focussing heaps on my riding (and reading, but I'm not proud of that one, I feel so lazy.)

Um the last time I wrote was christmas eve eh? Well Christmas was no more and no less than I expected (I didn't expect much) It just never felt like christmas...

Anyway my dad gave me an mp3 player, which is good but my computer wont let me download songs, so I have a grand total of about 8... i love getting old songs you never hear on the radio.. I like songs when they remind me of something.. Like I have everybody hurts by REM, it reminds me of this man whos now a quadraplegic, (i cant spell for crap sorry) cause his daughter sang it at this fundraiser thing for him.. I wasn't there but I heard about it and it just sounded sooo sad. The guy has to learn how to speak again, and walk.. he was one of the greatest eventers this country had.. i saw him ride once and I just wanted to drool cause it was so amazing.

anyway, I got some clothes... a pair of 3/4 pants (i hate three quarter pants but these are ok).. a black top, which isnt something I would usually wear but I'm willing to try it, a skirt.. i dont wear skirts, and paritcularly not short ones... but I have promised mum i will try and i did... a top from our shop (gar how unusual).. and another kinda pale green top which I like.. Umm oh a pair of those funny thongs with the heels, theyre nice...and that missy higgins cd.. tehe i love it. That was from my parents.

My family came over and it wasnt really that interesting, as usual... then the next day we had family friends over.. it was weird... really weird. ok the group of kids is (lol i hate the word kids but oh well) aaron, andrew, peta (GIRL), gavin, me, rowan.. in that order from youngest to oldest (i think) anyway it used to be the young group (the first three) and the old group (the last three) or sometimes gavin would switch.. but this year, cause we havent seen eachother in ages it was sooo different, the youngest are going to start highschool next year.. me and rowan are going to be out of school next year... and everyone had changed so much I hardly recognised them. so that was a little depressing, to be uncomfortable around the group of people I've known longer than anyone else.

Um after boxing day I went out with mum and my money (and a fair few vouchers) and bought a TV and a DVD player, plus some DVDs tehehe.. So far I have Pirates of the Carribean, Finding Nemo, Shrek (the first one), Ice Age (haha im big on animations arent i?) and just cause my mum hates it so much a Yu-Gi-Oh one! tehehe don't laugh, i was once addicted to it. Um since then I've been watching DVDs and reading lots..

Tomorrow we're going on holidays, it sucks, I don't really want to go any more. It will be good for my extension two, cause I'm going to set my story up there but I just don't like the idea. It was meant to be the group of family friends again but now it's not, were just going up to Peta and Michelle's (Michelle is the mum, who mum and I went to see oceans 12 with). I just don't like the idea of spending a week up there when my horse is finally starting to come good, Gendy can teach again and I only have 12 days till Mirrabooka and I'm just about shaking cause I'm so nervous about being in the top group for that! We dropped my horse off at Mel's today, and she's going to be riding him while I'm not there, but... it just wont work.. I have a really bad feeling about going up there and it scares me. The last time I had a bad feeling about something my horse died.. I don't want something like that to happen again... Maybe I'm overreacting or imagining the feeling but I just don't like the idea of what my horse will be like when we get back.. he's going to be a ratbag and I'm going to lose all my confidence and have to start again...

Humm anyways! Mum and I had this big conversation about what we're going to do if dad decides not to come back. It was really cool, we'll probably sell this place, then rent something in suburbia in Richmond (or near there) and agist my horses at Gendy's. That'd be cool because it wouldn't be permenant and also I could have Gendy there all the time and improve my riding heaps..And Mel can still come out and give me lessons, which is always good! :D Also I can probably do some grooming for a polo player to pay for my horses and whatever else. I'd have my Ps by then (this would probably be next year.. 2006).. and I can work really really hard on my riding and prove to people how good I can be *cough mum cough*... Then eventually we can move to the southern highlands or something like that and I can have my own property etc.. mum can have her cafe or whatever she wants to open and it will all be good. I just hope it happens. So for the moment that's the plan, I just hope it goes ahead.

Anyway apparently we are leaving at 6:30a.m. tomorrow, and will be getting back on my birthday.. So I will blog then and update on what's happened. Tehe hopefully I can get a lesson the day after my birthday and I will be happy again. For the moment though I'm off to search for the third book.. I really want to read it, as awfull as I feel by doing it. Tata.


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