Oblongulated thoughts...

Friday, January 21, 2005


Haha I never say awesome, but this girl in my group at mirrabooka kept saying it, and it seems to turn up everywhere now! including that cliche of a movie! Anyway I tried Fox yesterday, and in Jess's style I'll say he was AWESOME! lol no he really was!

He was absolutely completely incredible and i love him and I want to go ride him again! lol! Then I want to buy him and take him home so I can ride him whenever I want, then start competing him and I am completely obsessed by this horse now. Poor Darcy.. But it's ok cause I'm not selling him yet and I still have a few more comps I want to go to with him. So never fear, Darcy will not be neglected!!!

Anyway I'll shut up about Fox now cause I can hear everyone who reads this going "shut up about Fox already, nobody cares" yes that's right, I can hear your thoughts!

Well onto other matters, I am trying to make myself interested in reading Oliver Twist now, it's not particularly interesting but oh well. I've read nearly a hundred pages, only two hundred more to go! Lol!

Right now I am finally working on my extension two. I had a burst of inspiration and wrote the epilogue bit, and now I'm fixing up my prologue, and then I'll write some more of Section 1. Tehe I've seperated it into three sections plus a prologue and epilogue. So Mr Gates told us to do a third of it these holidays as a draft, but I would rather have my whole first draft done so I only have to spend the next three terms editing it and making it just right. More time for riding if I get all my schoolwork more than up to date these holidays, or that's my theory anyway!

So I should really stop writing on here and actually go do the work. Ciao!


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