Oblongulated thoughts...

Wednesday, January 19, 2005


Tehe well I am going to try Nicky's horse tomorrow. He sounds sooo fantastic but I don't know how we are going to get $15,000!!! Mum and I were coming up with some ideas yesterday. I have $3,700 at the moment, and my grandmother was going to give me money to buy a car in the future, but this is more important to me than a car, problem is I don't know how much she will give me. I also probably have to sell my piano, which is OK, I don't use it any more... so that's $4,000 approx. We are also going to have a garage sale, cause I have lots of horse stuff I need to sell, and there's heaps of stuff in the garage that we really don't need. I wonder if it will all add up to $15,000?? Probably not. I know I haven't even tried him yet, but from what I have heard I don't see how I wouldn't like him...

The good part about all these ideas is that it means I wouldn't have to sell Darcy until I was absolutely ready to, and I like the idea of that a lot better! It also means that whatever money we get from him would probably go towards buying me a car (if I ever get my Ps that is!)

Anyway off the topic of horses, cause I know it's boring for anyone who reads this, I went to see that Hilary Duff movie with Wilson and Steph last night. LOL I knew I didn't like Hilary Duff to start off with but geezzzzzz... Anyways I'll try not to be too mean cause some people liked it *cough cough* , but it kinda sucks when something is meant to be sad and it just seems corny. Tut tut! Anyway!!!

I have also discovered that Wilson's friends from her old school are the most creative bunch of people I've ever (not) met. Tehehehehehe that didn't make sense, but I wanted to fit it into a crappy cliche, and that was the only way it worked. Anyway yes they are, and I think they would have to be the best group of friends ever, which kinda makes me think our group must be pretty sucky after having them! lol I'm sure we're not, but seriously!! Wow! lol Tehehe just to add something completely random to this otherwise insane paragraph I'm wearing my new socks! lol

I'm also trying to do the schoolwork I promised myself I would do. I was really proud of how much I had done until I looked through my books etc and realized how much I haven't done!! I've been so busy writing this story (up to page 90 now) that I've neglected everything else! Like I promised myself I would have a first draft of my extension two and all I have is two pages of crap!!!! GEEEZZZZZZZZZZ Not to mention extension one.. Then only thing I have completely finished working on is maths, and I finished that in the first week of the holidays!

So I was doing my extension one before I decided to write on this, but now I should go back to it cause I know I'm just procrastinating again. Cya!


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