Oblongulated thoughts...

Wednesday, April 06, 2005


haha well people are on the retreat now (or on their way, not sure how long it takes to get there) so I hope everyone has fun, but not too much! lol na just kidding, have all the fun in th world! Which brings me to the point, how much fun is there in the world? I mean is there just a certain amount, which means that there is no time when everyone can be having fun cause there just isnt enough to go around? Does that mean that if half the world's population just died suddenly the people who were left could have fun all the time? lol what a crazy thought!

Anyway I'm really just on here to procrastinate (i love that word)... cause I should be re-writing the rest of my extension one creative thing, but im lazy so I'm on here instead. I've noticed that there's a lot of spirderman on tv at 7am.. I've never really watched tv at that time before, but now every morning i get woken up by the spiderman song! I have to say that whoever does the voice doesn't really get into it much.. I mean something strange happens and he says "oh" but sounds really bored while he says is! Certainly not a cartoon people have spent a lot of time on.. I also noticed this morning that they use the same scenery for different episodes.. not the same city or something normal like that, but a cave that he always seems to fall into, which always has different bad guys in it.. The other thing I noticed is that these little gremlin things attack him and he goes "oh theyre good fighters, shame theyre bad guys" how does he know theyre bad guys? Just cause they attack him, I mean really! If something attacked me I wouldn't necessarily say it was bad, maybe it was attacking me for something I had done!!!! GEEZZZ high-and-mightyman is what they should call him!!!

Hahah this post has no plot to it at all.. so I'll add some, perhaps from my story again. Just so you know this is from the first book ok?! cool. Ooo it's a long bit...

When she had reached her end of the lane she turned Rimo, careful to keep her shaking hands soft on the reins. She saluted her new knight-master, he did the same before they both leant forward, and asking their horses to gallop. She could see his shield, moving with his horse as they galloped towards eachother. The wind was roaring in her ears but she didn't hear it. She chose her target point. Her lance hit it square, but she didn't see it for the pain searing through her left arm. She had expected a blow, but her arm felt as though it had been hit with the force of a catapult. She gingerly turned Rimo, grimacing.

Raoul's expression was one of ecstasy. "I so miss jousting! Surely it is the reason to become a knight!" he looked at her more closely "Did I hurt you?"

She didn't want to appear weak "No my lord, my arm is simply numb. I am used to the strength of the pages only." It took her until now to realize that she hadn't gone flying yet. She kept her face blank but grinned in her mind.

"Shall we go again?" Raoul really was grinning. He looked like someone who had heard
that mid-winter festival had come early, except that he hated festivals.

"Of course, my lord."

While she made her way back to her end of the lane she shifted her arm, just to make sure that it still worked. Then she turned and saluted once again. It didn't seem to take as long to reach him this time. His 6 foot 3 height made him seem like a giant, seated perfectly on his huge gelding. This time she aimed for the point on his shield which unseated most pages. She doubted anything would happen, but she wanted to show that she was making an effort.

This time when they struck, her right arm was also in pain, and her lance shattered with the impact. She was worried she would drop her shield with the pain in her arm. But it was soon back to a slightly more bruised, numb feeling. Raoul was busy padding two new lances when she turned, his had also shattered this time.

Before she reached him she saw Alanna standing by the fence, beckoning her. Alanna was the girl's hero, the single lady knight who had hidden her identity for years to win her shield. She was also a good friend of Raoul. Alanna was grinning. "If you can unseat him, I'll let you have a run against me." she laughed "Try the same again, just a little more to the front, used to work every time."

"You have unseated him?" could she be more in awe of Lady Alanna?

"Oh yes, I'm the last one who did, five years ago. Of course then he stopped challenging me. Try it." she winked. Raoul had made his way over and had his eyebrows raised in mock suspicion.

"Are you corrupting my squire?" Alanna laughed and shook her head "Good." he grinned and handed the girl one of the lances. To her he said "I am impressed, nobody has stayed on this long with me in years. Do not think I am taking it easy either, that last one would have hurt, most go flying."

Alanna's plan may just work she thought to herself if the impact doesn't shatter my entire arm! For the third time she saluted and Rimo leapt forward. Now she focussed on a new point. It came rushing towards her and her lance was pointing to it. When the impact came she thought her arm had shattered. It was then that she looked back to see Raoul half out of the saddle and in the process of clambering back up. She could hear Alanna almost crying with laughter, holding the top rail of the fence for support.

"I guess your spot was right." said the girl as she rode up to the knight who was gasping for air. "He won't be angry will he?"

Alanna who was getting her breath back dissolved into laughter once more "Angry? It was brilliant!" she sobered slightly "He is a good sort, look he is laughing already." She pointed and the girl turned. Sure enough, Raoul was in a similar state to Alanna as he trotted over.

"I haven't been that close to hitting the dirt since... Well, when she dumped me last." he laughed pointing to Alanna. He raised his eyebrow quizzically "You never told me how that spot works by the way..." Alanna shook her head grinning "I knew it was a bad idea to have you around!" he grinned and tried to look accusing, failing entirely.

"Now I promised you a shot if you could unseat him. You made it halfway so I'll have one run before I must go." she smiled slyly "Just imagine how jealous Meathead over here will be if you can unseat me. Especially after he got dumped so many times in the attempt." Meathead pretended to ignore her. The girl was nervous. Alanna had never been unseated to this day. Soon however Alanna was on her horse and making her way to the other side of the lane, still chuckling to herself.

Wow that really was long eh!!! Lol anyways, hope you enjoyed it! Tata


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