Oblongulated thoughts...

Tuesday, April 05, 2005

Not sure...

I'm not sure what I'm meant to write.. Everyone is going on the retreat tomorrow.. I'm having a lesson with gendy tomorrow, thursday I'm having a lesson with mel and going to talk to mr hird (lol just what you always do when our term is over 3 days early!) and on friday and saturday I'm competing!

Anyway I think my mum will expect me to write something about my uncle on here. He has cancer again (read the last post) but they think it might be in an organ as well... cut a long story short if its in the organ he'll be dead by the end of this year. He's 30 something. If it's not it will probably be in the next 20 years... Either way his life isn't looking like it's going to be a long one.. My mum told me all this, and I have to say (as much as I hate myself for it) I still don't feel anything. Am I supposed to be sad? He IS the only relative I like on my dad's side of the family, so surely i should feel something? As much as I try to make myself said about it i'm really not. I mean sure I think it is sad to die so young, or even to be told that you are going to... but I don't feel sad, I just think it is sad. Anyway I've done my bit now and talked about him.

Anyway as for the talking with mr hird. It's about my extension one exam. Cause we had parent-teacher interviews last night (all of mine were pretty good except legal!) and so far that's the only exam I've gotten lower than 75% for (I don't know my ancient mark yet though).. So I wanted to ask him about it and get his criticism etc. Lol I don't know why I have suddenly turned into such an english nerd but I have lol. Funny that I don't really care about school, and had never studied until this year, but now I'm working really hard at it.. Interesting eh? Anyway because I can never get a response about my extension 2 I'm going to ask mr hird about that too, and a couple of things with english! lol what fun!!! I think steph's msn name is starting to apply!!!

Anyway I wrote some more of that story today. I'm not meant to be writing it (it's a sequel to that 108 page one), I'm meant to be working on my extension 2 and the story i said I would finish by next term (fat chance of that)... Anyway I'm gunna put a little extract here, tell me what you think!!!!!!!

She opened her eyes. The room was dimly lit. She opened her eyes. Her knight-master was sitting by her bed. She opened her eyes.

Lord Raoul handed her a glass of water. "You idiot! Do you have a death wish?" he was joking but his tone was still grim. Her mind was fuzzy, slowly she remembered. The arrow. She looked at her arm where a thick bandage was wound.

"You're asking a girl who decided to become a knight if they have a death wish, I would say it's pretty obvious." she croaked before struggling to sit up. Her arm was well near useless and she promptly collapsed again. He pulled her up and placed pillows behind her back. "I always knew there was insanity in my family." she groaned. The knight just laughed and handed her a plate.

"Well my squire, I suppose I should ask you why you would jump in front of an archer?" he raised his eyebrows. She shook her head, to be honest she didn't have a clue.

Lol so anyway thats a short little extract! I'd put some of my extension2 on here, but I'm not sure if I'm allowed. Anyways maybe I'll put some more of the story tomorrow! it can be a little topic of interest for each post (there has to be at least one reason to read this thing!) Tata!


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