Oblongulated thoughts...

Saturday, April 16, 2005


Yes I'm confused... I need to write out what im doing the rest of my holidays cause I have this sneaking suspicion I've double booked something... I can't remember what though!!!! Damnit!!!
Today: Saturday: PC Grounds with Megan
Tomorrow: Sunday: Jump Club
Monday: lesson w/ Mel, otherwise free
Tuesday: Work on camp
Wednesday: Clinic at Macarthur
Thursday: Work on camp
Friday: Get ready for berrima, otherwise free
Saturday: Berrima
Sunday: Berrima
Monday: Board games night?!
Tuesday:Board games continued?!
Wednesday: School :(

Geez that makes these hols seem short, and in there somewhere I have to do my english and ancient assigs as well as writing 3000 words of my extension two!! GARRRRRRRRRRRRRR Well it looks like that's todays job then, before i go to the PC. Tata! Wish me luck! lol


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