Oblongulated thoughts...

Wednesday, May 25, 2005

It is a far far better thing that I do than I have ever done...

Haha I'm really into the quotes now eh? Well I'll explain that one, for those of you who don't know it's from A Tale of Two Cities... Cause you see for our extension one assignment we have to watch movies set in or about the nineteenth century.. so I hired about 4 (and borrowed sense and sensibility from wilson).. and so far that one is the only one i have liked, and I'm now a little more interested in reading the book, so that is the explanation behind the quote.. Like it? lol i do!

I was thinking today, cause of the things we were talking about with King Lear, do people actually recognise their own flaws of character? Cause most people recognise flaws in other people's characters but not in their own (or so it seems)... Maybe people do recognise stuff in themselves but they don't mention it cause they think that if they don't then nobody else will notice it...

So here we go, one of the flaws in my character (which I am trying to sort of change) is that I'm one of those people I hate, the ones who will sit around for an hour complaining about something but not actually try and fix it, or not actually do anything more about it than complain. Now seriously I'm trying to change it, but I just want to have a little personal discussion about this topic (and anyone who is reading it has to remember that im not attacking anyone cause I'm like this too, or if i am attacking anyone then I'm also attacking myself).. But seriously, why do people do it??? I have this belief (and I have a feeling i have this belief just to annoy my mother who believes in the "if it's meant to be it will happen theory" and that annoys me) that your life is what you make it, and you can't just wait for something lucky to happen. Personally I know what I want, and I'm going to make it happen, cause I'm sick of letting other people decide for me while I just sit there and wait....

It's what I hate about the feminist thing, which is where this all came from cause mr gates is trying to turn my extension two into some feminist interpretation but i hate feminism!!! Women allowed themselves to be manipulated like men, if you don't like it then what the hell are you complaining to other women for?! Thank the lord there are people like Nora from A Dolls House who actually DO SOMETHING.. if you don't like what's happening change it, or at least try.. If you don't try how can you sit back later and tell someone how terrible it was and how you were so helpless? You weren't helpless! You chose not to help yourself!!!! All those women who said that they couldn't break free, why not? What was stopping them? Society? What's society? A group of people, and half of them are female... Sure they might not like you anymore but who cares, you were trying to break free of a situation you didn't like even though they liked you, so if they don't like you any more aren't you therefore free????????

Just to clarify, feminists aren't the only people who do this, they just happen to be the group that I'm targeting because that's where this whole train of thought came from. See my other example is from a tale of two cities again.. The French Revolution.... I'm not saying it was a good thing, or that the aristocrats got what they deserved or anything like that, and I'm not saying that people should go to such desperate lengths to have things changed....buuuuuut those people were unhappy with their lives and the way their country was being run and they actually DID something.... It may have been wrong or unjust or whatever but who cares, does anyone doubt that they actually took control of their own lives? Are they still sitting around now (in their graves) complaining about how they lived? No cause they changed how they lived! It doesn't matter how long it took, or that they went to extremes at least they stood up for themselves instead of thinking that "if it's meant to be it will happen", well no it damn well won't if nobody bothers to make it happen!!! It's all very well to sit on your ass and wait for someone to overthrow your government, but what if you are complaining one day, and suddenly you look around and realize that everyone else in your country is sitting around with you complaining while the aristocrats continue to believe that you should be able to "eat the grass"?? What do you do then? Well if you are meant to be free it will happen. Bullshit! Those aristocrats will have plenty more kids who will go along believing the same things and all you'll change is the name of the people you are complaining about!!!!!!!!!

My proposition to the world is that if you don't do anything to change a bad situation you have no right to complain about it. And if you do something to change it but you don't succeed then the only thing you have a right to complain about is the fact that you didn't succeed in changing anything. Anyway that is my belief, feel free to contradict and argue with me, I relish it! Goodnight!


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