Oblongulated thoughts...

Tuesday, July 05, 2005

Holidays...hm do i bother calling them that?

They are hardly holidays.. I've been at school two days so far, at work experience for three.. so I have another five days at school and another two days of work experience. Funnnn!

Funnily enough I was going to come on here and have a bitch about school (I'm doing a practice essay at the moment, so it seemed relevant), but I'm much more intrigued by an e-mail that happened to be open on the screen when I walked in here. It is quite possible (OK, I'll admit it.. I'm sure) that it is meant to be private, but when you leave something up on the screen, and the subject of the e-mail is "apology" and it is from a family friend whom you know your mum is not happy with.....................


..................... you can guess that I read it! It's also quite possible that I shouldn't be writing this on here, but my mother always has someone to complain to, without any guilt on her part, yet I tell someone something and it should remain "within the family"... well screw that! Does that mean I'm only allowed to tell this stuff to my cousins? Yay, I'm sure a five year old would love to hear about my dad's affair. Interesting thing is that I only got the chance to read it cause my grandmother came back today, so naturally it is a "have a whinge" session, which I just don't get involved in, and so I've been sitting in here like a good litte student doing a practice essay on imaginative journeys. Anyway, the part about this that annoys me is that now I'm wondering when my mother was going to tell me about it? I mean surely it's going to be fairly obvious that something has happened, when she is now "no longer friends" with a person whom I have been told to be friendly to for years.

To give you the idea what I'm going on about here, I will paste some of the e-mail in here (it would be odd if one of them read it eh? I'll change the names, just to make it a little more anonymous...

"Firstly, it is a very sincere apology - I am so sorry that what I have done means that I must lose your friendship, that you feel that I have betrayed you and that you have been hurt. But while I am truly sorry about the consequences, I would be lying if I said I wished it had never happened. Cannot explain how arid and lonely I have found the last 11 years. If I had a choice, then of course I would wish that the first opportunity to arise after all that time did not involve a friend's estranged husband. But it did."

Naturally at this point I was absolutely intrigued by the e-mail.. and even though it's private I couldn't help but read it.. I mean lets face it, my mum is not one of those people you call "open" or "up-front".. So if not for the e-mail I probably never would have heard about this.. Basically the idea is that this family friend "had some fun" with my father and now my mother has decided to be a very mature person and never speak to her again. Nothing like escapism is there? Personally I think it is a very good apology, and sounds very reasonable to me, actually I was quite proud of her use of the word 'arid' in there! My mother obviously doesn't share this view.

The other interesting point is that my mother seems to believe that my father is suicidal or something... I highly doubt that! I mean this is a man that believes the world was first hatched out of his ass and now revolves around him in it's eternal gratitude, and shall simply end when he dies! So the likelihood of him wishing to end this wonderful thing he has created is rather small.. something like one in 999999999999999999999999999999999999999! or maybe a bit less!!

The other funny thing is listening to them at the moment.. They are discussing whether my mother should tell me or not. Ironic. Very ironic. Apparently my grandmother has asked her friend who is a psychologist, who has recommended that my mother don't tell me. I wonder why? Am I meant to be upset? Maybe I am emotionally scarred without realising it?

Anyway, as much as I would love to go on about this new discovery, my mother is no longer crying in the next room, so i figure I only have about another ten minutes of piece before they get through the hugs and the "oh well, nobody said life was easy" talk and my grandmother goes home... So I guess I just want to express my amazement.. I mean sure, I knew that my father was a man-whore, but I didn't actually see that happening, cause the family friend is cool, and she could do so much better than my father!!!!

The only thing that annoys me in all this i guess i the way that my mother calls me and my father immature.. but what could be more immature than refusing to speak to a person who has been their friend for years? How could you be more immature than to not tell your own daughter? What could be more immature than to cry to every single person you talk to and assume that nothing is worse than what you are going through? What can be more immature than expecting your child to look after you every time you think you are going to fall apart? I don't think I'm that immature!! Maybe I am, but if someone accused me of doing what she is I would be offended. I think people need to have some pride in themselves... maybe im just emotionally dead and that's why i don't care about all this (according to Steph I should be highly traumatized like her, and not want to get back my history assignment because of the terrible memories it evokes in me?!?!) but really im just annoyed at how immature both of my parents are!!

Gotta go bye!


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