Oblongulated thoughts...

Thursday, August 04, 2005


Hum I'm meant to be doing extension one stuff. I've done some today. I like it. It's interesting. I have a question to ask, but I don't think Hird exactly wants yet another e-mail from me, so I'm not going to ask, I'll put it in my exam and if it gets a tick I'll know it's right, it not it's wrong. Simple eh?

I had to go in for extension two today. I'm really angry cause I forgot about the ancient thing this arvo, Carolyn reminded me cause she was there too. bugger. I really need to do some ancient work, cause I have a slight suspicion I am completely screwed for that subject... Hmm. I was angry before Carolyn reminded me though (not about that funnily enough lol).. I hate going to extension two meetings. He told me again today that my story doesn't "ring true" (someone hit me if I ever say that phrase, I LOATHE it).. I'm sorry, but when I say "I know somebody who has had that", why must I explain myself any further? Nobody else seems to have any trouble believing my story.. What do I have to do? Say "Of course the damn character makes sense, it is ME.. MEEEEEEEE THE ONE SITTING IN FRONT OF YOU YOU GREAT OAF!!" lol sorry got a bit angry there.. but seriously how stupid can you get?? He's going "is there something I'm missing here".. other than a few braincells no.. I mean what sort of english teacher asks a STUDENT how to spell opportunism??? Do you really think he is fit to be an english teacher? I don't!! Why did I have to get the loser who doesn't understand his own subject? ... no that just sounds like I'm whinging (which I am, but I'll try to pretend I'm not) .. I just don't think he is a good teacher, and if it hadn't taken me so long to drop legal, and if I hadn't been so determined to drop it I would have complained about it.. Ahhh well.. only 3.5 more weeks.. Gee why doesn't that sound encouraging I wonder?? I wonder if I can finish this thing in just 3.5 more weeks? Probably not if I spend all my spare time annoying committees and writing on my blog..

Oh well, good tool for escapism anyway! I feel very smart, I'm reading lots of critical analysis essays and letters about Pride and Prejudice... they're very intelligent and intellectual (and damn good for paraphrasing and quoting)..

Next year I want to go to the gym. Maybe not next year, maybe when I get my license and a car (if that actually happens this year.. this century).. I think it will be good for my riding, and I enjoy that sort of stuff. I really miss basketball at the moment.. I love running and stuff.. I love sports generally but now I only ride (not that I'm complaining).. I just miss the other ones.. hmm.. gym is a good idea I think!! Hehehehe what fun! Anyway that is my plan, anybody want to join me? Actually no that's not a good plan, I like the idea of doing that alone. Dunno why. Anyways I should get back to feeling intelligent and stealing other people's quotes. Tata!


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