Oblongulated thoughts...

Friday, November 04, 2005

now that I have embarrassed myself in every way possible...

I am so proud of myself! lol I went into school yesterday so that I could thank mrs mcfadden and mr hird and mrs wiese.. and although mr hird left i thanked the other two, then i actually came back this arvo to thank mr hird, lol i was so proud.. i didn't chicken out!!! Geezzz it was embarrassing though!!! but now I am happy, and can go and sign out from the rest of the departments with pride! lol

This is also the 99th post.. woo!!

i have a jumping lesson tomorrow, then a jumping equitation comp on sunday...

i finished reading one of my books today, so I'm happy about that too.. I bought it about two weeks ago but forced myself not to read it before extension and ancient were over... damn that feels good.. only the stupid subject left, and i wont study for that until that morning..

I have to remember to give jasha my $57.. i had forgotten about it.. then my wallet got stolen.. oh on that note, it got handed in, there is no money in it, but at least i got all the other stuff back, even if it is wet ( i have a feeling i know where the person who handed it in found it)... but oh well... So sadly i dont have any money, and will have to ask mum for some so i can pay for the limo thingy... gar...

Anyway, I'm going to go.. tata


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