Oblongulated thoughts...

Monday, October 10, 2005

State ODE

Competed at State One Day Event this weekend.. It was at Harden.. so 5 hours away.. that's a bloody long drive. Specially when there's only one CD for when the radio runs out near Berrima.. (which is about half way there)... I had fun.. Came 5th... All that jazz.. my horse was good...

We spent nearly the whole trip listening to the phantom of the opera CD... I love that music.. I usually hate opera and all that stuff, but I love the story... just listening to the CD makes me want to cry.

I hate people asking me what I want to do after school. I hate hearing their opinions on something that is my choice. What does it matter to them if I'm poor? I don't see how it has any influence over them at all. I don't see how going to uni makes your life any better. I don't see why people insist on telling me about 'reality', let's face it, 'reality' is just a label people have put on something they can't even prove exists. It's a perception, so telling me about the reality of their life is quite useless. Some people are willing to accept mediocrity, I'm not, and I'm sick of people telling me that "that's life", well that's their life, and to be honest (and rather selfish) I'm not particularly interested in their life. Mediocrity is boring. I would rather be poor, living on the streets and die of hunger but be able to say that I tried as hard as I could to be everything I wanted to be than to reach middle age and tell people who are just getting out of school that they will never reach their goals, or that they will give up on their goals, just because I did. That's terrible. People in the movies say that they will do something or die trying, well to me that's my motto. I don't care what it takes, I will get to where I want to be, or I'll make a bloody good attempt of it. I hate people judging me based on what I think... I know I judge them on the same thing, but I don't usually tell them about it.

Maybe I've been thinking too much about this "Individual and Society" thing, but say I don't reach my goals, say I do run out of money and die of starvation in a gutter somewhere (unlikely i know, but still).. what does that say about the society we live in? That we have to accept mediocrity to survive? Some people are happy with mediocrity, and that's good for them, I have no problem with it.. but I don't want their opinions on my ambitions, I don't give my opinion on theirs.. Let's face it, I would never want to work in some international company and make millions and millions of dollars, but I admire the people who do. I would never want to be a 'stay at home mum' who looks after a heap of kids and brings them up to be great people, but good on those people who do... People value different things.. and I don't value money very much.. or clothes, or music, or cars or anything like that. Society shouldn't be able to dictate what you want in life, and it shouldn't be able to dictate what you do with your life.

OK so now that I've gone on about that for the millionth time.....

This is my blog's 94th post.. isn't that exciting?

I have a Squad Beijing assessment day tomorrow. How scary. I hope I get in! I really really really want to! I know I started out saying I didn't care, and it would be a good experience anyway, but I really want to get in!!! I should go ride.... I've been writing this on and off for 5 hours.. lol... At least I did SOME study in that time!!!!



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