Oblongulated thoughts...

Tuesday, November 01, 2005

98th post

As far as I am concerned, all school work is now over. Woo! Ancient history was today, and I don't think i did all that badly, considering that I did no study whatsoever.. In fact I am rather impressed with myself. I came home today and made macaroons with leah, with the intention of dropping them off at the english staff and also thanking certain teachers this afternoon... Sadly when I arrived they had all gone home :( So now I will have to get up the courage again and go tomorrow. I'm such a chicken, I just get so embarrassed when I thank people. I don't mean in the "gee thanks" kind of way, I mean in the more serious and heartfelt way.. and I owe these people a lot.

I read Terry's blog last night. Damn his extension two is good. I thought mine was crappy before, and this seems to just prove it.

I'm really annoyed. I left my wallet in my back pack outside the exam room. My backpack also had my phone in the front pocket. I came out of the exam to find it open, with my wallet gone. Luckily my phone was still there, and luckily I had ignored mum's advice about not leaving my license in the car.. I'm sorry, but how low can you get? To steal someone's wallet while they are in an HSC exam? Seriously, how sad is that person? Geez I had a total of $60, which it has taken me something like a month and a half to acquire.. and I'm not even so annoyed about that, I'm annoyed because it also had a whole heap of business cards so I could remember people's phone numbers and other stuff like that. All I want is that stuff back, screw the money. I can't get those phone numbers and addresses back... geez i hate some people.. I know i should have taken it into the room and left it on the table at the side, but to be honest I thought people were better than that. What if i had put my license in it? Or my car keys? So my recommendation to people is, if you are going to steal some money, at least have the decency to leave the wallet behind, just take the money.. at least I can get that back eventually.

I'm not happy. It ruined my day. Even Makybe Diva winning couldnt make me any happier, I could have put money on her instead.. then I would have more than my $60 now.. I could have left my wallet at home like i usually do, but NO i had to bloody take it and have some sad person walk past.. I'm sorry, I'm very mopey at the moment. I really want it back, even without the money in it. I think I'll ask people at school when I go and thank teachers tomorrow...

That's all I have to say. Byez


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Настоящий мужчина это мужчина который точно помнит день рождения женщины и никогда не знает сколько ей лет

12:21 pm  

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