Oblongulated thoughts...

Saturday, November 05, 2005

100th Post!!! WOO!!! lol

hahahaha i was so proud about getting to 100 posts, then read wilson's blog and found out she has written something like 650 lol.. ah well... Hahaha go my little bloggy! lol

I've decided that next year I want to work as a trackwork rider.. or something similar.. sounds like fun.. hahaha me waking up at 4am or something would be fun! lol.. na i could do it.... I'm sure I could!!! lol

Ahhh next year is going to be great... really, it is... I've only wanted to be out of school for what, 2 and a half years? Gee, that's not long now is it? No not at all!!!

I'm considering driving to Richmond on monday and looking around for jobs etc... yes, I think I'll do that.. I really want one, i really need some money, and I'm just generally excited about next year... hehehehe

It's taken me forever to write this post, cause I keep getting distracted by looking at other stuff on the computer...

I went and saw Pride and Prejudice on... tuesday night.. it was good.. Mr Bingley had red hair, which was somewhat surprising....I also started to read the book, but then I got distracted (as I tend to do) and started reading the other book which I have now finished.. I would go back to P+P but I have a whole pile of other books I haven't read, and want to read...

I'm enrolling to learn Italian at TAFE on monday.. Apparently that's when enrolment opens for the OTEN courses.. anyone else want to learn Italian so I can practice with someone other than my mother? I think it would be a good idea!! It only takes a year.. and it's only $370 for that year.. and its by correspondence, so no driving to TAFE every day or whatever.. I think it sounds good... hehehehe.. when I've done that, and Cert 2 of Italian I'm going to do French.. I've always wanted to be able to speak heaps of languages.. english, italian, french.. maybe spanish? oo I also wanted to learn sign.. hehehehe... fun fun... i love languages.. I don't like german much though... hmm... it seems pretty easy though, so maybe I could do that too? hahahaha what fun!!

lol anyone up for a language?

Hum.. I also have to choose another course.. but i don't know what.. I have until january to decide.. oh and I'm doing my Level Ones so I can teach riding... oh and I want to do a saddle fitting course, but I have NO idea how you do that.. maybe I'll go into horseland when I go to richmond on monday and ask how you do these saddlefitting courses.. yes.. i will do that! Good idea...

Can you tell I'm a little bit excited about next year?

I had a whole chat with mr hird yesterday about whether he always wanted to be a teacher.. it was interesting..

I also had a chat with mrs wiese about her daughter.. apparently she's now doing all these ancient languages.. I felt bad.. I lied to mrs wiese... I told her i didn't know what I wanted to do next year... and with the degree of guilt I felt for it, I don't think I have before.. Oh well, it's not really important... I'm just sick of people giving me the big lecture about money etc... Gar I still feel bad!!

Anyway! Umm what else can I ramble about? I figure I should make the 100th post a nice long one... yes..

I watched About A Boy last night.. I don't like that movie.. actually I do, but I never want to watch it because it makes me sad.. but when I actually watch it I like it.. strange huh?

I think I'll watch Love Actually tonight.. I've been meaning to for a while, but now I will..

People have been talking about Christmas.. Is it so soon?

Apparently it is.. It's... lol 50 days away from tomorrow.. Gee.. a few years ago I would have been really excited by now..

Funny thing is, I don't really want anything.. I mean I have a whole lot of little things I'd like.. but i don't really WANT anything, if you know what I mean? To be honest I'm just glad to be getting out of school, I don't care about Christmas or anything like that.. I'm really really happy at the moment, and I don't think that any sort of gift is going to make me happier.. of course moving house would be good, but that's not exactly something you wrap up and put under the tree.. And christmas day is always crappy.. we have my father's family over.. interesting point... I wonder if that will happen this year.. my father has moved out.. my grandmother is living with my uncle cause he has cancer, my cousins are living with them because my aunt and her 'partner' had a drug overdose or something and are in rehab or detox or whatever they call it... maybe we won't have the usual "I hate you, you hate me, so let's get together" christmas this year.. of course my other cousin isn't dying of any sort of disease (that I know of) and isn't likely to go into foster care at the age of 25..he also doesnt do drugs... so maybe he will come over? but my mum and i don't really communicate with him very often, so i see no real point in that... hmm.. difficult!!

Lol well that was a long train of thought there.. isn't my family fun? I think we have all the makings of a soap opera.... suicide...terminal illnesses...drugs.... divorces.... fun fun!! lol... oo and i can be that person in the show who knows what's going on around them but doesn't really care... like the kids in Everybody Loves Raymond.. lol even though it's not a soap.. oh well, you get the idea... my mum could play the slightly depressed know-it-all.. and my grandmother could be that manipulative one out of the bold and the beautiful.. stephanie?? or maybe she's out of the young and the restless.. i dunno.. that ugly one with the orange hair that tells people what to do.. her...

I've been watching CSI Miami a lot lately.. at first i refused to, because I thought (and still think) it was/is a crappy show.. then I found out the ugly main character's name was Horatio and became more interested.. for the sole purpose of laughing at his name every time it was mentioned... now however I'm starting to realise that they really go for all the moral issues.. I mean, they do it with a crappy cast, and a terrible plot, so that they can mask it as a generally crap-popular show, but they discuss all these things like ethics and morals etc.. I've also started to realise that Horatio is some sort of personification of virtue within the show (lol there's a line directly out of my extension one essay.. if you replace 'show' with 'film')... it's funny, despite the name, and fairly great repulsion, I have begun to admire this character for his ethics.. and also the way that he's not always right.. I like that.. lol he also tilts his head in a funny way... lol that's always amusing... Anyway, the point of my story (if there is one) is that perhaps CSI Miami has some intrinsic value, even if there is usually a pretty terrible plot.. and the jokes are fairly awful.. actually they're probably not awful, it just takes me a while to get them... like this one:

"the DNA says it's a match"
"are you sure?"
"that would be the point of DNA"

see? It's funny, after a while.. lol actually it's not really, but it was at the time (after the 5 minutes it took me to get it)..

wow, this has got to be the longest post I've written in ages..

I had a jumping lesson this morning.. once again it rained.. I think I will soon grow gills.. I swear after riding in the damn rain so often I'm beginning not to notice it.. except that my knuckles go blue from the leather gloves.. lol they're still blue.. so are my fingernails.. how amusing...

Everyone is leaving next year.. Wilson to uni.. steph to uni in canberra... hey on that note, my friend (from eventing) is moving to canberra cause her husband (she's a bit older than me lol) is in the RAAF and has been relocated.. Wait a min.. isn't Daniel going there for the RAAF or something? Ooo how funny if he is! lol.. anyway!!! Leah is (possibly) going to uni... i think Lynda said she's going to uni.. Melissa is going to the hotel school in the blue mountains...Katie is going to Fi's place in Melb.... umm i can't be bothered remembering any more.. wow!! i have a feeling I'm going to be the only person in the area near school lol!!! Ah well.. that's what I want so NER all you ambitious uni people!

I'm hungry... it's 2pm and I haven't eaten anything yet.. that could be why.. My lesson was at 9.. which involves leaving at 8.. and returning at 11:30.. lol

I'll be back! (duh)

Hmm our TV has been dying for the last week or something, so apparently we are going out to replace it.. Tata!

Hehehehehe happy 100th post! lol


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