Oblongulated thoughts...

Monday, November 28, 2005

nothing in particular

Well I should have a lot to say, and I do, but I really can't be bothered saying it. I thought I should write on here cause I probably won't get another chance before I leave for Pip and John's place. I leave on Wednesday. Very exciting.

OK so lately... since Wilson's party I have:
been to the formal
been on schoolies
worked at Gendy's
been offered the place at Pip and John's
been offered a job with Gendy
met Amanda
went to the AGM
ummmmmm I can't really think of anything else at the moment

Formal: was good, everyone looked great.. I had a lot of pictures with drunk people who I'd hardly talked to at all the whole time we had been at school. Everyone has about a million photos, I didn't take my camera, so I have none.

Schoolies: Lots of fun (well except people being sick.. that wasn't so great).. I have some photos from that... I have a sore neck and a huge bruise and a whole heap of cuts on my leg... I think I will take a photo of them, cause they are quite amusing. I wanted to take photos on the drive home, I managed to get myself and Leah lost, but it was really really pretty driving through Woy Woy and a couple of other places, so now I want to go on a roadtrip (I wanted to after seeing whatever that movie was we saw.. lol i still don't know what it's called).. I've decided that this time next year I am going on a roadtrip, I have a whole year to plan where I'm going to go etc.. It will be fun.. Anyway, back to schoolies... People might think I'm crazy (oh well, they probably do anyway) but I think the greatest thing about schoolies was the timelessness.. I don't think I have ever had that much time where I didn't have to do anything, I hardly needed to know the time at all.. but it wasn't boring.. It's just strange, I looked like a dag the whole time and nobody cared (or at least didn't say so to my face, which to me is the same thing), I didn't have to be anywhere, I didn't even have a time or day set to leave.. It was good. I want that again.

Working at Gendy's: that's fun.. her babies are cute. Apparently Tom has learnt how to reach on top of the coutner, cause today he pulled down a banana and smooshed it all over the floor.. lol Gendy wasn't too impressed. I love working at her place, it's a lot of hard work but I love that too. I love driving home when I'm tired, it's very satisfying, and unlike school I actually feel like I am achieving something... which is also good.

Pip and John's: as I said, I leave on Wednesday. I will be up there probably until the beginning of February some time. I get one day off a week, I'm not sure which day. It will also be hard work but I'll learn heaps from it and it's exactly what I want, it's also proof to my parents and any other nonbelievers that I can make something of myself in this industry, whether they like it or not.

Job at Gendy's: Today Gendy asked me if I wanted to work for her when I get back from Mangrove. It would be working their polo ponies, and possibly grooming on the weekends for the games, it sounds great, I'm so excited about that too! lol I'm excited about a lot of things!!!

Meeting Amanda: she also keeps her horse at Gendy's. We went riding together on Saturday cause it was too wet to ride properly so we went down the roads around there etc. Basically we gasbagged for an hour. She was telling me that if I ever want to groom overseas she can set me up with a big eventing yard over there cause she did that for a year. Damn it, I want to do that too, but I have to wait until Fox is at the level I want him to be, because I can't take him with me. Bla bla bla, it was very interesting for me, not for anyone reading this.

AGM: yesterday was the AGM at the pony club.. A lot of interesting things happened. I wrote an e-mail a while ago about how pissed off I was that a lady in the club didn't get the thanks that she deserved (I think I put it on here), anyway, it was very angry etc. She finally got thanked yesterday, mum and I went out and bought a $185 watch for her as well as a really nice browband (around $100).. and gave it to her on behalf of the club. A whole heap of people within the club also thanked her (finally) so i was very happy about that. I also ended up getting her job as One Day Event Coordinator, which is going to take a shitload (couldn't think of a better exprssion) of work to organise but that's ok, cause I'm sure I'll enjoy it anyway!

That's all I can think of at the moment. All in all, I am incredibly excited about next year!! WOOT! Tata!!


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