Oblongulated thoughts...

Tuesday, February 21, 2006


The school sent me a survey today to ask where I plan to go from here. Here meaning "just finished school". I suspect it has very little to do with actual curiosity and more to do with the school's bragging rights if the whole 'Class of 2005' goes straight on to uni because they all just did so well, which must be because they went to the best school. I know it's mean, and don't get me wrong, I did like some aspects of the school, but it's a snobby school at the best of times. Incredibly snobby.

Apparently my mum is going to a job interview tomorrow about working in real estate (something she apparently wants to do) so that's good, if she gets it maybe it will keep her in a good mood for at least a week.

I did my riding assessment for my level ones today. It was OK, I think I did reasonably well.

I have a whole heap of books on this shelf that I can see from my desk, I want to read them but I also don't. They are nineteenth century books, and while I don't exactly enjoy 19th century novels, I also paid money for these books, and maybe (just maybe) they will be as good as A Tale of Two Cities and I will actually end up liking them. I was thinking that maybe if I put all my other books in boxes until we move, that will force me to read them and then maybe I will. If I'm forced to read them at least I will keep going, and then probably end up actually enjoying them. Something to consider anyhow.

I also need to clean up this office, so I think I will do that. Right now. Tata


Blogger crumble said...

I got the survery thingo too and I told my brother to write on there that I became a hooker.


12:40 pm  
Blogger Oblong said...

lol good idea!! hehehehe shame im not that creative. i just told the truth (ish)

5:45 pm  

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