Oblongulated thoughts...

Thursday, October 28, 2004

[*][n][o][t] [s][u][r][e][*]

Hmm well it would seem that this weekend I am going one*.. Now I'm only allowed positive comments (as I said)... but I think I had one of the most frustrating lessons today.. Gendy was shaking with anger at my "wonderful little arrogant bastard" and I was shaking with exhaustion..... after 20 mins! I had about 12 stops, then jumped this damn thing about 30 times... which leaves me in a slight predicament for the weekend.. I know I won the fight today, but I don't have as much confidence when Gendy isn't there, I mean half the time when she is there I feel like such a fraud cause I know I'm not really that confident, and I seem to just get it from her...

But anyway I promised myself I wouldn't talk about riding on here.. sooo... Millie is talking to me, it's funny there are so many people online, and I want to talk to them but I really don't have the energy today to make conversation.. I swear sometimes it just works and others it doesn't... and at the moment it doesn't seem to be working at all with the people I want to talk to the most, which is just frustrating!

I'm sure everyone will be glad to hear that I have now recieved a text book... with an emphasis on A textbook... which wasn't adressed to me.. So naturally we rang Campion, they have lost our order and suspect it has been sent to someone else.. Well I hope my books are as usefull to that person as a King Lear is to me right now... Personally I would prefer to actually have ALL my textbooks, but apparently this isn't going to happen until next week if we are lucky, which is what they said 2 weeks ago... so my aim is the end of the term!

Another piece of good news is that our phone lines are crossed (which I suspect has happened due to fixing the blackout lasst night).. so now if you try and call someone all you can hear is other peoples conversations (and they arent even interesting!!!)...

Well I'm doing other stuff and can't write on this now, so ciao!

Tuesday, October 26, 2004

[*][j][o][b] [y][a][y][*]

Elloooooooooooooo is anyone out there?! Haha I'm sure there are some people out there somewhere!!

Tehe I got a call last night from a place I applied at and I'm starting on trial next thursday with a shift from 4:30-9:30.. It's that seafood place next to the Sandwich Tower at Castle Towers... It's funny cause I wouldn't have applied there, or even seen that they were hiring except I was considering buying some sushi.. They had a tiny little sign saying that they were hiring, so I asked the man about it and put in my resume, basically cause I felt sorry for them... Anyway this was on Saturday, and they must be pretty desperate, because they called me 2 days later!! Anyway I hope that works out!!!

Well at the moment I'm doing my English homework, so that Mr Hird doesn't invite me to be part of the "literature lovers' club".. I would have completely forgotten if Leah wasn't doing it today during hospitality, so that was lucky for me! I apparently have to write an article, with an extended metaphor, about something I have achieved "after some considerable effort"... Now I know what I'm going to do, but say I didn't, what sort of effort is considerable? I mean as far as physical effort goes, to an obese person getting out of a chair may take quite a considerable amount of effort, but is that considerable to anyone else? Geez I always do that, I over analyse things until just about anything that someone says, or I say, or I read etc can sound really really stupid and make me wonder why we say stuff like that!

I've done all the other questions so I'm taking a break before I start my article, see it would all be fine and dandy if it didn't have to be an extended metaphor.. cause the only comparison that has popped into my mind so far is rock-climbing, and unfortunately I don't know any rock-climbing jargon... which leaves me a little stuck... Is the person at the bottom with the ropes a belayer? I think so, actually I doubt anyone will answer that for me anyway!!!

CRAP I just discovered we do have the other sheet of stuff that I didn't think we have, so now I have another lot of questions to do.. hopefully I won't have to write an article with that too.. I'll check... CRAP I do!!! This game sucks! lol I'm never going to get this finished... of course had I remembered this sheet during my two free periods today I'd probably be fine, but due to amnesia I completely wiped the homework from my memory and now I am paying the price for it... I wonder if I can use amnesia as an excuse for it? Surely that's a medical reason! Oops off I go again!! Sorrrryyyyyyy I'll try to contain my thoughts better...

Well I should go.. but I'll leave this up in case I have time to write more... yay I can leave it up cause my parents are out gallivanting somewhere so my dad won't steal the computer! Tehehehee... Oh I don't know if I wrote about it on here, but the whole friendship campaign between me and my dad isn't going too well at the moment, see according to him I'm being stubborn, and I think he has an anger management problem... So it's not working too well.. Maybe I can do my article on that? On the other hand I haven't achieved anything... Maybe it can be a future article *cough not likely cough*!!! Anyway I really have to go now, tata!

Monday, October 25, 2004


Well my luck seems to have changed slightly (and a good thing too) still not too sure about one* this weekend, but hey if you find out on Monday that I've died you know why!! Haha just kidding, I'm sure I won't die, maybe just broken bones! Lol no I'm not allowed to say that either... I've sworn that I will only have positive thoughts this week/weekend or Gendy will never speak to me again! hahaha and that would be a tragedy so must be positive!!!

I wonder if I'm allowed to not be positive about school? Cause that would really test me if I had to be positive about that! It's not that I'm stressed about year 12... School just doesn't stress me that much.. I just, dont, like, it! I don't mind the people any more, and I don't mind the work as such.. I just don't really see much of a point to it... I mean, I've known what I want to do after school for the last.. nearly 8 years... and if it hasn't changed in that time, I don't see it changing soon... And uni just isn't part of that goal, as much as my dad hates it.. So really, why stress???
As for other people who do want to go to uni, good on you.. but seriously what is the point of spending 12 monthes stressing over a UAI?? There are other ways of getting into these things, no matter how low your uai is, if you want to do it enough you will.

Haha how weird does that sound? I should be motivational speaker! Actually that wouldn't work unless I was in a good mood... But truly I do believe that anyone can do anything if they want it enough.. It's like someone at Athens said "I wasn't better than anyone else there, I just wanted to win more than any of them"... It's so true.. Sure I haven't made it to the Olympics (yet) but you can make stuff happen.. I swear on my shoe you can!

Anyway on a more lighthearted note, I watched Willy Wonka and the Chocolate Factory the other night... How weird does that Charlie kid look? Actually it's funny watching a movie like that after ages and ages, and your views on them change a lot over that time.. For example how the kids look and act, when I used to watch it when i was.. 7ish they never seemed that odd, sure they seemed like they were from the past a bit, but now I look at them and think how weird they look.. How old would those actors/actresses be now? Like that little kid Charlie, how old is he? Is he still alive? It's funny to think that one day (assuming I don't die of some accident) I will be old and wrinkly in a nursing home or something...

I swear in some ways that scares me more than thinking about dying... I would hate to be old, not in the sense of I'd hate to be old and wrinkly and ugly, but I'd just hate to not be able to do things for myself,... I'd hate not being able to do any sort of physical activity... I really enjoy that sort of stuff.. Like running in basketball, to the point where my hand would shake from holding up my water bottle.. I love it.. I love pushing myself further than I think I can go, and not having any sort of bad effects until afterwards.. I love just doing something until I'm past tired, and feeling like I'm pushing the boundaries of where I believed I could go.. Wow this sounds really odd.. but seriously that's what I love.. I would rather be completely stupid and just be able to run longer, to be stronger.. to do more without fatigue or pain.. it would be so much more to me than being smart, with degrees and books..

Maybe that's why I don't like school.. I feel as though I'm not doing anything? It never seems to change, or move, its just static and the same every day, every year.. I don't feel as though I've progressed anywhere since year 7... Sure I know more stuff.. but really as far as reaching my goals, I haven't gone anywhere at all.. I've been stuck in this everlasting present, with a future I can see but not reach because of school... It's a bit like the sticky floors and glass ceilings, that's what I feel like, or a flea in a flea circus... where they are trained to only jump so high by hitting their heads every time they aim higher...

I think I've said before about the two different "me"s.. I think my old school one is fading, I'm becoming more and more focussed on the other one.. My aim for good marks are completely overruled by my goals outside school.. I just hope in some ways that my school "me" will hang around until my HSC.. I'd hate to have stuck around, and put in all this effort for a bad result because part of "me" faded... There is part of it there, I think I like being social more than I used to, and at lunch and recess, or when I am doing something interesting I concentrate.. but when we're doing nothing, or something I already know/understand I just spend the whole time questioning why I bother... Leah keeps telling me I could leave, and maybe I could... but there is still something in my head stopping me.. I'm not scared of finishing school, I want to be out there... but what is the point of doing all this work if I'm not going to finish the job? I hate backing out of things, I hate regretting things, and although at the moment I can't see me regretting getting out, I also know that I will, even if for no reason... It's like doing exams, I can not try and fail an exam, not legal, or latin, I just can't make myself do it, and never have been able to..

Hmm I have the weirdest thoughts, and they just continue on from one another.. But now that I have gotten some of that out, and my mind is continuing on journeys I don't really wish to type I think I might just end this post here... Ciao!

Saturday, October 23, 2004


hmm, wow that's a great way to start a post, hmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm! Anyways on to business! Do you think first impressions are right? I don't think they are, any time I judge a person before I know them I regret it later because I found out they are the opposite. My other question for pondering today is whether we actually know anyone? I mean sure I know people's names, and I know how they act, but is it just an act? I don't think that anyone just acts like them, just because they want to. I think everyone acts a certain way because of other people... If other people didn't expect us to wear clothes would we? Or if people didn't expect us to wash our hair, would we? I Always wonder how different people would be if one day you could only act or be the way you are actually meant to, with no influence from other people... Would I even recognise the people I see every day at school? I don't know if I would, and if we did have that, what would I be like? I don't even know what I would be like!

Well that is all my pondering out of the way now, I can yabber on about much more important stuff, like food. See at the moment I am eating dry special k with peaches and apricots, its yummy, I don't see how they can make the peaches and apricots all powdery when they are dry then suddenly all peachlike and apricotlike when they get wet.. Are they real fruit or just powdery stuff pretending to be fruit? Does this sound insane? (That's a rhetorical question) but yeah it probably does..

I have finally decided what to do for extension two.. Satirical fairytales. You see it works perfectly because (1) they are short and by the time I get bored of one I can move onto another one and (2) satire seems to come very naturally for me! So that is my aim, now all I have to do is write them!

It seems that a lot of people have started studying already, I sort of have, but I don't have a whole weekend's worth to do, where do you people get all this work from?! I always wonder that when steph says how much homework she has and I have none... I swear she makes some up for fun! Actually speaking of steph, they ARE going to work it out, and for Wilson, I have a texta that's a really nice blue! :D

OK I think I've written enough, tata

Wednesday, October 20, 2004

[*][c][h][e][a][p] [w][i][n][e][*]

Ello ello!

Well that song has been going round and round in my head lately... I had a friend who was crucified on a needle! lol no not really, but I don't know how you could do that.. Would that be what I did to my finger yesterday? Haha let me explain, yesterday I had to give my horse his injection, and as I was attempting to get the lid off the needle I somehow ended up getting the lid off and my finger on it (DONT START ANALYSING THIS LIKE SNOW WHITE OK?!?!?!!?!?!?!?!?) anyways it was that sharp i didn't even feel it, or realise until I discovered my finger was bleeding on me! So could I now say that I was crucified on a needle??

Actually having reread that I can tell everyone IS going to jump to the same conclusion as with Snow White! Too bad it's your own fault! :P neerrrrr

Hmm well my mum apparently had a huge fight with my dad and sam today.. It's about bloody time is all I can say! But because she usually complains to me about dad, now she has actually told him what a dickhead he is, she now has to complain to me about having the argument... it's quite annoying, because I can sympathise with her, but it's like the thing of watching the planes go into the world trade centre, after a while the sympathy wears off and you just get sick of it.

Umm I should really get a new template, but I'm far to lazy to make one, and can't be bothered finding one either... so really that whole bit was just pointless!!! I should also be doing homework, so ciao!

Tuesday, October 19, 2004


Well I have nothing to write, so I'm going to put the conversation I'm having at the moment on MSN cause it's more interesting than anything I've got to say with the sort of mood I've been in lately:

left it all behind, for some cheap wine! says:
lol what if there was a big boofy mouse?
I left it all behind, for some cheap wine! says:
and i have no idea what that word is meant to mean
Eqonium, I've just about had it up to here with "The OC"... "Oh, I'm just off to watch Box Hill" says:
then thatd be that one they gave steroids..... that mouse died
Eqonium, I've just about had it up to here with "The OC"... "Oh, I'm just off to watch Box Hill" says:
it was too wussy....... odd sideaffect, but it never stood up for itself
I left it all behind, for some cheap wine! says:
haha i could be a pain and go "yeah but what if it lived" and keep going on and on
I left it all behind, for some cheap wine! says:
my cousins are good at that
Eqonium, I've just about had it up to here with "The OC"... "Oh, I'm just off to watch Box Hill" says:
well, if it lived, itd probably be gay by now
Eqonium, I've just about had it up to here with "The OC"... "Oh, I'm just off to watch Box Hill" says:
which is more feminine than masculine
Eqonium, I've just about had it up to here with "The OC"... "Oh, I'm just off to watch Box Hill" says:
thus proving my point
I left it all behind, for some cheap wine! says:
but what if it wasnt gay?
Eqonium, I've just about had it up to here with "The OC"... "Oh, I'm just off to watch Box Hill" says:
trust me... he is
I left it all behind, for some cheap wine! says:
do you know him?
I left it all behind, for some cheap wine! says:
wow i so wanna meet a big boofy steroided gay mouse
Eqonium, I've just about had it up to here with "The OC"... "Oh, I'm just off to watch Box Hill" says:
hes mine! get away! my boyfriend!

Yes so that was my conversation about a big boofy gay mouse on steroids!

Saturday, October 16, 2004


Ello ello friendly blog readers!
Well it has come to my attention that someone one the little chatty thing on the left is pretending to be me, which is really quite annoying of them!! GRRR!!! Ohhh wait a second... Sorry got distracted there.

Anywayyyy I don't really have much to write on here, all I did today was sleep, finish Little Women, read some of a book about some guy who has this portrait of himself, which ages instead of him aging.. It's really weird! It's also quite annoying when a man talks for pages and pages about nothing. He's some weird philosophical man, it's very strange!

Hm my mum is talking to that annoying woman who is running the dressage day at pony club. Actually I think my mum probably seems to be the annoying one, cause we didn't get the entries in on time, then she shoved me in at the end, and now I can't do it anyway! Grrrrr damn this! I believe in the highs coming with the lows, just I hate having so many lows, when other people seem to have all highs.. it just annoys me! But anyway school people who are reading this think I'm going on about nothing now so I'll just shut up!

It's so weird when usually you spend all your time doing one thing, then suddenly you can't. It's like you have no idea what you are meant to do with your time any more, so you do a whole lot of useless little things until someone tells you to stop and just sleep or something like that. Take today for instance, I didn't know what else I was meant to do, so I organized all the books I own into alphabetical order by the authors, then started on my mum's until she told me I was a hopeless case!

Has anyone read the book, While I Live?? It's umm... different! I only read a bit cause then I had to read these other annoying books.. but it's lovely the way people just basically get butchered! It's really nice and friendly!

Hmm what else? Well that Little Women book had the word "philoprogenitiveness" in it, what's that, 7 syllables? Geez! How pathetic is the person who came up with that word?!

Ok I think that is all I can possibly ramble on about, everyone on MSN has deserted me, so ciao all!

Friday, October 15, 2004


Yep that's me at the moment, no voice whatsoever!
Some people seem to find this quite amusing which is very mean of them :P (yes I'm talking to you!), but anyway on to other matters which need discussion...

Sorry, I was lying, I don't have any matters which need discussing... but I do have a matter I'e decided to bore people with.. So off we go on our merry adventure!

See I was talking about that book I'm reading, Little Women... and apart from my amazement at how many people have read this book, I am also amazed that I could actually sympathise with the characters, well one.. at one point in the book.. Not in the sort of 'bawling my eyes out it made me that sad', more like a sigh and realising I knew how they felt! Haha for those reading this, who have read that crazy thing, NO IT IS NOT WHEN BETH DIES OK!!!!

Well as people may or may not know/have noticed I went home early today, no I was not dying and have to call an ambulance to take me to the hospital, funnily enough the vet had to come for my horse.. so that's why I went home.. but my voice was very convenient, the lady at the office didn't even ask why I had to sign out, she just gave me a 'knowing look'. I thought that was hilarious considering, although it was a fair assumption, I wasn't going home for that reason. Meanwhile all you school people, you are just finishing class, or getting your bags while I'm writing this, so I hope nobody dies on the way home and that I see you all next week!

That ScoobyDoo song is stuck in my head, it is quite amusing really! Oh by the way, for the record I DID NOT START THAT RUMOUR HOW DARE YOU ACCUSE ME OF SUCH A THING!!!!! I SWEAR ON MY SHOE I DIDN'T DO IT!!!!! I also swear I don't know who did, but not on my shoe... maybe on my big toe, just to be different!

Haha well we had the vet out, Gendy recommended him... His name is Dougie and according to her he's really hot... I have discovered I don't quite agree with her idea of "hot" but he does have a cool accent.. Irish if I remember right. Then again I didn't really believe her judgement on it before Dougie....

Has anyone else seen an ad for those Video Now things? They say that you can watch any movie any time, then in the fast-talking bit they say that you can only watch the videos that they have made into a special disc thing for this crazy gadget...

I have dents in my ass... lol I'm sure everyone REALLY wanted to know that, and that you are all running away cause you can hear the phone ringing, not cause of what I just said!! Lol na but I do, you know those bum dimple things? Yeah them! LOL I just remembered the time when my friend in.. Kindergarten I think, showed me her birthmark on her ass.. it's seriously MASSIVE!!!!! lol strange strange memories! Ooo look you're all running again... except some weird person who thinks that's a huge turn on! Hahaahahahahaha

Hmm what to do.... I rang Gendy before to tell her the bad news, but I got the answering machine, and have a slight feeling that she won't be able to understand it anyway! Ahhz well...

Well my mum told me to sleep... so because I'm allergic to doing what that vampire tells me to, I WONT listen to my mum and I WONT go to sleep, even though I'll regret it tomorrow when these lovely dark lines under my eyes get worse because this STUPID BLOODY COLD WONT LET ME SLEEEEEEEEPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPP... *sigh*

Wow asterix's (is that how you spell it) look really cool in this font, I know it's pretty much just an average font but they do ok, stop arguing with me! I know you're arguing, I can smell it! ************************************************ tehe they're like those paper people!!! *burp* haha no I didn't burp, I just felt one was needed, lol like Gem and I used to..

Ooo actually, if you ever happen to read this Gem, I am making a fool of myself for your amusement!!! So here we goooooooooooo....
Whheeeeeeeeeehheeeeeeeeeee!!!!!!! Moooooooooooooooooooooooo!!!!!!!
and last, but you'll love it the most!
Lol remember that? and the catnip??????????????? and jumping from Oscar to Jaf????

Haha ok sanity back now, well as much as I had before anyway! For those of you who had no idea what that was, don't judge me by it!!!! :D:D

OK I'm going to go watch Spongbob!!! YAY!!! lol Ciao all! (WHEEHEEE to Gem!)

Wednesday, October 13, 2004

[*][s][i][c][k] [d][a][y]s][*]

Hm I thought staying at home was meant to be fun, but it's really not, it's actually very boring. I always seem to make the writing on here very small, I hope I'm not blinding anyone who tries to read this... Actually the even more confusing thing is when people keep coming online when they are meant to be at school!

Well there's 3 totally unrelated sentences!!! I'm reading, Little Women, but Louisa May Alcott at the moment, it is quite annoying. You see as far as I can tell, the whole point of the book is that the girls do something bad, they learn from their mistakes and become happy Christian wives... There's only one interesting main character in it, and I have a slight feeling that she is going to end up being like the rest of them cause "that's how it should be". I think that's what I hate most about all this "19th Century Literature", it's really predictable and basically the authors just preach about how people should be, and how they should act. There is nothing really original in it at all... Maybe I haven't read enough of that style and there is something more to it, but from what I've read that is all I can see, and it's really annoying!

Well I have the guinea piglettes up at the house today, because mum kindly decided to flood the stables, and now Bubble is really annoying me, cause he keeps chewing on the cage thing I have him in and it's very irritating... I am really wishing I could just put them outside! But anyways never mind that, cause I just did :D

Geez it's hot today, how nice would it be to have airconditioning?! Actually, change that, how nice is it to have aircon? Cause I don't have any but I'm sure most civilized people do! Actually we do, but only in my parents room, maybe I'll go up there and continue reading soon, once I've finished writing in this.

Hum hum hum..... I think something interesting should hppen, cause I'm getting sick of writing on tis and practising just usung oine han to type, which ius why the spelling etc is so bad.

Hmmwell apparently Steve isn't at school either, cause he has the hsc next week, I wish I was that close to finishing school, how great would that be?! It would be great, I think people should stop trying to convince me that it will be really scary, I really really doubt that!

Hmm well I should go read some more crap, then maybe I can write some crap, and if I'm really energetic after that I can cook some crap! Tata!!! (crap!!)

Monday, October 11, 2004


Ello people who actually read this thing!!

Well got home from Scone about 7ish yesterday (7p.m)... It was good, gave me a bit of a wake up call, I think I've been getting a little too confident.. So I suppose in that sense it was good!

I realize that I'm meant to be at school today, but you see that's what I thought, then mum goes "no it's Tuesday cause of the public holiday last weekend" so I believed her, and now it's wrong! Geez! And today she wakes me up and starts yelling at her saying I knew it was on Monday and that she never told me it wasn't and bla bla bla! Silly silly people!!! Anyway I'm hoping that nothing important is happening, I sent Steph a message to ask (seeing as she's probably the only person who will tell me, anyone else would just say "oh school is boring" or not answer the message at all!).. I should go upstairs and check if she's answered. Wait there little blog window! Well she answered saying yes, so I'm not too sure if that's a "yes there is something important happening" or "yes you are meant to be at school"...

I hate it when you are talking to someone and it feels like they don't want to talk to you, and you know they aren't talking cause there is something wrong, but at that moment you are actually really happy and don't want to be all doctorish. It's really mean but I just wish they'd get over it, cause I know what's wrong, and I know that nothing I say is going to help in the least bit except making them feel better for about an hour or something... Grrrrrrrrr it annoys me! Please people, if I'm in a good mood, unless you are considering suicide, just talk to someone else, if talking to me isn't going to do you any good in the long term, tell someone else!! It's not that I don't care about people, it's just that I'm kind of sick of hearing about everyone elses ongoing problems... Especially people who do nothing but complain, I mean if they don't usually complain about stuff I don't mind as much.

Well I just reread that, it's pretty mean... Arg too bad... I'll write on here when you can feel free to complain to me, probably in December would be a good time... Until then just give me a break. Right now I'm a little too focussed on other things and I think I'd probably just end up saying "shut up and get over it!".

Anyway, I can't wait to go one*, had a pretty crap weekend this time, but never mind. I learnt a lot and that's all that matters, plus I have a lesson every week until Oberon, so that should be fine... But hey the people who read this don't give a damn about my horses and stuff so I'll just shut up now before you all go to sleep..

Actually thinking about that, it's really weird being two different people.. It's like I have my school "me" and my other "me"... both of them are variable depending on what mood I'm in, but they are sooo different.. All my school "me" wants is to get out of school, but then part of it also wants to do well at school, for some reason... Then all my other "me" wants is... well a lot of things really... which I'm not writing here cause I'm sick of peoples judgement of it. Let's just say my dream of what I want to do in my life is, or seems to be, pretty laughable to most people... But anyway, that's not the point of writing this, it's just that I realized this weekend that my school "me" was starting to invade my other "me" and the other way round. My school "me" is soo different, I'm sort of wondering whether people would recognise me if I started being my other "me"... cause I got told to stop being weird on the weekend and then realized I was being my school "me".. Hmm interesting thoughts...But this is probably just getting confusing with all the "me"'s...

Does anyone actually read this by the way? Just interested to know!

Hmm another Italian lesson for today....Actually I don't know... I've run out of every day sort of ones! Cause this phrase book is all about asking about taxis and accomodation and buying condoms.... which is why I'm a little uncertain about practicing them with my mum. She taught me the words for bread (pane), butter (burro), lettuce (salata) and plate (ummm... piatro I think)... So I'm sure they'll come in really handy!

Well I had best be off, I'm trying to finish at least one of the books Mrs McFadden gave to me... ITs about a woman living in India, it's not very interesting but it's pretty short so I should manage to finish it by this afternoon. Tata ciao!

Thursday, October 07, 2004

[*][f][a][i][r] [e][n][o][u][g][h][*]

Hey hey it's... Thursday!

Well today started off very unpromising but ended up being quite good! I was going shopping with my mum in "unexciting shops" (tehe) when she decided to finally listen to me, so anyways we came home with two guinea pigs... We called them Bubble and Squeak.. Tehehe so now they live down in the stables along with my puppy and horse... Yeah now I have scratches all over me from them!

What else? I don't think there was anything else that was remotely interesting.....

Well I did send the entry for Oberon, where I'm doing my first One Star start in a few weeks, so that was exciting, cause now there's no backing out (if for some reason I got scared and decided I might like to!)... For those of you who have no idea what I'm on about... Here's a short (hopefully not too boring) explanation... I do eventing, like in the olympics, and there is dressage, cross country and showjumping... I wont go into what all of them involve.. But basically the levels are Intro, Prelim, Prenovice, One *, Two **, three *** and four****... Intro jumps are up to 85cms, prelim 95ms, prenovice 1.05m, one* 1.10m, two ** 1.20m, three*** 1.25m, four**** about 1.3m I think... Four **** is meant to be olympic level... So basically one* is the beginning of the "big" events, you can't enter ameteur any more cause you are classified as a pro once you have ridden it... Yeah so that's basically the levels! Also at one* you can start doing international competitions, rather than just national ones!

Umm that will do for the moment, if I think of anything later ill write it in a new post

Wednesday, October 06, 2004

[*][R][i][s][h][i]['][s] [p][a][r][t][y] [a][n][d] [s][t][u][f][f][*]

You should just ask him out for drinks and casually slip into the conversation that you'd like to get married and have lots of sex and kids. Haha or that's what Wilson seems to believe we should all do!!!

Anyways Rishi's party was coolies, haha what funy little sharks! Tehe anywayyyyysssssssssssssss...

I took my dog for a walk today, he's such a pathetic fraud... A car comes along so he growls at it and pretends he's all big and brave, but as it goes past he cowers into the nearest bush/bin/high grass/fence he can find. Absolutely pathetic. But my original point was, I don't usually take him for walks, or really walk anywhere except when I'm feeling particularly energetic (like today) and I've discovered I really do enjoy it... I actually really like seeing peoples paddocks and houses and just wishing I could have them, only problem is it's quite depressing knowing that I never will.. On the other hand for those moments I can convince myself maybe in the future I could it is quite good!

Well for those interested (which is probably nobody but this is my blog so deal with it!) I got these photos back from my competition on the first weekend of holidays, they are SO good! Darcy is sooo gorgeous in them!!! Haha anyway nobody cares, so I'll just admire the photos on my own!

Well I can now remember how to ask "how old are you?" in the polite way (not informal) and how to say "I am 16 years old" in italian, I'm quite proud of myself. My next aim is to learn... "what is this called?" = come si chiama questo? and... "do you speak english?" = parli ingleze?

OK well I think I just scared Steph by trying to talk to her in Italian.. she kept replying in latin though, which got very confusing for my brain! For those of you who understand latin: inquit "tu es stultior quam asinus" ... mendax est! Tehe anyways I'll stop with the languages, cause I seem to be rather bad at them, although french is always fun, if I could spell it!

Ummm what to write? Well I was going to write something important, but that was last night and now I'm not in the mood... So instead I will tell everyone the tale of the tic (is it spelt that way??) that I found on my head... You see I was taking my puppy down to the stables (cause he sleeps there) and while putting on my shoe I decided to scratch my head, and found a tic, so I pulled it out and now I have a lumpy thingo where it was, and it hurts and it's annoying me! Grrr!!! So that is the tale of the tic..

I had best be off, but for anyone who cares I am definately doing my first One Star event at oberon... 31st October!! YAY!!!! :D:D:D Okidokie BYEZ!

Tuesday, October 05, 2004

[*][i][t] [w][o][r][k][e][d][*]

Tehe well now that I know how to work this thing (even if it's a very round-about way) I can now blog as long as I want without worrying that it will all disappear when my computer implodes! Ooo apparently I'm not the only person writing in their blog at the moment... OK well I kind of guessed that seeing as millions of people have blogs, but apparently Jasha is also writing. Haha only difference is sommmmee ppeople actually concentrate when they write, whereas I write on this and have 3 other conversations at the same time, makes it more interesting.

Hmm AHAHHHHH how do you change stuff on your MSN profile???? I have a slight suspicion that when SOMEONE was on my msn they changed the picture in my profile... actually I'm sure cause I don't remember putting a picture on there! Damn this!!!! PPLLEEASSSEE!!!! Eek I'm really scared now...

Well I am listening to Evanescence at the moment... it's funny with them, they can either make me happy or put me in a shishey mood (see told you I'm good and don't write/ say the same as what I think! so ner :P)... I like Everybody's Fool... I think I probably like that one the most.. I think with music it's either:
a)you can relate to what the lyrics say
b)you like the tune/voice
c)you have odd fantasies about the person singing (no mentioning names there)
d)you are completely tone deaf and only listen to music cause it makes you seem cool *cough cough*

If you have any other possible suggestions feel free to comment at the bottom of this post, they will be taken into consideration.

See there was a time a while ago when I didn't really like any of the music that was coming out, and I was always worried that people would judge me because I didn't like that must and therefore was odd... Of course after a bit of therapy (just kidding) I realized that the people around me most likely didn't hate me just because I didn't like any of the music... and if they did I should probably just cut off their limbs and throw them in the sea.. Actually that's probably a bit harsh, maybe just tie up their hands and feet then throw them in the sea.

Hey how weird is it when someone you haven't talked to in years and yonks and wooberwackers (my word! tehe) suddenly starts talking to you again... is it just me or do other people immediately suspect they want something? Especially when they've done it a couple of times and it's just cause they have nobody better to talk to..

Hmm I wanna see if people can guess who I like.. I won't tell you if you're right I just wanna know! lol just kidding, if anyone gets it right I'll tell them they are right... No bugging me though! Yeah and sorry to Steph and Kat and Sue but... I couldn't tell you guys (no it's not one of you, don't worry! :D)... well if you guess it you'll know why ok! [if my mother ever happens to read this I only know them from afar or because they are in one of my classes and I was forced to talk to them]

Haha this layout thing I have is very confusing.. Oh well it's nice and bright so everyone can just deal with it! Yeah I don't care if you like it or not! :P nnnneeerrrr

You know how some people don't look other people in the eye... do you all reckon it just means they are lying or do you think there could be other reasons for it? Let's have a vote.. haha I know a vote is a bit stupid but too bad VOTEEEEEEEEE you've bothered reading this so bother voting and be good little sumeritans (or however you spell it!!)

It's funny with these things, I say stuff I wouldn't say usually.. Maybe cause there is no reply it feels like nobody is going to read it so I can be open with stuff.. Seriously sometimes I have to stop myself writing stuff I know I will regret later, actually there's the chance I've already done that... but I'm trying to be more daring with what I say instead of just immediately thinking of every little consequence.. Now I only think of a few! haha maybe not.. I've only started this whole theory today so it's still on trial, and probably will die out in the next week or so!!

Haha nice little scary story I just thought people might like to know... If you don't like little kids and the crap that comes out of their mouth just skip this bit... it made me want to run away so I'm sure it can make other people too! This little girl was on a camp I was working on and she came up and sat on me (she's damn heavy too!! no surprise, she at 3 times as much as me, and i eat a lot!!) then goes "you're my mummy" and I said "umm no I'm not. just don't go there" so she decides to be a wonderful little child and say "yes you are, and I need breastfeeding"... At which point my choices were sit there and laugh and try not to scream or run away... Run away was looking good, only i still had the lump sitting on my legs, so i laughed, pushed her off then moved away fast!

Hey hey guys there might be some news tomorrow! I sure hope so! But then maybe I wont be one of the only people who knows something other people don't.. Actually I know 3 things other people dont (and no Steph I don't mean about cheating in monopoly!!!!which I never did ;) it was Wilson!)...

Anyways I had best be off, I'm meant to have had dinner and be sleeping (due to a lack of sleep last night).. but I think these drugs (Codral, guys don't get any untrue beliefs) keep you awake... The daytime ones that is! But anyway I was saying about having to go, so I'll leave Steph to her impure thoughts about things mentioned in Love Actually!

Tata, farewell, ciao, au revoir, adios (dunno how to spell it), byyyeeezzzzzzz

[*][t][h][i][s] [i][s] [t][h][e] [m][o][m][e][n][t][*]

Haha well it's not really but for some reason I have that song stuck in my head... It's pretty old, anyone know it? Oh well I'll put the lyrics here while I think of something better to write!

This is the moment;

this is the day
This is the moment
when I know I’m on my way
Every endeavor I have made ever
Is coming into play,
is here and now today.

This is the moment,
this is the time
When the momentum
and the moment are in rhyme
Give me this moment,
this momentous moment;
I'll gather up my past,
and make some sense at last.

This is the moment,
when all I've done
All of the dreaming,
scheming and screaming
becomes one.

This is the day,
just see it shine
When all I've lived for
becomes mine.

This is the moment,
this is the hour
When I can open
tomorrow like a flower.
And with my hand to,
everything I've planned to
Fulfill my grand design;
see all my stars align;

This is the moment,
my final test;
Destiny beckoned,
I never reckoned
second best.
I won't look down,
I must not fall;

This is the moment,
the sweetest moment
of them all.

This is the moment,
forget all the odds
This day or never
I'll sit forever
with the gods.
When I look back
I will recall,
moment for moment
This was the moment,
The greatest moment
of them all.

Hm yeah that's it, but I know a different version, oh well! Anyone know it? Wow that was long eh?! Haha anyways!

Tehe I like minesweeper flags on MSN, I seem to be screwing it up right about now but that doesn't matter! It's cool once you work it out, I like it better than actual Minesweeper cause in that you go boom if you get it wrong whereas this one you just give the other person a go! (And in some cases make it really obvious!)

Finished Minesweeper, after two wins :D haha aww poor ittle Steph! I've also decided that I want to learn Italian, I mean I wanted to before, and was going to do it at TAFE after school but I want to start now, so I've bought myself a phrase book. Interestingly enough there is a lesson on how to say very not nice things! lol here:
chi se ne frega? = who gives a damn?
va' al diavolo! = go to hell!
che rottura di palle! = you're breaking my balls!

I like the language, it's cool... and I found out why it sounds cool, it's not even the words it's just that you emphasize the second last syllable of the last word in the sentence, that's why it sounds great! Tehe I can go to Italy if I learn how to speak it well!

Okidokie well I should bugger off now, tata! (Ciao!!!)

Monday, October 04, 2004

[*][s][e][c][o][n][d] [a][t][t][e][m][p][t][*]

Well let's try again!! See if my computer can manage this!!!
As I was saying I decided to start a new blog cause my last attempt was way too depressing, but so that this one doesn't end up like that I have decided to keep the other one for some siphoning (wow is that spelt right? It looks like.... a made-up word!!)

Anyways I should be writing something interesting........... Hmm well..... You know that song.. Scar? By ummm Missy somethingorother... Yeah I kinda like that song at the moment... For those of you who have no idea which one I'm going on about, I'll copy and paste the lyrics, ready, set, go!

He left a card a bar of soap

Actually you know what, i can't be bothered... I'll just do the chorus! Everyone who does know the song, singalong time!!!

Doesn't that sound familiar

doesn't that hit so close to home
doesn't that make you shiver
the way things could have gone
and doesn't it feel peculiar
when everyone wants a little more
so that I too remember to never go that far
could you leave me with a scar?

Wow I've put a lot of effort into this, my computer better not be all loserish and decide not to work again, actually I don't have a layout yet... I wonder what it will look like! Haha I can add links to all the other blogs I found out today! That was fun! I found out a lot of things today and yesterday! Of course I can't write them on here because I might suddenly be found dead under a bridge... I mean the certain people I'm talking about have watched a lot of murderish movies, and might have gotten some inspiration!

Haha well I'm gunna finish this to see if it works! TATA!